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Video: 3 owls adorably try (and sort of succeed) at dancing

Want to see the cutest owls ever? Check out these 3 dancing

We’ve all seen hilarious video clips of dogs busting a move and “dancing” out of excitement, but have you ever seen a trio of owls get taken by the rhythm of the music? Well, you still won’t with this video clip because one of these owls just does not care, but its two little buddies do their best to bust a move.

Posted to the r/AnimalsBeingDerps subreddit, this video features a woman dancing with three little owls — to varying degrees of success. (Regardless of their dancing skills, these are some of the cutest owls we’ve ever seen.)

The video starts out with the woman moving her head to the beat of “I’m Shipping Up To Boston” by Dropkick Murphys, and she’s quickly followed by the owl in the middle and on the right. Our friend in the middle seems quite taken with the view, not once looking away from the camera once the song begins.

The owl on the right — the first to “dance” — demonstrates the most movement, but also gets distracted by something off-camera halfway through. Hey, we’ve all been there. Sometimes, you’re having a good time on the dance floor, but the call of a high-top table and bar snacks is too strong. (And despite whatever was attracting this owl, they still tried their best to complete the routine.)

The owl on the left, however, never even lifts their head from its perch atop the woman’s arm — this bird is not here for any of this. (Let’s be honest — we’ve all been there, too.)

This behavior did, however, make it a fan favorite among Redditors. YukikoBestGirlFiteMe noted,” I love how the one on the left doesn’t even bother.”

DrKyoushu added,” “Me at every enforced company ‘fun’ event.”

Redditor cantfindmykeys mused, “He’s the most punk of the bunch. Not gonna conform to the trend.”

Image used with permission by copyright holder

Why do owls bob and weave their heads?

So technically, what these owls did isn’t really dancing. Owls bob and weave their heads regularly — this time, they just happened to match it up (sometimes) to music. According to the National Audobon Society, this is totally normal behavior for a lot of birds of prey.

Owls’ eyes are in a fixed position, meaning they can’t move their eyes around the way humans do. Instead, an owl will move its entire head, enabling it to judge its surroundings and figure out where things — namely prey — are located. (Which, uh, makes us a little bit worried about what, exactly, the owl on the right was looking at when the video clip ended.)

It should also be noted that owls are definitely birds of prey — which means that Harry Potter lied to all of us and they should never be taken in as pets. (If you’re looking for a bird companion, there are plenty of other great options, whether you’re living in a cramped apartment with thin walls or would like a pet with the prettiest song.)

You can use clicker training to teach your bird all sorts of fun tricks
Woman feeds her birds in a cage

Owning a pet involves training, which requires dedication, time, and the right tools for the job. Even your bird can learn a trick or two, though maybe not quite as many as your border collie. All birds are capable of learning interesting skills if you work hard and stay really consistent. When training an avian, repetition is key, and so is a reward system. Introducing a bird training clicker will streamline this process and can enhance your instruction technique for faster and better results. Here's how to implement a click training regimen for your pet that works for both of you.

What do you need for training?
First, you need that all-important bird training clicker. Don't just grab any household item as this project really does require a proper clicker which is something you can carry around that makes a clear but quiet sound. Birds have good hearing so there's no need to overdo it. As silly as it sounds, break in your instrument and practice timing while out of the hearing range of your flyer. For this type of training to be effective, birdie needs an incentive, and that means treats. Only you know what will motivate your pet, but try something that can be doled out quickly, easily, and often, like fruit or oats.
How do you get started?
If you unbox your clicker and just start pressing the button, your bird will have no idea what that sound means. The clicker training style only works when your animal associates the button with a reward. Step one establishes the clicker sound as a sign that good things are to come. The trick here is timing, as you need to give your bird the treat right after he hears the click. Keep this up until it becomes clear that he expects a snack when he hears the sound, suggesting he understands the concept. It is helpful to stop for a couple of days then come back to it to ensure that it has stuck. Wait to start on the actual training until after you've completed this essential step.
Is clicker training bad for birds?
Clicker training is not at all bad for birds. In fact, this training method works great for just about any trainable pet. Think of it as a positive reinforcement model. You only click and reward when the trainee performs the desired action. In other words, every time you see him do his trick or behave properly, you give him a treat so he becomes conditioned to it. This isn't about chastising or redirecting, and the clicker should never be used for anything negative as that will confuse your bird and can even cause regression. Additionally, stay calm throughout and never show it if you're feeling frustrated. The last thing you want is to make your feathered friend think that stress or unhappiness surrounds this process, which will turn him off from it right away. Training sessions should be kept short and should end if either party gets fed up. 

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3 easy ways to improve your parakeet’s sleeping habits
Budgie sleeps with his head buried on a branch

When it comes to sleep, birds are more similar to us than almost any other pet. They aren't nocturnal and they don't hide or burrow when the sun goes down. You'll be able to tuck your feathered friend in every night before hitting the hay yourself. However, also like you, birds need a quiet, dark, safe, and warm place to snuggle in for the evening and fall peacefully asleep. Study your parakeet's sleeping habits to make sure they're getting enough Zs, and follow these tips when necessary to help improve their rest. After all, a sleepy budgie is a cranky budgie. 

In the wild, you might spot a whole flock of parakeets sleeping together in a tree -- and it won't look much different at home. Prepare for your bird to perch, shut their eyes, and possibly tuck their heads when taking a snooze. They may also retract a foot up into their body, seemingly standing precariously on one talon. For their uncaged relatives, this helps to preserve warmth, but don't think that means your bird is necessarily too cold (more on this later), it could just be instinctive behavior. Sleeping on the floor can indicate illness, but it also might mean your pet is ready to take care of some eggs, regardless of whether she has any.
How long do parakeets sleep?
We all know that birds wake with the dawn, and often wake us up too. While you likely don't want the sound of your chattering animal to get you out of bed at 5 in the morning, even captive parakeets should follow a sleep schedule. They really do need the full 10-12 hours of slumber they would get in the wild, and baby and elderly birds might need a little more. It is possible that you will stumble upon your pet napping from time to time; follow their lead to determine the right amount of sleep. A tired flyer will turn grouchy and also sickly if they're really sleep-deprived. 
What to do to improve sleep
OK, so what do you do if your little birdie wakes up on the wrong side of the perch, grumpy and tired? Take a look at her surroundings and try to see things from her perspective. Note light, temperature, sound, drafts, and even smells. Pay particular attention to anything that will alarm your animal, such as a dog barking. Remember, when your bird is up you will be too if they wind up calling or flapping all through the night. Try these three things to help settle your pet and get you both to sleep.

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6 words to teach your parrot (and 3 not to)
Parrot talks with beak open

One of the best parts of owning a pet bird is having meaningful conversations with your animal — well, sort of. Lots of birds can talk (or say a few words at any rate) especially many species of parrots. Teaching your bird to speak will take time and lots of practice. It's really repetition, repetition, repetition. But first, you'll need to decide which words you want him to learn and, of course, repeat. Here are the words you should make sure they can say ... and a few to leave off the list.

What to teach your bird
These are the best words to teach your bird to say.
His name
It's cute to listen to your bird say his name, and it can help capture his attention when you call. Just like with a dog or cat, you should get your new avian to respond to his new moniker. Once he picks it up, try getting him to come when you call. This is both helpful and fun.
You won't need to try too hard on this one. While a good training regimen will ensure that your bird picks up words quickly, you will almost certainly say hello to your bird, and trust us, he'll catch on quickly. Just be prepared to hear it 100 times per day once he knows this greeting.
Stick with the generic here with "food," "I'm hungry," or "lunch," or figure out his favorite dish and teach him the word for that. African grays and some macaws are so intelligent, they can learn to ask for a snack when they feel hungry. But don't fall for it if he asks for food constantly. He's just thinking out loud.

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