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The best extra large litter boxes for big cats

When it comes to getting a good litter box, it needs to be large enough for your cat while also being functional for cleaning purposes. Extra large litter boxes are ideal for anyone with a large cat or more than one cat or who needs a little more time when it comes to cleaning up the box. Extra large litter boxes provide more room for your cat to go, which means you can get away with cleaning it a little less often. If you have a large cat, they will be able to go more comfortably in an extra large litter box. These large litter boxes are also great for if you have more than one cat. It allows for extra bathroom space whenever they need to go. No matter what kind of cat you have, an extra large litter box will ensure that your cat can go comfortably, quickly, and easily.

Extra large litter boxes are great for many reasons and many purposes. They provide ample space for any cat to relieve themselves comfortably. No matter what size your cat is, they will love having a large, spacious area to relieve themselves in. Extra large litter boxes are also great for any cats who like to dig. Digging can cause a big mess in your home, and the best way to keep the litter from going everywhere is with an extra large litter box. This way, whenever your cat decides to dig, the litter box will be able to keep everything inside. Having a cat is already a low-maintenance job, but the best way to make cat ownership even easier is with an extra large litter box. You will love how much cleaner your home stays, and your cat will love having ample room to do their business.

Petmate Litter Pan

Best Overall

The Petmate Litter Pan is a large cat litter pan that provides ample space on all sides for cats to do their business comfortably. It is great for small cats or kittens to access, as well. This jumbo cat litter box features a wide base to keep the mess contained within the pan for litter-free floors. It features a rim on all sides to allow for easy lifting and moving of the pan. The dimensions of this pan are 18.5 inches by 15.3 inches. You can swiftly clean up after your cat while at home. This jumbo box is an affordable litter box. It is made from a sturdy plastic blend and comes in a great gray color.

Van Ness Cat Litter Pan

Best for Digging Cats

The Van Ness Cat Litter Pan is a great litter box for any cat. It is ideal for cats who like to dig. It is super deep and wide, allowing for your digging cat to dig comfortably without you having to worry about the mess they might make. This pan has a highly polished finish that is odor and stain resistant. This litter pan is ideal for cats who urinate “high” because its high sides reduce or prevent any mess it may cause. This litter pan is very easy to clean so you can give it a good wash in no time. This product is available in a gray or bright green finish that you can choose from depending on your preference. It is made from a sturdy plastic to ensure a long-lasting and durable product.

CatGenie Self Cleaning Cat Box

Easiest to Maintain

The CatGenie Self Cleaning Cat Box is a great, self-cleaning litter box that takes all the work out of litter box maintenance. This product includes one CatGenie 120 unit, one box of washable granule, and one SaniSolution cartridge. This litter box eliminates cat litter from your life. It uses litterlike material, which is washable granules that never need changing. This box washes itself clean with veterinarian-approved SaniSolution and water after every cat visit. Your cat will always be able to come to a box that is not only clump free, but is also waste, dust, and odor free. This product comes with a two-year warranty and customer support seven days a week.

You want to make sure your cat is comfortable, happy, and content. Cats are super independent animals. They are easier to care for than dogs because you don’t have to worry about last-minute walks or trips outside to go potty. One of the best kinds of litter boxes for your cat is an extra large one. Extra large litter boxes are great for a variety of reasons. They can accommodate larger cat breeds like Maine Coons, or they are great for any cat who likes excessive digging in the litter box. No matter what kind of cat you have, they will absolutely love having an extra large litter box to call their own.

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