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Why do dogs eat garbage? What you should know about this dangerous habit

Here's why your dog likes to eat trash — and how to stop it

Just like people, every dog has their own unique approach when it comes to food. Some of our canine companions are chowhounds, but others are picky eaters. In addition to making mealtime a chore, dainty eaters aren’t actually doing themselves any favors. As long as they aren’t obese, having a dog with a hearty appetite is a good thing. Because dogs gain essential nutrients from their food, those who eat a balanced diet have healthier immune systems than underweight dogs.

But what happens when your pooch is a little too food motivated? In some cases, dogs will chew on your furniture and gnaw on your shoes. Some pups might even scarf down the contents of your garbage can. Can dogs eat garbage safely? Here’s what you should know.

A dog wearing a brown leather collar eats from a bag of garbage
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Why does my dog eat from the garbage?

You’re not alone if the thought of eating garbage makes you cringe. But for dogs, our trash might as well be an all-you-can-eat buffet. From leftover food to plastic wrappers, our trash cans hold a veritable smorgasbord as far as our pups are concerned. Still, this behavior often leaves us scratching our heads. After all, why would a dog eat from the garbage when they have a fresh serving of food and water at their disposal? According to the experts, there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation: Trash smells appetizing to dogs

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Even if nothing in your garbage is edible, small traces of food remain on wrappers. Even the smallest of crumbs can produce enough of a scent for your dog’s keen nose to detect. Additionally, our dogs’ ancestors, gray wolves, frequently scavenge for food, an instinctive behavior that’s genetically hardwired in our canine companions. This is especially true of former strays that may still associate your trash can with their only access to food. 

A dog licks a person's finger with yogurt on their nose
Chris Slupski / Unsplash

What dangers does it pose when my dog eats garbage?

You wouldn’t eat expired or rancid food, and neither should your dog. While some dogs merely retrieve pieces of cardboard or plastic from the trash to chew on, others ingest their stolen trash treasures. Unfortunately, this can lead to an illness called garbage toxicosis, sometimes known as garbage gut. Symptoms range from mild nausea and flatulence to severe vomiting, diarrhea, and even seizures. 

Not only is your dog at risk of ingesting bacteria from spoiled food, but lingering residue found on empty bottles of household cleaning items can make your dog violently ill. Empty Styrofoam or plastic takeout containers smell delicious to your pup, and while they aren’t toxic on their own, eating foreign items is one of the leading causes of gastrointestinal obstructions in dogs. 

A red and white dog licking his lips while eating trash
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How to get your dog to stop eating garbage

Have you ever wondered, “Can dogs eat garbage?” The answer to that question is a resolute, “No way.” But preventing your pooch from raiding the trash can while you’re away from home often presents a challenge for pet parents. Here are a few helpful tips to keep your dog out of the garbage. 

Provide your pup with distractions

Some dogs are prone to chewing everything in sight, such as furniture, shoes, and even your trash can. Make sure your dog stays occupied while you’re at work by providing him with more attractive alternatives like puzzle toys or vet-approved dog chew toys

Keep your trash can out of reach

Even if you give your dog a healthy alternative to trash can treats, habits can be hard to break. Try storing your garbage can under the sink or inside a cabinet, or relocate the can to your garage when you’re not at home to monitor your fur baby’s mischievous garbage chewing. (Pro tip: If your dog is especially crafty, he may figure out how to open up cabinet doors. Try installing a childproof lock to make sure your precocious pooch doesn’t nudge the cabinet open while you’re away.)

Lock your dog out of the kitchen

Don’t have anywhere to store your trash can? Not to worry: strategically placed baby gates will prevent your pup from leaving a mess of garbage all over your kitchen floor — and potentially making himself seriously ill in the process. “But wait,” you say, “My house has an open floor plan.” Try crate training your dog instead. Contrary to popular belief, crate training isn’t cruel. In fact, it can actually help dogs feel safer. 

Make sure your pup is well trained

Because training your dog is also a bonding experience, spending the time and effort to train your pup is always a worthwhile experience. Even old dogs can learn new tricks as long as you’re diligent and consistent. And if all else fails, seeking the help of a professional trainer is always an option. 

A reddish dog eats trash on the street
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No matter how attractive your garbage can is to your pup, you should keep him away from trash at all costs. Pesticides, household cleaners, expired food, and known toxins like sugar-free gum and chocolate can make your dog seriously ill — or worse. Take your trash out frequently, keep your garbage can locked up if possible, and if nothing else works, try crating your dog when you leave your home. Your house will stay cleaner, and your dog will be much safer. 

Mary Johnson
Mary Johnson is a writer and photographer from New Orleans, Louisiana. Her work has been published in PawTracks and…
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Dog enjoying belly rubs

As much as we'd like to think otherwise, our dogs have us extremely well-trained. The right tilt of the head has us tossing treats their way, while a few nights of begging and sneaking have us letting them into our beds. They roll onto their backs with all four paws in the air, prompting us to run our fingers along their soft, warm bellies. They wiggle and pant, with some even making a purring sound as they enjoy the massage.

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Why does your dog like stare at you?
There are a few reasons why your dog might not take their eyes off you
A dog lies on the floor making sad eyes up at the camera

Have you ever had an indescribable feeling of tiny, beady eyes on you? You look up from work or chores and see your dogs staring at you intently, only to wonder what they're thinking. It's impossible to know for sure the minds of our pooches, but we do have some ideas. So if you're wondering, "Why does my dog stare at me?" - never fret — it's both normal and explainable. The exact cause depends a bit on the circumstances, so read on to figure out exactly what's going on.
Why does my dog always stare at me?

It's hard to guess precisely what goes on in your beastie's noggin, especially when they look up at you, seemingly asking a question. We can't promise that we're dog psychics, but we do have some idea what they might be getting at.
Your dog wants something
If Fido looks you dead in the eyes around dinner time every day, we think you already know the answer here. Of course, your little buddy will stare right through you when looking for a meal or a snack. Alternatively, sometimes pups learn to gaze at you when they need to potty — a great way of saying that it's outside time.
It's true love
You may occasionally look down at your fur baby with pure love in your eyes, and they do the same right back. Watching you can be a part of showing affection and devotion. Make sure that this habit hasn't turned into anything too clingy, since sometimes an intense stare means your animal suffers from separation anxiety.
They're feeling aggressive
In most households, you'll never encounter this reason, but sometimes dogs glare at people because they feel threatened. This could happen when a new person comes over or a stranger walks too close to them on the sidewalk. It also can be a symptom of resource guarding, which is when your pup pup decides that they don't want anyone coming near their treat.
Your dog wants to know what you're doing
Ever do something ridiculous and realize your furry friend was watching you the whole time? Because our canine companions are so in tune with us, they seem to know when we have done something out of step. This particular stare may also accompany a head tilt and upright ears, indicating that they want to suss out your actions.
They need to tell you something
Maybe not literally, but the idea is there. We already covered that a fuzz ball might look intently when they need a bathroom break, but they could ask for other things, too. When your pet looks up at you and then picks up a toy, you should instantly get the message: They need playtime.
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