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There’s a subreddit dedicated to all the weird stuff cats do and we love it

It’s so much fun sharing our homes with cats. Whether chasing laser beams, swatting at flies, or chattering away while watching birds through the window, they frequently make us laugh out loud. And then there are those kitties whose strange antics leave us scratching our heads wondering what’s going on in those little minds. There’s an awesome subreddit channel devoted to weird stuff cats do, and we know you’re sure to love it as much as we do. Here’s a sampling of some of the weird cats featured on the site.

Yes, that is a potato 🙂 from CatsAreWeird

This gray kitty with those gorgeous brown eyes got caught in the act of carrying around a new toy. Apparently, she just grabbed a potato from the bag and started playing with it. While it’s weird and funny, it’s worth noting that a potato is definitely not the best toy for a kitty. According to an article in Catster magazine, eating raw or unripe potatoes can cause severe digestive upset and negatively affect the nervous system of cats and kittens.

Who else’s cat sits like this? from CatsAreWeird

Something has caught this tabby’s attention as she sits in this unusual position. According to an article in Metro newspaper about cats who enjoy sitting like humans, “There’s no actual scientific reason to explain why cats occasionally sit like this…” Likely, it’s because they find these funny poses to be comfortable.  Whatever the reason, it’s certainly entertaining for us.

Cats are weird: PROOF from CatsAreWeird

This precious kitty wouldn’t use her lovely new fleece-lined bed until her family supplied her with a cardboard box. While there are lots of reasons why cats love boxes, Purina experts say that the main one is because they enjoy being confined in enclosed spaces. Finding a place where they can “… hunt prey and feel safe and warm is an instinctive behavior for cats,” according to the pet food company.

I am bat, not cat from CatsAreWeird

How funny is this bat-like cat? Looks like he might be planning to pounce on some unsuspecting family member. In a Vox article on why our cats are so weird, veterinarian Tony Buffington explains that “Cats today retain many of the same instincts that allowed them to thrive in the wild for millions of years.” Buffington says, “This explains some of their seemingly strange behaviors: To them, our homes are their jungles.”

Liquid Kitty from CatsAreWeird

This beautiful orange tabby took on the shape of the glass container she’s relaxing in. How can she be comfortable squashed up like that? According to an article in The Mercury News, cats will often retreat to strange places to avoid conflict.  Their “hiding place” is often a cardboard box or a shelf, but it can be other odd places too. For example, bowls, bathroom sinks, or coffee mugs, and in this cat’s case, stretched out in what looks like an empty aquarium.

Now, it’s your turn. Does your feline friend have weird character traits? If so, be sure to snap a few shots and post them on Reddit. Other cat enthusiasts will surely enjoy viewing and commenting on your precious kitty’s odd behavior.

Vera Lawlor
Vera was the pet columnist for 201 Family magazine and has contributed pet and animal welfare articles to Bone-A-Fide Mutts…
Why do cats like being pet? (and where you should pet them)
This is the right way to pet a cat
A woman lies in bed petting her cat

Every cat owner has gone to pet their fur baby, only to get swatted in the face by their kitty. Sometimes, it can seem like cats don't enjoy affection at all. But while these finicky animals might prefer you pet them only on their terms, most cats do want pats from time to time, in the right places, of course. So why do cats like being pet? We'll walk you through where, how, and why to pet your four-legged feline friend.
Why do cats like being pet?

Like so many things, you need to understand their basic nature to have a better sense of why they yearn for your attention. Even in the wild, you might see cats groom and snuggle together, which has evolved into head scratches and belly rubs. Why else do kitties want you to stroke them? Here are four reasons.
It feels good
You may also spy your cat rolling on the carpet, lying in the sun, or licking their paws. While these actions can have practical reasons, for the most part, our beasties engage in the behaviors because they feel good. Cats can also be satisfied by a petting session from their human, and so they will look for you to fulfill this need.
They like you
It can be tricky to build trust with your pet, but once that's established, your cat will love to act affectionately toward you. You'll find them start to approach you more, perhaps rubbing against your legs or wanting to sit on or near you. Eventually, you'll graduate to outright petting and then they'll be asking for pats all the time.
You should smell like them
Many animals feel that their humans need to smell like them, which is a form of ownership to your mouser. Once you are scented just like your kitty, everyone will know that you're part of their group and belong to them. Cats also rub their bodies, and therefore pheromones, on things in your household, like your bed or your clothes, for the same reasons.
They want attention
We all crave attention sometimes — even our elusive cats. When they want you to notice them, it could be as a result of boredom or anxiety, but they also might just want you to dote on them, as they deserve. You'll soon pick up on your sweet pet's personal preferences and get a good feeling for when they want some love.
Why don't some cats like petting?

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Decoding cat tail language: Why cats shake their tails
What your cat is trying to tell you by shaking their tail
A light-colored cat tail against a dark, carapeted floor

The idea that a cat's tail can tell a tale isn't just a fun play on words. Kitties speak to us through vocalizations (like purrs and growls) and body language. A cat's tail can let us know they're happy or even stressed to the max.

A wagging tail is often a sign of happiness in the dog world. Cats are a different animal, though. Don't speak cat tail language? You may be concerned or curious about why your cat's tail is shaking. The truth? A quivering tail is only one piece of the puzzle in decoding your cat's mood and health. These insights will take you through common reasons a cat's tail shakes and other clues to help you pinpoint which one applies to your pet.
Learn cat tail language: Why do cats shake their tails?

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Why do cats like earwax? This curious habit explained
Find out about this curious feline behavior
A woman and cat lying on a bed

Cats are curious creatures. Sometimes, you may wonder, "Is this the end for me?" as your kitty saunters toward you. Yet, you find out your cat very much would like to keep you around — and use you for your earwax. You may have heard cats adore going ham on holiday trees and go bananas for tuna. A love of earwax? That one probably was missing from your bingo card. Yet, here we are.

Plot twist: Many cats have a thing for earwax, but why? What gives? Why do cats like earwax? Also, some items like indoor plants are toxic to cats. Is earwax? These questions are all good ones. We dug up some answers, including why cats like earwax and when to be concerned.
Why do cats like earwax?

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