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Now is the perfect time to go to the dog groomer — here’s why

Although professional grooming is sometimes left to pups with hair rather than fur, all dogs can benefit from a regular trip to the spa. Dogs with hair don’t shed (a dream come true for those with dogs who shed), so their coat will grow longer and longer unless someone intervenes with scissors. Still, any dog can feel the positive effects of visiting a dog groomer, so why not?

If you’ve ever wondered when to go to the dog groomer, go today! It’s never too late to get your dog started on a regular grooming schedule, but it’s also super helpful to have your pup set up with a groomer as we get into the hotter summer months. Even so, grooming provides so many more benefits.

a Yorkshire terrier sits on a grooming table while a groomer cuts their hair

Grooming helps keep your pup cool in the summer months

As summer approaches, so does the heat that comes with it. Since dogs don’t have sweat glands and rely on their respiratory system to keep them cool (you’ll see it as panting), the amount of fur on their bodies actually plays a big role in their comfort.

Nothing refreshes and cools down your furry friend like a short summer haircut. If your dog has hair that needs to be trimmed, this step is absolutely essential. For pups with fur that sheds, a groomer can use professional tools and shampoos to loosen fur and dead skin cells. This will benefit you both: Your dog will be so much cooler, and you won’t have as much fur to clean later.

Safe nail trimming for your dog

Grooming isn’t only about the fur! A professional canine stylist also has the tools and expertise to care for your dog’s nails even better than you can at home. In their controlled environment, your dog will be comfortably restrained to avoid any accidents, and their tools can shorten, file, and beautify your pup’s nails to a T. No more worries about cutting their claws too short!

Nail trimming might seem like such a small detail, but it’s essential to your dog’s safety. Cracked, torn, and infected nails are not uncommon when they get too lengthy, though that’s easily avoided with regular care. Over time, long nails can put extra pressure on your pup’s paw pads and feet, which can cause all kinds of injuries in the legs (via Moncton Animal Hospital). Long fur between the paw pads can be slippery, too, so don’t wait to call a groomer!

a golden retriever stands in the bath and gets a shower from a groomer

Grooming is safer and more thorough than a DIY style

As much as you love and care for your pet, no one can clean him as thoroughly as a professional. There are certain salon-strength products that only licensed groomers can buy, and nothing beats the top-of-the-line tools in their shops. Of course, you can wash your dog in the bathtub and dry him off with a hair dryer, but the job will be done in half the time if you go to a pro.

Groomers may have suggestions for your pup’s appearance that you’ve never even thought of. They might recommend a different style of haircut to keep them comfy (and so cute), or maybe they’ll try a new tool to help your dog stress less in the salon. They’ll be able to catch mats and tangles in your buddy’s fur that you’d otherwise never see, and their sharp eye could even help catch something like a tick, lump, or ear infection before it becomes a huge issue.

Take control of shedding with regular grooming

Even pups who don’t need haircuts can benefit from routine bathing and grooming: Did you know you can de-shed a dog through grooming? The process of de-shedding can be done in numerous ways depending on the dog’s breed and the groomer’s preferences, but no matter which method is chosen, it’s going to be time-consuming.

Thankfully, a groomer’s products and tools will get the job done even more thoroughly than you could at home. Now, you won’t need to worry about constant brushing and cleaning — plus, you can have an hour or two to yourself while your furry friend is at the groomer’s.

Whether the nail trimming, de-shedding, or time saving entices you most, you’ve got so many good reasons to get your pup on a grooming routine. It might take a try or two before you find the stylist of your dog’s dreams, but it’ll be so worth it once you do. Plus, with a comfy shorter style and nicely trimmed nails, your fur baby is going to feel (and look) so fabulous!

Gabrielle LaFrank
Gabrielle LaFrank has written for sites such as Psych2Go, Elite Daily, and, currently, PawTracks. When she's not writing, you…
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