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The best dog ear cleaner solution to add to your kit

Dogs, like humans, require a bit of grooming and maintenance to look and feel their best. If you notice itching around the ears, it could be a sign of wax buildup, grime, or loose hair causing issues. A good dog ear cleaning solution can give your dog’s ears a fresh start and help alleviate discomfort. Here are our top choices for the best solutions for cleaning dog ears to ensure you have something safe and effective.

Whether your dog has big ears or not, hair, wax, debris, and other grime can take a toll on your dog’s well-being. A good ear cleaning solution like the ones on our list provide relief from itchiness, prevent more significant issues, and keep your dog healthier overall. Don’t let dirty ears keep your furry best friend miserable. Clean them out with our safe and effective choices for dog ear cleaning solutions.

Vet Organics EcoEars

Best Natural Solution

This natural ear cleaner provides a safe and effective solution to grime and odor. Gently squirt it into your dog's ear canal and massage it in, and then wipe it clean. It helps break down wax, dirt, and other irritants safely and can be part of your dog's weekly grooming routine. It also helps eliminate redness and irritation after water activities.

Virbac Epi-Otic Advanced Ear Cleaner

Best with no alcohol

This alcohol-free ear cleaner comes in a convenient squirt bottle and helps to break down wax and dirt while reducing redness and irritation. It offers an optimum pH for your dog's ear environment and won't dry out sensitive skin. It's safe to use in your dog's weekly grooming routine and can help prevent microbes from attaching to the surface of the skin.

ZYMOX Otic Pet Ear Treatment

Best for Itch Relief

This gentle formula helps reduce irritation and redness from ear infections, wax buildup, and debris. It comes in a convenient squirt bottle and includes 1% hydrocortisone for itch relief and to reduce irritation. A patented microbial enzyme effectively clears out ear secretions and contributes to overall ear health. It's also suitable for treating viral, bacterial, and yeast infections within the ears.

These ear cleaning solutions offer effective results while keeping the skin and hair follicles in your dog’s ears safe. Our favorites provide convenient designs to make cleaning as fast and efficient as possible while ensuring that your dog’s ears are soothed and cleaned. Give your dog another fundamental building block for health and well-being with these dog ear cleaning solutions and ensure your dog feels relief.

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PawTracks Contributor
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