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The best dog frisbees for your furry friend

Time outdoors is healthy and a bonding time for pets and their owners. Frisbees are the perfect toy to get your dog moving while you also run around and enjoy nature. It’s a win-win situation.

If your dog’s a big chewer, any old frisbee won’t do the trick. You need a toy that can keep up with Fido’s fierce canine teeth. With the items on our list, your dog will enjoy countless hours of fun without you worrying about splinters or swallowed pieces. Let’s take a look at our favorites.

IMK9 Dog Frisbee

Best Rubber Disc

Made from natural rubber, the IMK9 Dog Frisbee is the soft yet indestructible toy that your pup will adore. Guaranteed not to rip or stop flying, this aerodynamic disc flies long distances easily. A quick flick of the wrist and your dog will dash to catch it. No more tired arms, just pure fun for you and your pup.

Chuckit! Paraflight Dog Toy

Safest for Dogs

High-flying games of fetch are extra fun with the Chuckit! Paraflight Dog Toy. This large dog frisbee features a multilayer nylon interior and soft rubber edges that are gentle on your pal’s gums and teeth. Its design allows the disc to descend slowly for your dog to fetch in midair and take right back to you. Take interaction to the next level and strengthen the bond with your furry friend.

Aerobie Dogobie Disc

Most Durable

Designed with dogs in mind, the Aerobie Dogobie Disc will become your pup’s favorite toy. This durable frisbee is puncture and tear resistant for rough play and lots of use. It encourages active play that keeps your dog active and sharp. The aerodynamic shape of this disc makes it easy for you to grip and throw accurately while your dog can catch it comfortably. The flexible material is gentle on your dog’s mouth and long-lasting.

Playing with your dog is fun but adding a frisbee to the mix is a blast! The dog frisbees on our list are perfect for outdoorsy afternoons or active mornings. Their durable build and aerodynamic design keep dogs engaged for hours while you enjoy special bonding time with your furry friend.

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PawTracks Contributor
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