You head into the bathroom to brush your teeth, take a shower, or use the toilet — but you’re not alone. When you have cats, you almost always have company in the bathroom, whether you want it or not. It’s not convenient, but it is pretty typical for many cats. While we might see this behavior as strange, it probably makes perfect sense to your cat.
You may wonder, “Why does my cat follow me to the bathroom?” But the truth is that there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. In fact, there are four potential explanations. One or more may be factoring into your cat’s habits and why you’ll never be able to brush your teeth alone again. Don’t worry–you’ll get used to it if you haven’t already!
The bathroom is full of fun things to play with
Why do cats want to be in the bathroom with you? When you think about it, the bathroom is like a cat playground. It’s full of things they love. Faucets drip water, sinks are perfectly sized to nap in, and the bathtub is tons of fun to play in. Even the bathroom rug is ideal for a nap or a roll around. Don’t get them started about scratching on hanging towels!
Your cat may be seeking out the bathroom because it’s entertaining, especially when you’re in it. If you’re using the faucet or the shower, your cat probably knows that if they’re patient, they can lap up the water droplets that are left behind. Who can really blame cats for wanting to spend time in the bathroom when it’s full of all this fun stuff?
Your cat’s resources are in the bathroom
Sometimes, cat owners place their furry friend’s resources, like food, water, and litter box, in the bathroom. While this makes sense at first since it’s out of the way and leads to easy cleanup, it can end up being more of a hassle than a help when you’re trying to get your cat to leave you alone. Everyone needs a little privacy sometimes!
If this is the case, you have two options: move your cat’s resources outside of the bathroom or accept that you have a bathroom buddy for the foreseeable future. When you need to clean or need some extended time to yourself, you’ll have to move your cat’s food, water, and litter box, temporarily. Most of the time, moving them just outside the bathroom door will do the trick — as long as the door stays closed.
Your kitty knows your routine
Cats find routines reassuring — they’re a standard part of life. You’ve witnessed this any time your cat wakes up just minutes before your alarm goes off or races for the food dish the instant you get up in the morning.
When you use the bathroom, you tend to do so as part of a routine. You brush your teeth and shower in the morning, and you wash your face before bed. For your cat, these habits can be reassuring parts of the day, and they may even signal to your pet when it’s time to get ready for breakfast or curl up for a snooze at night. Your cat may be following you into the bathroom is a routine of their own. It’s comforting!
Your cat wants to spend time with you
Your cat might be following you because they’re feeling social and affectionate and wants to spend time with you. Just as they follow you into the kitchen or living room, your cat probably sees the bathroom as just another room in the house. They may meow at you, try to play, or just want to wrap around your legs when you’re in the bathroom.
If your cat follows you because they want to spend time with you, take it as a compliment. They’re just trying to show you how much they enjoy being with you, even if it’s not the most convenient time — or place — to snuggle up. When this is the case, you may need to add a few extra minutes to your skincare routine.
Your cat enjoys the attention
Think about it — what’s the first thing you do when your cat follows you to the bathroom? Look at them, laugh at them, and talk to them? If you do any of those above, you’re giving your cat attention for following you, and that might be exactly what they’re looking for. Your reaction might be teaching your cat that following you to the bathroom is a good way to get your attention again in the future.
If you pat your kitty and engage with them while brushing your teeth or getting ready to shower, tjeu might learn that the bathroom is a great place to be, especially when you’re there. If you really want this habit to stop, try ignoring your cat for a week or two when they follow you and see what happens.
Most of the time, your cat following you into the bathroom is pretty harmless, but if you’re using cleaning products or just want some private time, then it’s also important to be able to keep your cat out of there. If your cat’s litter box is in the bathroom, then closing them out of the room isn’t ideal. In these cases, you might want to consider relocating the litter box to another space. Otherwise, it’s probably easiest to accept that your cat may continue to shadow you whenever you head into the bathroom. To your cat, hanging out in the bathroom with you makes perfect sense, and chances are, thye’ll stick with the habit.