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How much does pet insurance really cost?

If you have a pet, pet insurance may have crossed your mind once or twice. Some say it is a waste of money and others say it was the best decision they made for their furry friend. It is important to consider all of the factors like copays, monthly premiums, and more to decide if pet insurance is the best option for you and your pet. Learn all the facts regarding pet insurance deductibles. You should know how much pet insurance really costs so you can make educated decisions based on your budget and financial needs.

man smiling and rubbing dog's neck outside
4 PM production/Shutterstock

Varying costs based on varying factors

Pet insurance is a very broad term and is nonspecific to the type of pet. This is why it is important to assemble all the key information that will help determine the total cost of your pet’s insurance.

Here is what you need to know for your pet:

  • Age
  • Species
  • Breed
  • Home address
  • Living conditions
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Once you compile this information, the cost of pet insurance can be determined or estimated. Older pets will likely cost more. Species and breed are taken into consideration since some animals have more aggressive tendencies, breed-related health issues, and other factors. Dogs are usually 60% more expensive to cover with insurance than cats. The pet insurance will also depend on your home address and living conditions.

rabbit being held by veterinarian

Annual deductible for pet insurance

Deductibles can be difficult to understand, even with your own health insurance. When you begin your search on pet insurance deductibles, it is important to keep your budget and financial needs in mind. A deductible is an amount you are obligated to pay on a yearly basis before the insurance will begin paying for your pet’s medical bills. So, if your deductible is $500 and your cat needs a $650 surgery, you will be responsible for the first $500 and your insurance will begin covering costs after that, meaning they will pay the $150 and any other expenses that happen that year.

The lower the deductible, the higher the premium will be. Alternatively, the higher deductible you choose to pay, the lower the premium will be. The premium is the amount of money you pay to maintain your insurance, but we will get to that later.

Typically, annual deductibles for pet insurance range from $100 to $500 for one pet. This means that whenever a medical issue arises, you will have to cover the first $100 to $500 (depending on your specific deductible amount). Choosing the right deductible depends on your budget and your pet’s condition.

Monthly premiums

As noted in the previous section, a monthly premium is what you pay to have pet insurance in the first place. You can think of a monthly premium as a subscription to insurance. The monthly premium for pet insurance can range from as low as $10 to more than $100. Most pet owners with a decent plan, however, can expect to pay between $30 and $50 per month.

The lower you pay for monthly premiums means you will have to have a higher deductible. There is no “better” option when it comes to high versus low premiums because it is typically offset by the deductible.

For example, if your pet is prone to many expensive medical issues, a lower deductible may be more beneficial because you only have to pay a low deductible once a year versus an expensive one like $500 or more. If your pet stays indoors the majority of the time, then a high deductible will likely be the better option. The high deductible does not mean that you need to pay the $500 every year. The deductible is only paid when your pet needs medication, surgery, etc. So, if your pet doesn’t get sick at all one year, you pay no deductible and only the low, monthly premiums.

Total average costs for cats and dogs

veterinarian and man looking at dog's eye
Army Medicine/Flickr

Pet insurance can be a huge benefit when it comes to unexpected, large medical issues for your beloved cat or dog. You don’t need to make those extremely difficult calls when you may not have the money to cover big surgeries. Luckily, there are many great options for affordable and effective pet insurance. Here are some monthly costs for cats and dogs:

  • The average accident and illness coverage monthly cost for cats is $29.54 and for dogs is $47.20.
  • The average accident-only coverage monthly cost for cats is $11.74 and for dogs is $15.84.

As you can see, pet insurance may be more affordable than you might think. It is important to research several pet insurance companies to find the best one for your needs.

Pet insurance, like any insurance, can seem intimidating. There are many factors to consider that will impact the total cost of your pet’s insurance. Remember to do your research and take your time. Create spreadsheets or note pages that will help you keep track of the best options. Pet insurance is more affordable than you may have originally believed. It will help you save money in the long run and ensure your pet is always taken care of when those unexpected emergencies arise.

How much water should your puppy drink in a day? Here are the factors to consider
Your dog's water intake depends on their age, size, and breed
Labrador puppy drinking from a bowl

Just like with you, drinking water is essential for your dog's good health. You might be surprised to learn that the cuddly bundle of fur you just welcomed into your home is actually made mostly of water. Among other things, water is an essential part of your puppy’s dietary needs. Even a 10% loss of body water can cause serious health complications. So just as it's crucial to observe the frequency of feeding your puppy, it's also important to make sure they are drinking enough. How much water should a puppy drink? It depends on a few factors.

Ideal water intake for a dog
The ideal water intake for a dog depends on their size and activity level. Most experts agree that, on average, a dog should consume 1 ounce of fluid per pound of body weight each day. That means a 45-pound dog should take in about 5.5 cups of fluid on a daily basis. Lactating mothers and puppies need more, as do dogs who are extremely active or live in hot, humid climates.

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Study: This is how much the cost of pet ownership really is
Is this what you spend on your dog or cat?
A corgi and a cat stand in the grass

Do you know how much it costs to own a dog or cat in a year? If you guessed a few hundred dollars, you're a little behind the times. The cost of pet ownership has continued to go up in part because of an ongoing pet food shortage that could be impacting your fur baby without you realizing it.

A recent MetLife survey got in touch with pet parents and gives us the details of how much our animals really drain from our bank accounts and also how you might be able to reduce some of this spend; not to mention stress.
How much does a dog cost?
We're gonna start with America's favorite pet, Fido. One of the surprising costs for pup ownership is the upfront fee, especially if you're getting them from a breeder, where you can expect to spend $1,000 or more. However, even adopting a pet will seriously set you back. The Animal Humane Society quotes an average of $767 to bring your new pooch home.
How much does a cat cost?
There are some very expensive, top-of-the-line cats out there and you certainly could decide to shell out $100,000 for an Ashera. However, a shelter kitty will only come in the $200 range and even a breeder will charge about a thousand for a standard feline.

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Does your pet need to visit the dentist? Here’s how a dog teeth cleaning works
It seems scary but they won't feel or remember a thing
Doctor cleaning dog's teeth with toothbrush indoors

In theory, we all go to the dentist every six months to get our teeth cleaned, which helps keep the pearly whites in check and also contributes to overall health. Surprisingly, our pets also benefit from annual (or biennial) dental treatments. While these cleanings do wonders for your dog's teeth, they can make owners nervous and burn a hole in their wallets to boot. Here's why you should schedule regular cleanings for your pup.
How do I know if my dog's teeth need cleaning?
Unless it's a really severe case, you probably can't tell just by looking. Instead, your vet will take a peek in your animal's mouth during their yearly checkup. Your pet's doctor may give your furry friend a dental grade between 0 and 4, with 0 being reserved for puppies that have perfect teeth and 4 meaning Fido will likely require more advanced care, including extractions. Once you have the assessment, you can better determine if your pup needs a cleaning, but it's frequently recommended.
What happens during a dental cleaning
Some of that depends on the grade and your specific beast, but the gist of it stays the same. The main thing is not to worry too much because your little guy will be well cared for, and even though there's always some risk to anesthesia, this is a routine procedure.
Getting your pup ready
Before you even begin, you should get pre-op blood work done to make sure they can handle being under anesthesia. Have your vet discuss any outside-of-range findings and figure out the best way forward. Some older dogs develop kidney and liver problems, and your dog doc might decide that a cleaning isn't worth the risk.
Prepping for the cleaning
Your little guy will likely fast leading up to treatment (just as you would if you were going in for surgery). When you arrive, your vet will go over the schedule and almost certainly give them a once-over to confirm they're ready. Then they will get a sedative in preparation to go under. Figure out what time you need to pick them up and then try to distract yourself for a few hours.
During the procedure
Most vets will take X-rays, clean the teeth, and perform extractions as necessary. Don't worry — your pet will be fully asleep and will not remember or feel a thing. If they do need any teeth pulled, they might get additional shots during the visit (again, just as you would get Novocaine while getting your mouth done). Your vet may also take this opportunity to clip their nails (since they are asleep), if necessary.
If your dog had to have any work above a cleaning, you'll have a couple of meds to administer, such as pain medication and antibiotics. Follow the dosage carefully, especially if you're dealing with strong meds like codeine. In some circumstances, they may have to wear the cone of shame to prevent scratching at their mouth.
How else can you help your dog's oral hygiene?
There's a lot you can do as the pet parent in between cleanings. Consider brushing their teeth, giving doggie dental chews, putting an additive in their water, or putting them on prescription food if the issues are really severe.

The most important thing is to stay on top of your furry friend's oral health, just like you would with any other issues. That often means not feeding them human food, which can cause decay, and providing dry dog food or even dog bones to chew. As long as you stick with the routine, hopefully, you won't need too much extra detail care.

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