It’s good to look for a treatment that’s strong enough but will not harm your cat. If you’re going for a topical one, make sure that it’s waterproof. Many treatments will last around 30 days, so it’s good to consider your long-term budget before committing. Here are our top picks for the best cat flea treatment.
One of the most popular treatments is a flea collar. But if some of the disadvantages of a collar turn you or your cat off, you might be interested in topical or treatments or capsules. Advancements in medicine available over-the-counter have made these cheaper and more popular than ever, so they’re a great choice to consider.
Frontline Plus Flea & Tick Treatment for Cats
Best Overall
Frontline is a known and trusted company that’s been helping cat owners for over 20 years. The product will last for 30 days, which will help you avoid reinfection and keep your home clean and safe. It is waterproof as well.
Bayer Animal Health Flea Prevention for Cats
Best for Indoor Cats
Bayer is another company whose reputation you can trust. Its formula works on contact, which means fleas don’t have to bite your cat to be affected by it. That means less irritation for your cat. It’s also easy to apply and starts working within 12 hours.
Capstar Oral Flea Treatment for Cats
Best Oral Alternative
Many cat owners prefer oral alternatives since they’re easier to use and trouble your cat a little less than other treatments. If that’s you, this is a great choice. It starts working within 30 minutes and is safe to use once a day.
Home treatment is another important part in your fight against fleas and ticks, so don’t overlook its benefits. Vacuuming your carpets, sofas, and any of your cats’ favorite sleeping spots regularly is great. It can help pick up eggs and larvae before they become a problem. Home-grade cleaners can also help maintain a safe environment.