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Looking for a low-maintenance bird? 6 things to keep in mind

There’s no such thing as “no-maintenance” when it comes to birds. Let’s get that out of the way right now. But we can say that some birds aren’t as high maintenance as others.

In other words, some birds don’t make as much of a mess. Typically, these are smaller birds with smaller cages and easier to clean up after.

It’s not all about the mess, though. Some birds need a lot of attention paid to them, whether from other birds or their human companions. Other birds are quite content to sit by themselves as long as they have something to occupy their attention, such as a toy or a mirror.

In this article, we’ll go over six things to keep in mind when looking for a low-maintenance avian sidekick.

Canary Songbird on a Branch
Image by Capri23auto/Pixabay


Canaries are an excellent choice for people who have never owned a bird before. First of all, they’re not demanding pets, and they’re relatively cheerful when you have more than one. Secondly, they’re not expensive and can be bought at most pet stores.

Canaries come in a wide variety of colors, sizes, and songs. In general, you’ll find that most canaries are bright yellow, but you can also find them with white, red, or orange feathers.

These lovely little birds need a cage large enough that they can flit from here to there, some toys, and a healthy diet. Provide that, and you’re good to go!


Cockatiels are another species of low-maintenance birds. They’re also quite popular, since they’re actually small parrots and are considered friendly. They have a head crest and different color patterns on their feathers.

Cockatiels tend to be somewhat small. Experts consider them easier to tame than other parrot species. One cool thing about cockatiels: You can teach them to mimic human speech, and they can learn to memorize and sing specific tunes!

When it comes to care, cockatiels need you to take them out of their cages for a few hours every day. They definitely need a bit of interaction with their human companions. That said, you can leave them to themselves for most of the day as long as you’ve given them a plaything.


Many people feel the soft cooing of doves is actually calming. This relatively quiet bird doesn’t require a lot of one-on-one interaction with their human owners. Doves are just fine playing by themselves, although they do enjoy occasional attention.

Doves are a bit larger than other birds on this list but are not considered large by any means. You’ll need to ensure that they have access to sunlight or provide them with a UV light because it’s easy for them to become deficient in vitamin D. They also need a few hours of out-of-cage exercise and, of course, a healthy diet.

Zebra Finch With a Red Bill
Image by S. Hermann & F. Richter/Pixabay


If you want pretty birds that don’t require much attention, finches would be a good choice. These birds are mostly hands off. However, they’re quite social, so buying a group of them is best for their state of mind. Finches also need a larger cage because they like to fly around.

Beyond that, all you have to provide them are the essentials: food, water, and a clean cage. Set them up right, and you’ll be able to enjoy watching your finches quietly chirp and play together!

Lineolated parakeets

This parakeet is named for its barred markings or fine lines. These members of the parrot family are widely known as  “linnies.” Linnies are known for their quiet, calm demeanor and like to be handled. Many people feel this makes them an ideal pet.

Lineolated parakeets are sometimes mistaken for another bird called a budgie. But linnies are stockier and more likely to fly or walk around their cages than budgies. Additionally, linnies are fond of bathing and playing in the water.

A benefit of owning a lineolated parakeet is that they’re small. Their cages can therefore be smaller, and the birds don’t make a huge mess. But linnies are social creatures, so it’s best to have a few of them together. Make sure to get a cage that won’t crowd them.


These compact birds are called lovebirds for a reason. Interestingly, they emotionally bond to a specific person or to another bird. They enjoy spending time with whomever they’ve chosen as their “mate.” This can, however, sometimes lead to problems with jealousy. Lovebirds can act out aggressively toward other birds or pets (including dogs and cats) if they think your attention is going elsewhere. If you’d like to avoid the issue of jealousy altogether, plan on buying a pair of lovebirds that have already bonded with each other.

Like other birds on this list, lovebirds don’t make a huge mess, which means fast, easy tidying up for you. One tip: Make sure to buy them some safe bird toys to chew on!

All the birds on this list would make good pets for first-time bird owners. They’re all low maintenance, don’t need a huge space, and enjoy interacting with their human friends. Some may even learn to talk to you or warble a favorite song!

Will Blesch
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Will Blesch is a copywriter, content writer, and someone passionate about anything that lets him discover more about this…
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Bird takes flight off a branch in slow motion

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Why do birds fly into windows?
Turn off the lights inside and go out during the early morning to look at your windows. You'll likely see a dim version of your own yard reflected back to you. While it only gives you a moment's pause, birds don't understand that a plant can show up in a piece of glass but not really be there. Unfortunately, this means when they fly into your windows, they're actually trying to get into the trees. That's because there's a wide-open sky in the panes of your home welcoming the avians of your area.

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Cute duckling sits in the yard

Many have yearned for an ugly adorable duckling to call their own, but don't dive into this journey without some planning first. Under the right circumstances, ducks make great pets — they're cuddly, they're very intelligent, and they're social. These birds specifically love to be part of a group, sometimes called a raft, and will bond with both you and one another. As with many pets though, owning a duck comes with a list of good (and not-so-good) things to consider before you gather your flock.

Are ducks good pets? Here's what you need to know
As with all pets, it depends on what you're looking for. Be mindful of their need for space, water, outdoors, companionship, and protection. Ducks are not for everyone but will add a spunky sense of fun to the right home. Think about these eight things before getting ducks.
They live outdoors
Rule number one: Your pet duckling must live outside. They just can't be happy in any type of fully indoor enclosure, though you will want to provide some respite from the elements. Only dabble with ducks if you can secure sufficient outdoor space for them — free from predators, including dogs and cats who might mistake your cute and snuggly pet for a meal.
They need a house with a pool
Many folks keep their pet ducks in a shed or doghouse to provide a perfect cozy spot for them. Include a comfy straw bed and protection from wind. Of course, ducks need a pool for swimming, too. A pond or kiddie pool will do well, depending on how big your flock is. Ducklings can't fly, so you don't have to worry about them escaping, but they won't thrive unless they have ample space. Fencing around your yard will help keep pets in and predators out.

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Determined to raise backyard chickens? 6 essential things to do before you set up your coop
Three chickens eat while outside in their backyard

Urban chicken coops are trendy and rightfully so. With a group of hens you get fun pets plus eggs — how often does the family dog contribute after all? But you can't dive in on every Instagram trend, and this one, in particular, requires a pretty big upfront commitment mixed with a reasonable amount of upkeep, especially for beginners who have never owned so much as a parakeet. Just because it seems like a lot to handle, that doesn't mean you aren't cut out for poultry farming; many find it fun and rewarding. Before jumping into backyard chickens, think through these six things and determine if a flock of birds is really the right fit for you.

Look up local laws
Even if you see chickens roaming nearby, you'll want to thoroughly check up on the laws of your area, as well as any HOA regulations. You'd be surprised how many very specific rules might apply to setting up your little farm. Think about the coop itself, the rules for owning fowl, and the noise ordinances. Specifically, if you intend to have a rooster heading up your group as they can crow at decibels you wouldn't imagine and at hours you don't usually see.
Find your perfect spot
Next, scope out your yard and start planning. You need a large space for the coop itself (more on that in a minute) but that's not the whole picture. Since you started with a relatively small space to begin with (remember chickens often roam over many acres in a more rural habitat), you want both an indoor structure and an outdoor run. Altogether, you might need a sizable portion of the yard to accommodate them. If you plan to add other birds like ducks, you must calculate too where the pool will go and how they will access it.
Design your urban chicken coop
There are probably a few laws governing how big this can be, and you might need to apply for a permit, so you'll spend a decent amount of time in the design phase. Decide if you want to buy something pre-made or build a structure that perfectly fits into your yard. Either way, you should allocate about three square feet per chicken, so your building will get big quick, even if you want to start small. And that's just indoors. They need to be able to come out sometimes but still stay safely nearby.
Research breeds
Think all chickens are the same? Think again. Get ready to narrow it down from the 500 chicken breeds out there. The local climate will slim that as well as the available space, but you still have a bit of your own studying to do. And it's not just breed, you can impact what types of eggs you get based on what chicks you get (along with the food and environment).

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