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The best aquarium light for plants

Aquarium lights are a must in every tank. Depending on the light you get, you can enhance your fish’s lives, promote the growth of your plants and make your tank look lively and fun. There are LED lights that require less energy to run, which will save you money. LED lights are great because they usually come in different colors like white or blue. Choose white for a bright, clean look, or blue LED’s for a dark, night mode feeling. Some lights are designed specifically for the night. They can create a dim light that provides a relaxing environment for your fish. No matter how dim or bright you want your tank to be, aquarium lights oftentimes come with various lighting features. You can buy one light that can be set to best suit the time of day. Look for a light that is best for you and your aquarium.

Lighting is everything. That phrase is said a lot in the world of fashion, photography, and design. And, since aquariums are a type design piece, it applies to them as well. Lighting is much more to an aquarium than just looks, however. It can enhance and promote plant growth and create a more comfortable environment for your fish. It is important to either have a night mode light or turn off your bright light during nighttime to allow for your fish to rest. Luckily, there are so many great options available to choose from. You can easily find one that will fit your tank’s designs and needs.

NICREW Classic LED Aquarium Light

Best Led Light

This light is designed for convenience and easy maintenance. The LED lights embedded in this light structure are long lasting. This aquarium light is adjustable, with the support brackets ranging from 18 inches to 24 inches. If you’re tired of the plain, old white color, you can switch it up and turn these LED lights blue. The blue color is great for nighttime or when your apartment is dark.

Koval LED Aquarium Light

Best Night Mode

This LED light can light up in five different colors to allow for a cool appearance anytime. You won’t have to worry about replacing any LEDs soon with this light, either. Each LED light is designed to last over 50,000 hours, making this light long lasting and reliable. The adjustable bracket that supports this light allows you to fit tanks from 45 inches to 50 inches in length. This light is also available in two smaller sizes for smaller tanks.

Hygger Aquarium Light

Best Light Brightness

This a thinner option in comparison to a lot of others. You will love how bright and lively your tank will look with these great aquarium lights. You can choose between metal or plastic adjustable brackets for mounting on your tank. The brightness of the lights can be adjusted between 100% maximum brightness or dimmed at a 10% minimum. If you want to keep your fish on a regular schedule, you can set the timer to turn the light on and off. This is a great feature since fish do well when a morning and a night pattern is established.

Aquariums are a fun and beautiful addition in any room. They draw the eye and give a glimpse into the underwater world. The best way to see this underwater world and all that it entails is with an aquarium light. These lights come in many styles. Some are designed to be bright and vibrant, while others are made to be dimmed for nighttime viewing. No matter what style you want for your tank, it is important that you find one that fits your needs while also keeping your plants and fish comfortable. Check out some of the best LED, nighttime and bright light options that will bring a beautiful finish to any tank.

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PawTracks Contributor
Why do birds bob their heads? These are the reasons parrots and other birds do it
This behavior is a natural response
Parrot bobbing his head

Parrots are hilarious and clever birds that make for a wonderful pet. They will fill your home with well-timed squaws and maybe some funny catchphrases. They also have one of the most incredible body languages in the animal kingdom and are often recognized for their peculiar head bobbing.

Bird owners spend hours observing the many messages these guys send with their movements. So, why do birds bob their heads? We'll explain why parrots head bob and also why other types of birds do it as well.

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Best hamster bedding: The safest options for your furry friend
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Hamster in wood shavings in cage

To be healthy and happy, your hamster needs bedding that he can burrow into. Bedding absorbs urine and gives your hamster a soft, safe surface. But finding the best hamster bedding can take time, especially if you're new to owning a hamster.

Best hamster bedding
While it's sensible to look for cheap hamster bedding options, it's just as important to ensure that you're buying a product that's also safe for your little guy. The following bedding types are not only affordable but also pet-friendly and available at stores and online retailers.
Aspen shavings
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Can guinea pigs eat apples? Yes, but there are risks involved
These are the fruits your guinea pig can eat (and the ones to avoid)
Guinea pig eats an apple

Sharing a meal brings us closer to other humans and to our pets. It's fun to break out the snacks and cut a carrot in half — half for you and half for your small creature. Many of the little guys, such as guinea pigs, rely on these foods as part of a balanced diet.

Guinea pigs are herbivores that love to munch on a variety of plants, including fruits. Too much of one thing, though, will throw off their diet, and you need to be careful not to give your rodent anything they can't digest. These guys have naturally delicate systems, so be careful before you reach for just anything in your kitchen. Can guinea pigs eat apples? Certainly, if they're prepared properly. 

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