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The best peanut butter treats to make your pooch happy

If you are training your dog, adding peanut butter dog treats is a great way to quickly reinforce positive behavior and accelerate learning. Once they try this new canine delicacy, they will be happy to repeat a skill or trick in order to receive such a yummy reward. Let them know how proud you are of them with these amazing suggestions.

Whether your dog prefers chewy treats or stuffed sticks, our selection is sure to offer something that satisfies their sweet tooth. We have included only the top-rated brands, which source and base their formulas on top-quality peanut butter free of toxic ingredients. This assures your puppy will safely enjoy every bite. Pamper your dog with these carefully selected products.

Zuke's Naturals Dog Treats

Best Overall

Take your dog training to the next level with the Zuke's Naturals Dog Treats. These wholesome and tender mini-bites are sure to motivate your dog to continue to learn and improve in their development. Correct bad habits in a positive way with these healthy snacks. They have less than three calories per snack to prevent weight gain.

SmartBones SmartSticks Chews for Dogs

Best Stick Treats

The SmartBones SmartSticks Chews for Dogs are premium peanut butter dog treats. This great reward features an all-natural formula enhanced with vitamins and minerals to complement your dog’s diet as you encourage them in their training. They are designed to stimulate positive behavior on a regular basis without causing any digestive issues.

NUTRO Natural Crunchy Dog Treats

Best for Adult Dogs

If your dog is not a big fan of chewy rewards, the NUTRO Natural Crunchy Dog Treats is the way to go. With only five calories per treat, this formula offers high-quality protein and a formula rich in nutrients and full of flavor. Perfect for both small and large breeds, this treat is perfect to carry on long hikes or even backpacking adventures with your dog.

Feed your dog only the best and make sure the treats you offer are safe and chocked full with healthy ingredients. Our list will help you choose with confidence and provide your loved companion with a tasty reward for a good job and quick learning. Show them love every day and spoil them as much as you want with these yummy peanut butter dog treats.

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PawTracks Contributor
How to calm a panting dog: Proven methods for a calmer, happier pup
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Chocolate, grapes, table scraps: There are some foods every pet parent knows you shouldn't give to dogs, no matter how cute their puppy-dog eyes are. Unfortunately, many other foods contain several hidden ingredients that can be harmful to our furry friends. Take xylitol, for instance. You might not know exactly what it is, but it certainly sounds more like a musical instrument than an ingredient.

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