A collared pet is a safe and happy pet. Investing in a collar to identify your pet is a smart decision to ensure both your and your pet remain together happily and healthily. Not only can it help keep your pet safe, but it can also be a fashion statement for your day. Feature your furry friend’s personality by finding the perfect collar for them from this list.
The use of collars in conjunction with leashes can help your pet stay safe and sound in your home. A leather collar could help reunite you and your pet if they ever do get loose. Additionally, a collar can be comfortable and stylish, both functional and beautiful. Here are a few of our favorite recommendations for pet collars.
Warner Cumberland Leather Dog Collar
Best with Brass ID Tag
Warner Cumberland leather collars are sturdy and comfortable and great for medium and large dogs. Coming in four different color options and with a customizable, engraved brass ID, these will be great for identifying your dog and making sure they remain happy and comfortable.
Custom Catch Personalized Dog Collar
Best with Custom Engraving
Custom Catch dog collars come in an assortment of colors and can be customized with names and phone numbers. Several sizes are available in the durable leather, and can be personalized (with names, phone numbers, etc.) according to your preferences.
AOLOVE Basic Classic Padded Leather Pet Collars
Best Value
AOLOVE collars are made of durable leather with well-made hardware, and are available in 10 different colors. A strong and sturdy collar, it is also very affordable.
The use of a collar on your pet will put your mind at ease and will help keep them safe and happy. The crossover between function and fashion is a great plus, and these durable, eye-catching collars will keep your pets safe and ensure a happy life for both you and your dog. This list should help you find the perfect collar for you and your dog.