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The best crystal cat litter for odor control

There are plenty of benefits of crystal cat litter that puts it above other formulas. The crystalline silica pieces are effective at odor blocking because of their hollow channel structures that can trap moisture and odors inside of them. The moisture locking also helps with making sure that any spray will stay inside the litter box.

When your pet relieves themselves, it’s not a glamorous affair, but you can at least make your cat box look better with these cat litter crystals. These tend to be more aesthetically pleasing than standard types of cat litter. The crystals and the cat litter tend to be dust-free so that all of the litter stays in the box and you will not have to deal with litter dust in the air.

PetSafe Premium Crystal Cat Litter

Best for Scoop-free Trays

If you want to keep your hands free from cleaning up after your cat, the PetSafe Premium Crystal Cat Litter box tray refills will keep your cat smelling pretty and your time free to get other things done. The crystal cat litter will absorb urine and dehydrate any solid waste to remove odors so you never have to deal with it. The crystals are low-tracking and dust-free, so there will be no litter outside of the box. The plastic lining on the tray will make this easy to bag up and clean out.

Fresh Step Crystals Premium Cat Litter

Best for longer use

One of the best things about crystal cat litter is its longevity, and the Fresh Step Crystals Premium Cat Litter lasts up to 30 days for a long-lasting odor control. This makes litter box maintenance so much easier because you only have to change out the entire litter box every few weeks instead of every week. An 8-pound bag of this crystal cat litter is equivalent to 28 pounds of a standard cat litter, so you really are getting a big bang for your buck.

Ultrapet Ultra Cat Litter

Best Budget

All of the benefits of crystal cat litter do not have to come at a premium cost. The Ultrapet Ultra Cat Litter is a great cat litter that is made to be soft on your cat’s paws while they do their business. The crystals create thousands of channels for moisture and odors to get trapped in. It will dry out any solid waste for easy cleanup. The micro beads and litter may look small, but they will not kick up and leave dust in the air either.

Treat your cat like the royalty they are with the crystals to match. The crystal litter lasts longer and will give you a convenience that other litter brands simply will not. The litter keeps your home smelling fresh, and you may not even notice your cat going to use the litter box. Go ahead and get yourself that peace of mind.

PawTracks Contributor
PawTracks Contributor
Why do cats eat plastic (and when you should be concerned)?
The reasons for this behavior might be surprising
Cat in a basket with plastic bag

Cats are quirky — sometimes puzzling — creatures. Part of the fun of kitty parenthood is laughing off these funny, curious traits and perhaps looking into what each might mean. Is your cat staring at you because they're plotting against you? Why does your cat want to sleep on your chest? Does your kitty wish you would get back to the office already after several years of this work-from-home thing?

Often, these questions — and our search for answers — are all in good fun. Cats are cats, and that's why we love them. Yet, if your cat eats plastic, you might wonder, "Why does my cat eat plastic?" You'll want to get a formal answer to this question from a vet.

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Can a cat’s tail really fall off?
Here's how to keep this appendage safe from hazards
A person scratches their cat's back

We humans have many great qualities, but we are left lacking without one of the most important aspects of the average mammal: the tail. Our pets can communicate extensively with this appendage, not to mention use it for balance (and, of course, some animals can even grab things with it).

When your dog or cat gets a tail injury, it can become serious and nearly always requires medical attention. Can a cat's tail fall off? The truth is, it can happen in some cases. While rarely fatal, depending on the underlying cause, cat tails need attention just like everything else on your pet. Here is what you should know about your feline's rear extremity.
Can a cat's tail fall off?

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Is your cat obese? 5 ways to help them slim down
Obesity left unchecked can lead to health problems
An obese tabby cat perched on a red wooden table

World Pet Obesity Week is in the fall, so it's the purrfect chance to get your kitty on a diet to slim down in time. According to a survey conducted by the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP), roughly 61% of cats and 59% of dogs in the U.S. alone are overweight or obese. While few things are more adorable than a chunky cat, obesity in cats comes with a multitude of health risks.

Have you been wondering if your cat needs to lose a few pounds? We're here to share how you can tell if your cat is obese, the potential health problems caused by cat obesity, and five helpful things you can do to help them lose weight. 
What causes obesity in cats?

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