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The best dog eye wipes to keep your pet’s eyes clean

It is important to regularly clean your dog’s eyes if they are prone to tear stains or crusty eyes. Eye wipes for your dog are safe, effective, and easy to use. You simply wipe away crust buildup and tear stains so your dog can have healthy, clean eyes. There are many types and brands of dog wipes available. These wipes are made to be portable and disposable so you can take them with you anywhere.

The eye is a delicate and sensitive area, so it is important to always follow the directions on whatever package of eye wipes you get. Eye wipes for dogs are developed to be safe for use around the eye and are made with gentle ingredients. These wipes are moist and soothing against your dog’s coat and skin.

Arava Pet Eye Wipes

Best Natural

Thanks to these wipes, you can quickly and safely clean your puppy's eyes easily. They are super gentle and delicate around such a sensitive area. They are perfect for dogs with sensitive skin. These wipes come in a resealable container of 100, so they always stay moist and ready to use. Made without chemicals, this product contains natural ingredients that will never irritate the area around your dog’s eyes.

Miracle Care Sterile Eye Wash Pads

Best Budget

These eye wash pads are great for a quick and easy application. Simply remove a pad from the container and wipe around the eye or along the cheek to remove tear stains. This product is available in eye drops as well to treat your dog’s eye directly. This product is safe to use for dogs with sensitive eyes. You can choose from a 90-count or 180-count tub of wash pads or a 4-ounce bottle of eye drop formula.

Vetericyn Antimicrobial Pet Eye Wash

Best Alternative

This eye wash is designed to help with tear stains and remove goop from the eye area. It can be used up to three or four times each day. It is also safe to use around the ears, nose, and mouth. Made with natural, high-quality ingredients, this product is approved by veterinarians.

Dogs are known for their puppy eyes, so you want to ensure they remain clean and healthy. The best way to do that is with eye wipes designed specifically with your dog in mind. These wipes are easy to take everywhere and are made with gentle ingredients. This product is great for dogs whose eyes are prone to tear stains or crusty buildup. Your dog will love having clean puppy eyes, and you will love how convenient and easy these products are to use.

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PawTracks Contributor
Why do dogs have whiskers? These small features play a huge role
These hairs serve a large and important purpose
A brown puppy looks up, with sunlight shining on their whiskers

If you've ever noticed those extra-long hairs on your dog's face, it's only normal to wonder what they are and what they do. Whether your buddy visits the groomer or gets their fur brushed at home, it's hard not to notice these hairs. Dogs can turn away and even paw at their face when they're touched, so they surely serve a purpose. As it turns out, they're actually dogs' whiskers! But why do dogs have whiskers?
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Do all dogs have whiskers?

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Can dogs eat pineapple? What you need to know
Read this before feeding your dog this tropical fruit
A French bulldog wearing a pineapple onesie

Whether you're indulging in a summertime treat or creating the ultimate tropical fruit salad, pineapple is never a bad idea. Its tangy, refreshing taste complements many other flavors, and you can prepare it in a number of different ways. But while you're chopping up your pineapple, there's a good chance your food-motivated dog isn't far away. After all, they may be hoping you're cooking them a chicken dinner!
Before you toss your pup a piece of delicious pineapple, it's only natural to wonder whether dogs can have this fruit to begin with. A few fruits are downright dangerous for dogs, including grapes, avocados, and pitted fruits, but can dogs have pineapple? Let's find out.

Can dogs have pineapple?

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Why do dogs have wet noses? They’re actually really important
All the reasons why your dog's nose is wet (and how wet is too wet)
A close-up of a beagle

The old cliche that a "dog's nose knows" is undoubtedly true. Indeed, a dog's nose tells a tale about a pet's overall health. Generally, a cold, wet nose is considered a good sign that your dog is feeling well (even if brushing your pet's snout may be a modestly uncomfortable way to wake up in the morning). Yet, did you ever wonder, "Why do dogs have wet noses?"

Having the answer can make for some fun water cooler discussion. Knowing the reasons behind a dog's wet nose can also help you understand why a dry nose can be a red flag that something is amiss. Additionally, is it possible for dogs to have a nose that is too wet? We sniffed around and dug up the answers for you.
Why do dogs have wet noses?

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