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7 cat food storage solutions that just make sense

Cat food storage solutions keep cat food fresh
Miles Studio/Shutterstock

We love our little feline darlings. But hitting the market every day for fresh food gets expensive. One of the easiest ways to save money is to purchase large bags of dry cat food. But how to protect that investment and keep the food from getting stale, moldy, or (worst of all) soggy? Food storage containers solve the problem beautifully. These handy, helpful bins let you maintain weeks’ or even months’ worth of dry food, all fresh as the day you open the bag. We have seven different cat food storage options to choose from, catering to different owners’ needs.

Why use food storage containers?

Keeping open bags of cat food presents several problems for owners:

  • Clutter: Depending on how many pets you have in your house, bags pile up.
  • Waste: Spoiled food is money out the window. Some bags come with resealable options, but none of them provide airtight seals, and you don’t want your cat to inadvertently eat rotten food.
  • Risk: Clever cats quickly learn how to scratch into a bag of dry food. You may come home to find cat food spilled across the floor — not to mention a seriously full kitty.

Food storage containers help prevent all these problems. Regardless of the design you choose, your cat’s food stays tucked away. Each time you open the container, your cat gets a fresh scoop of food. And even the smartest cats struggle to figure out latches on storage, keeping food safely out of reach.

So, let’s dive into seven types of cat food storage containers and see which might fit you and your cat the best.

1. The automatic feeder

Automatic feeders make excellent food storage devices. Depending on the style, they’ll hold an entire bag of food without a problem. You have simple gravity-style feeders, which keep the bowl full at all times (not the best option for cats prone to overeating). Or you can splurge and get a programmable automatic feeder. With such options as recordable messages, cameras for checking on your pets, and multiple feeding settings, the sky’s the limit for handy features! Automatic feeders don’t always form the most airtight seals, though. And some are trickier to clean than others. Look your choice over carefully before you buy.

2. The hefty food storage container

If you have more than one cat, odds are that you buy cat food in bulk. And while a cabinet full of neatly stacked plastic containers might not look bad, you probably don’t want to sacrifice half your kitchen to cat food storage. The Bergan Smart Storage eases your concerns. Because it holds up to 50 pounds of dry cat food, you can afford to bring home the jumbo bag. The easy-access flap accommodates a scoop without a problem, letting you dish out food to everyone at one time — without taking up the entire kitchen with cat food.

3. The measured food storage container

No one likes admitting their cat needs to lose a few ounces. And pouring out a diet-size portion of dry food through a tub or open bag gets difficult. Having a built-in measuring cup takes the guesswork out of diet regulation. Pission’s Pet Food Storage Container secures a measuring cup into the lid. The pour spout makes feeding time even easier, risking fewer chances of kibble spilling onto the table or floor. You even get a grooved handle for a sure hold. For people concerned with precise food portioning, this food storage container earns top marks.

4. The metal food storage container

Plastic may rule supreme when it comes to cat food storage containers, but not everyone likes that look in their kitchen. If you prefer a shinier aesthetic, you can find metal storage containers. They aren’t as airtight, but they have smoother interiors, which makes them easier to clean. Just make sure you opt for stainless steel or lead-free carbon steel when you’re shopping. Other base-metal options will start to rust over time, and your pets could end up with harmful chemicals leaching into their food.

5. The plastic food storage container

BPA-free plastic bins with a latched lid represent the most common cat food storage container. These plastic containers have the best airtight seals, keeping your cat’s food fresh every time you pop it open. The IRIS USA Airtight Food Storage Container works for the owner who wants to minimize kitchen clutter. The low profile fits neatly into a cabinet or on the shelf. The smooth sides prevent kibble from getting trapped into corners, allowing easy cleaning (always an important detail).

6. The split-level food storage container

Plenty of people own dogs and cats. But dog food and cat food bags come in different sizes. If you want to take care of the entire family at one time, consider a food storage container along the lines of the IRIS USA 3-Piece Airtight Pet Food Storage Container. Two separate compartments allow you to store your dog’s and cat’s foods in one handy place. The wheels help prevent you from throwing out your back moving the storage container around. And you get a bonus scoop. It’s the best way to balance a mixed household.

7. The stackable food storage container

Say you have a variety of animals in your house — or even cats with multiple dietary needs. You don’t want to take up a lot of space, but you also don’t want to hit the pet store every other day. Gamma2 Vittles provides multiple sizes of stackable food storage containers. The twist-close lids prevent your cats from sneaking snacks between meals while keeping the food superfresh. And you won’t have to give up much room in your kitchen!

Storage to the rescue!

Cat food storage containers ease the burden of food spoilage, high food costs, and loss of space in your kitchen. Your cat gets a fresh meal each time, and you can still move around without tripping. No matter what your situation, you can find a storage solution that works wonders for you and your kitty.

Andria Kennedy
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Andria's work has appeared in and the Bidwell Hollow Literary Newsletter. When she's not writing about pets…
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Why do cats like being pet?

Like so many things, you need to understand their basic nature to have a better sense of why they yearn for your attention. Even in the wild, you might see cats groom and snuggle together, which has evolved into head scratches and belly rubs. Why else do kitties want you to stroke them? Here are four reasons.
It feels good
You may also spy your cat rolling on the carpet, lying in the sun, or licking their paws. While these actions can have practical reasons, for the most part, our beasties engage in the behaviors because they feel good. Cats can also be satisfied by a petting session from their human, and so they will look for you to fulfill this need.
They like you
It can be tricky to build trust with your pet, but once that's established, your cat will love to act affectionately toward you. You'll find them start to approach you more, perhaps rubbing against your legs or wanting to sit on or near you. Eventually, you'll graduate to outright petting and then they'll be asking for pats all the time.
You should smell like them
Many animals feel that their humans need to smell like them, which is a form of ownership to your mouser. Once you are scented just like your kitty, everyone will know that you're part of their group and belong to them. Cats also rub their bodies, and therefore pheromones, on things in your household, like your bed or your clothes, for the same reasons.
They want attention
We all crave attention sometimes — even our elusive cats. When they want you to notice them, it could be as a result of boredom or anxiety, but they also might just want you to dote on them, as they deserve. You'll soon pick up on your sweet pet's personal preferences and get a good feeling for when they want some love.
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