Understanding your pet’s needs is the most important responsibility we have as owners. Make sure you are feeding your bunny a variety of green leafy vegetables, plenty of hay or grass, and the occasional carrot too. Check out this list with the best rabbit food available and treat your pet to the best.
Your bunny’s diet has three main components: hay, pellets, and vegetables. The combination of food sources provides the perfect balance of nutrients and protects their delicate digestive system. Along with plenty of water, occasional treats, and a lot of love, these carefully selected suggestions will make your bunny grow strong and playful.
Kaytee Forti-Diet Rabbit Food
Best with Probiotics
The Kaytee Forti-Diet Rabbit Food is a complete healthy formula that includes every essential nutrient needed for a proper diet. Featuring probiotics for digestive health, this veterinarian-recommended variety includes larger chunky pieces to promote natural chewing.
Small Pet Select Rabbit Food
Best Food Pellets
If you are looking for the very best pellets, the Small Pet Select Rabbit Food is a longtime favorite of many experienced bunny owners. This premium-quality formula is high in fiber and milled in small batches to guarantee freshness. They are a farm-to-bunny type of food that your pet will love from the first bite.
Oxbow Timothy Hay
Best Premium Hay
For those who want to feed their bunny with only the best, the Oxbow Timothy Hay is a superior quality food that meets very high nutritional standards that include a high concentration of fiber to better the health of your pet. Grown and harvested for small pets, every bag has been hand-selected and hand-sorted in the U.S.
Show your bunny your love and care by taking care of their dietary needs. Make sure you are not overfeeding them with sweet treats and avoid any harmful foods. A variety of hay types should always be the base of a healthy diet, complemented by other recommendations on our list of the best rabbit food out there.