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The best cat beds for indoor cats

Everyone loves having a comfy bed. It is the best place to rest after a long day at work or a long day of playing with a ball of yarn. So, it is important that both you and your cat have a comfy bed to call your own. You love your cat and all of their quirky tendencies, so you want to provide them with the best products you can find. A bed is a safe space for them to sleep comfortably and get that good cat nap that they deserve. Luckily, there are many fun, comfy, and creative options for cat beds.

Beds are meant to be cozy. They are designed to lull you to sleep for a good nap or night’s sleep. The same goes for your cat. They deserve a comfortable bed that they love to go to for coziness and warmth. Some cat beds are enclosed while others are designed to be comfy and big. Then there are perched cat beds that can be attached to windows or walls for your more adventurous feline. The options are endless.

Kitty City Indoor Cat Condo

Best Versatile Cat House

This product is essentially a cube-shaped box with a hole for your cat to enter through. It also features a padded perch on top, cozy fabric walls, and comes in a fun, modern design.

Best Friends by Sheri OrthoComfort Deep Dish Cuddler

Most Cozy

This bed is designed for the ultimate comfort with high sides and sherpa fabric. It’s perfect for helping cats with separation anxiety feel secure. It has a waterproof bottom and comes in several colors.

Kitty Cot Original World's Best Cat Perch

Unique Indoor Cat Bed

This cat perch mounts to windows via suction cups. Approved by the Humane Society, it is made with PVC piping and has steel support cables. The high-quality fabric is comfortable and durable.

A comfy cat bed is a must for any cat owner. It is a place for your indoor cat to relax after a crazy playtime or a long day of snacks and meowing. There are many great cat bed options that will best suit your cat’s unique personality. You are sure to find one that both you and your cat will love.

PawTracks Contributor
PawTracks Contributor
Can cats get dementia? The answer may be surprising
Understanding the signs, causes, and treatment of this disease in cats
An orange cat at the vet

Dementia is a well-known disease that can affect humans, especially Alzheimer's. If you've watched a loved one go through it, you know how heartbreaking it can be to see someone forget how to care for themselves, significant life events, and the names of their nearest and dearest. You may start to notice a cat display similar symptoms — they're angrier than usual and seem to forget where they are (and where the litter box is).

Can cats get dementia, though? The short answer — unfortunately — is that cats can get dementia. However, many signs of dementia in cats can also indicate another issue, so it's important to work with a vet for an accurate diagnosis. That way, you can make the best decisions for your pet. Still, understanding the signs, causes, and treatment options for cat dementia can empower you to take quick action to keep your cat safe and comfortable.
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Close-up of a Maine Coon's face

There are plenty of big and fluffy cats out there, but one of the best-known breeds fitting this description is the massive, majestic Maine Coon. These cats are not only impressive in size, but they also tend to have fantastic personalities that make them beloved family pets. While purebred Maine Coons are a little more uncommon in rescues and shelters, it's possible to adopt a Maine Coon mix that still has some of the breed's distinctive characteristics.

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Gray cat curled up under a fluffy blanket

If your cat sleeps under the covers with you, you're not alone. While having your fur baby curled up against you sounds like a cozy way to fall asleep, it's not always good for your sheets — or your health. Not only can cats leave behind some of their hair, but there's also the possibility that they'll bring traces of litter into your bed. Yuck!

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