Another problem to consider is just the sheer number and variety of kennels out there. Some are plastic, others metal. Some are soft-sided with hard tops, and others are hard-shell all around, while others can collapse for easier storage and travel. Sounds confusing? Don’t worry. We have some recommendations for you to check out.
It’s true that it’s more fun to shop around for dog toys and treats. But getting a dog kennel for indoor or outdoor use is just as important. You want to make sure you get a kennel that’s both practical and comfortable for your little friend, especially if you’re looking for large dog kennels. Consider if you need one that’s portable or perhaps one that has a cover to protect from rain or sun.
MidWest Homes for Pets Dog Crate
Best Overall
This “All-inclusive Dog Crate” is ideal for adult dogs weighing 41 to 70 pounds. It has two heavy-duty slide bolt latches to keep the door closed, protecting you and your dog. It also comes with a divider panel and a durable dog tray for added value.
Zampa Portable Kennel
Best Portable
If you’re looking for a kennel that’s portable, this is the one to get. It’s designed as an eight-panel playpen, with a spacious interior and extra pockets on the outside to carry personal items and drinks with you. No assembly is required, and it folds completely flat for easy travel.
Lucky Dog Heavy Duty Dog Kennel
Best with Cover
If you plan on keeping a kennel outside, you should consider getting one with a cover to protect your dog from the elements. This one comes with a waterproof roof cover that fits perfectly and is even ultraviolet resistant.
Our dogs have a natural “den” instinct. That means they tend to prefer an area in which they secure and enclosed for naps and lounging. The right dog kennel can help them feel safer, especially when they’re anxious, like when traveling or when they just arrive to a new home or yard. Hopefully, these top picks can help.