Even if you do not like going out and hiking, having a collapsible dog water bowl around is simply a matter of convenience. If you are in for a long car ride, you want to be able to give your dog their water and food easily. Pouring out from a bottle is not a great option in a vehicle, so having a bowl that they can use easily will make feeding them and keeping them hydrated an easy affair.
If you are someone who loves to go hiking and traveling with your dog, a collapsible dog water bowl will become a great investment for you. These collapse easily to make them compact and portable. All of the collapsible dog water bowls are lightweight, and some even come with rings or carabiners to easily snap onto you or a bag. Travel light and easy with these bowls, and your dog will never go thirsty.
Guardians Collapsible Dog Bowl
Best Value
With all of the tools and necessities that already come with being a pet owner, the last thing you need is a huge purchase. Stay money smart by getting yourself the Guardians Collapsible Dog Bowl for your puppy. These dog bowls are great to carry around. They are made of a flexible material that collapses easily for quick setup and takedown. You can also control the height of the bowl to accommodate for different amounts of food or water to fill it in with. This pack will stretch your dollar out by having ready replacements in case one goes missing.
UPSKY Dog Water and Bottle Dog Bowls
Best for Walks
If you like going on long walks, the UPSKY Dog Water and Bottle Dog Bowls are a perfect combination for you. The collapsible bowls have a carabiner that attaches to the storage bottle. The bowls are made of food-grade material and are BPA-free. The bottle is a great traveling case for either water or food to be stored in. The wide mouth makes pouring out into the bowl easy, and it seals back up for an airtight storage solution for your dog’s needs.
Prima Pets Collapsible Travel Bowl
Best for Travel
If you know you will be traveling around a lot, you should get yourself the Prima Pets Collapsible Travel Bowl. These bowls are absolutely huge and can fit plenty of food and water for your pet. The bowl base is weighted to prevent the bowl from tipping over. The food grade silicone bowl comes with a BPA plastic-free rim. When collapsed, the bowl does not get any wider than 0.75 inches. Throw this into the top rack of your dishwasher for easy cleaning and reuse.
Your dog deserves to enjoy the outdoors as much as you do. Give them the comforts of home while you are on the go with these collapsible dog bowls. Keep them in a bag or throw them into your car’s glove compartment for a convenient dog bowl for any occasion.