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The 9 smartest dog breeds, ranked

Is your dog on this list? Let's find out

A golden retriever chasing a ball
825545 / Pixabay

Dogs are known as “man’s best friend” for many reasons, including how easy they are to get along with. Dogs are intelligent enough to build relationships with one another and friends from other species, but veterinarians are still discovering how intelligent they are. In fact, most dogs are so clever that they can understand our language and interpret our emotions. What makes some of our canine companions so intellectually gifted?

According to research, a dog’s intelligence is measured in three ways: adaptive intelligence (how easily a dog adapts to changes in his environment), instinctive intelligence (the original purpose of each breed), and obedience (how easily a dog learns tricks and commands). According to these standards, is your fur baby one of the smartest dog breeds? Keep reading to find out.

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#1: Border collie

A close-up shot of a black and white border collie
Thomashonnnn / Shutterstock

When it comes to intellectual prowess, you won’t find a dog breed capable of surpassing the border collie. The world’s smartest dog was a border collie named Chaser, who garnered media attention for learning over 1,000 nouns. Border collies excel in adaptive and instinctive intelligence trials and come out on top in obedience training. One of the best measures of intelligence is how many repetitions a dog needs to learn a new task. The border collie surpasses all other breeds, picking up new commands in five repetitions or fewer. 

#2: Poodle

A white standard poodle stands in the grass with her side to the camera.
Anton Maltsev / Adobe Stock

While the Poodle is often mistakenly dismissed as a dainty — or even spoiled — breed, these curly-coated dogs got their start accompanying hunters, who tasked them with retrieving waterfowl. The world’s second-smartest dog breed scores high marks on obedience and adaptive intelligence tests, and they have the highest instinctive intelligence of all water retriever breeds. Impressively, Poodles have a success rate of 95% or higher when it comes to obeying commands.

#3: German shepherd

A German shepherd lies in the grass
Couleur / Pixabay

Highly intelligent, loyal, and tireless, German shepherds have worked alongside humans since the breed was first standardized in 1889. So, what makes German shepherds such a popular breed? In addition to their intelligence, shepherd breeds are renowned for their eagerness to please. A protective, affectionate breed, German shepherds usually make up some of the top spots in obedience competitions thanks to their ability to learn new tasks in very few repetitions.

#4: Golden retriever

Older golden retriever with mouth open
Angel Luciano / Unsplash

Despite their playful demeanor, Golden retrievers are roughly as intelligent as a two-year-old child. Originally bred to accompany hunters and retrieve their prey, modern-day goldens are often found working as search and rescue dogs. Their keen intellect, willingness to please, and ability to read and interpret our emotions make this family-friendly breed the fourth most intelligent on our list.

#5: Doberman pinscher

A Doberman pinscher lies in the grass
Laith Abushaar / Shutterstock

Sleek, powerful, and noble, the Doberman pinscher hails from Germany. While their ancestry is mysterious, experts believe they’re a combination of several dog breeds, most notably the rottweiler. Dobies are intensely loyal to their human family members, making them one of the most popular guard dogs. And that loyalty is the main reason they’re known as one of the smartest breeds around. At the same time, Dobies are gifted adaptive learners; the seat of their intelligence lies in their innate ability to assess a situation for potential threats.

#6: Shetland sheepdog

A Shetland Sseepdog sits in a grassy field
Nodar Gochashvili / Shutterstock

Shetland sheepdogs, affectionately known as Shelties, come in at number 6 on our list. Shelties excel in working and obedience competitions, but their most notable trait is their instinctive intelligence. Shelties are so clever that they instinctively herd other animals — and sometimes people — without ever receiving instructions to do so. 

#7: Labrador retriever

A yellow Labrador retriever with his tongue hanging out
Noémi Macavei-Katócz / Unsplash

America’s favorite dog, until recently (now it’s the French bulldog), is also one of the smartest. Despite the breed’s name, Labs aren’t from the Canadian province of Labrador. Instead, they come from another part of Canada: Newfoundland. Originally bred to retrieve waterfowl, Labs and their ancestors have worked alongside humans for roughly 500 years. Hardworking, sociable, and easy to train, Labs frequently work as service animals.

#8: Papillon

A Papillon dog wearing a diaper sits in front of a background
Reshetnikov_art / Shutterstock

Small dogs rarely come to mind when we think of the smartest dog breeds. As it turns out, we’re wrong. Named for their butterfly-shaped ears, the Papillon originally hails from France, and it’s the only breed on our list that was bred as a companion animal. The eighth-smartest dog in the world is famous for being a lively, affectionate breed. Papillons learn quickly, and first-time owners are often surprised by how easy they are to train. But their intelligence means they require plenty of exercise and attention.

#9: Australian cattle dog

an Australian Cattle Dog wearing a pink bandana stands on the grass
Kenney Badboy / Unsplash

This breed may be gaining popularity thanks to the hit animated show Bluey, but there’s so much more to learn about this hardworking Australian dog breed. As their name implies, they were bred to herd cattle and assist on the farm, but many Blue Heelers are easygoing as long as they have a job. This dog likes to stay busy and feel a sense of accomplishment after a job well done, so their owners will need to give them lots of physical and mental stimulation.

Smart dog professions

A springer spaniel sniffer dog wearing a work vest.
atiger / Shutterstock

Many of the smartest breeds on our list started as hunting or herding dogs. But most people don’t live on a farm these days, and out of close to 330 million Americans, only 15 million have a hunting license. So, what’s a smart dog supposed to do? You’ll commonly find intelligent dog breeds working in the following professions:

  • Law enforcement: Dogs who work in law enforcement specialize in different fields. While some dogs are trained to tackle and pin fleeing suspects, others are tasked with crowd control, tracking, bomb detection, drug detection, and cadaver detection. 
  • Service: Service dogs are essential to many people living with disabilities. Some of these breeds are well known for being guide dogs for the blind. Other service dogs receive specialized training to detect seizures and work with those affected by post-traumatic stress disorder. 
  • Search and rescue: Search and rescue (SAR) dogs are one of the most important jobs in the world. When someone is lost in the woods or missing after a disaster, SAR dogs are sent in to locate them. 

Have you been wondering if your dog is one of the smartest breeds? Do you want to make sure your next dog is intelligent? Now you know the nine smartest dog breeds in the world. Feel free to bookmark our list for future reference, and remember to show dumb dogs plenty of love, too.  

Mary Johnson
Mary Johnson is a writer and photographer from New Orleans, Louisiana. Her work has been published in PawTracks and…
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There are a few reasons why your dog might not take their eyes off you
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Have you ever had an indescribable feeling of tiny, beady eyes on you? You look up from work or chores and see your dogs staring at you intently, only to wonder what they're thinking. It's impossible to know for sure the minds of our pooches, but we do have some ideas. So if you're wondering, "Why does my dog stare at me?" - never fret — it's both normal and explainable. The exact cause depends a bit on the circumstances, so read on to figure out exactly what's going on.
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It's hard to guess precisely what goes on in your beastie's noggin, especially when they look up at you, seemingly asking a question. We can't promise that we're dog psychics, but we do have some idea what they might be getting at.
Your dog wants something
If Fido looks you dead in the eyes around dinner time every day, we think you already know the answer here. Of course, your little buddy will stare right through you when looking for a meal or a snack. Alternatively, sometimes pups learn to gaze at you when they need to potty — a great way of saying that it's outside time.
It's true love
You may occasionally look down at your fur baby with pure love in your eyes, and they do the same right back. Watching you can be a part of showing affection and devotion. Make sure that this habit hasn't turned into anything too clingy, since sometimes an intense stare means your animal suffers from separation anxiety.
They're feeling aggressive
In most households, you'll never encounter this reason, but sometimes dogs glare at people because they feel threatened. This could happen when a new person comes over or a stranger walks too close to them on the sidewalk. It also can be a symptom of resource guarding, which is when your pup pup decides that they don't want anyone coming near their treat.
Your dog wants to know what you're doing
Ever do something ridiculous and realize your furry friend was watching you the whole time? Because our canine companions are so in tune with us, they seem to know when we have done something out of step. This particular stare may also accompany a head tilt and upright ears, indicating that they want to suss out your actions.
They need to tell you something
Maybe not literally, but the idea is there. We already covered that a fuzz ball might look intently when they need a bathroom break, but they could ask for other things, too. When your pet looks up at you and then picks up a toy, you should instantly get the message: They need playtime.
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