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The best dog ball for playing fetch

There are different features that you can look for in the right dog ball. One of the biggest things to look out for is if you need a ball that is tough and can withstand being roughhoused by your dog. You may also want to find balls that make noise to give your dog the satisfying squeak to let them know they have captured it. There are also nontraditional balls like hollow balls or bouncier balls to use.

Balls can be used to perform many different forms of play with your dog. The classic one is a game of fetch. Throwing a ball far makes your dog really speed for it. In addition, using a ball lets it roll even further or has the benefit of bouncing around sporadically for a fun dog chase. If you have a smaller pup and a bigger ball, your puppy can push it around for a fun time.

Chuckit! Ultra Ball

Buyers' Choice

The Chuckit! Ultra Ball is a fantastic dog ball that is incredibly popular with dog owners. This is a classically designed ball that looks like a tennis ball but is more tough and durable. These balls are made of a strong rubber with a textured surface and a thick rubber core so it can handle even the hardest of chewers out there. The ball is great to play at the park with its high-impact bounce or at the pool with its bright colors and buoyancy.

Gnawsome Spiky Squeaker Ball

Best For Dental Health

Promoting dental health for your dog is important, and the designers of the Gnawsome Spiky Squeaker Ball know that as well as you do. This ball may look dangerous, but the spikes on this squeaky ball are made to stimulate your dog’s gums. The BPA-free and food-grade rubber make this a tough and safe ball for your dog to chew on. The internal squeaker is hidden, and there are no choking hazards for your dog, so let them chew away at this fun and textured ball.

Wobble Wag Giggle Ball

Best with Sound

If your dog goes ballistic when they hear the squeak of a toy, the Wobble Wag Giggle Ball will incite a delightful sound for your dog to follow after and make again. This ball encourages nudging with its dents and oddly shaped surface. The vinyl exterior’s notches are also useful for when you need to pick it up before throwing it around the park or your backyard. The internal tubes make a loud sound that will keep on running without the need of batteries.

Playing with your dog can be enhanced with the right kind of balls, and you can see what each ball can do to make your play date even more fun. Whether you find the toughest ball for your tough dog or a fun simple ball for your dog to nudge around, your four-legged friend will thank you for such a delight.

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PawTracks Contributor
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