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Everything you want to know about the reptile life cycle, from egg to adulthood

These are the four stages of the reptile life cycle

You’ve been familiar with dog years, and you’ve heard that cats have nine lives. But what do you know about reptiles?

The class Reptilia is a diverse group of animals that range from the tiniest lizards to the largest turtles. They’re the distant evolutionary cousin of birds defined by a few unique characteristics, including the internal fertilization of their young and scales covering at least part of their bodies (via Britannica). Apart from these essential traits, reptiles are incredibly variable and can only be classified into a few large groups.

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There are four major groups — called “orders” in biology — of reptiles. Crocodilia includes (you guessed it) crocodiles, as well as alligators, caimans, and gharials. The order Sphenodontia includes tuataras, a New Zealand–native species closely related to lizards (which, along with snakes, make up the order Squamata). The fourth and final order of reptiles is Testudines, which includes turtles, tortoises, and terrapins.

Sound like a lot! Don’t worry! While each order of reptile has its own unique characteristics and life journeys, they all follow the same basic life cycle. We’ll break it down for you here, so you’ll be a reptile expert in no time.

A black and yellow turtle
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What are the four stages of the reptile life cycle? Is it the same for all reptiles?

Although the specifics of a reptile’s life stages vary from species to species (and even by individual!), there are four main steps in the life cycle of most of these animals.


Typically, a reptile spends time developing as an egg at the beginning of its life, though a few species do give live birth. As an egg, an animal might be the only child at the time or might be part of a group, or “clutch,” of up to 100 eggs (via Brittanica). A fairly accurate theory is that smaller lizards tend to have smaller clutches, but body size isn’t the only factor in the number of eggs or neonates per litter.


As a hatchling, most reptiles are already abandoned by their parents. Of all reptiles, only crocodiles and their relatives care for their young. Some lizards and snakes guard their eggs (pythons even incubate them), but as soon as the eggs hatch, the mother moves on and the young are left to fend for themselves in the wild. This is one large reason why mortality rates are so high for most reptile young.


Juvenile reptiles are still easy targets for many predators, though the danger declines significantly as the babies grow. Britannica notes that research on reptile growth is limited, but most smaller species tend to do most of their maturing in the juvenile stage.


By the time they reach adulthood, they will have attained their full size. A few larger species, however, have indeterminate growth, which means that growth can occur in adulthood. While most of the animal’s energy will go toward reproduction, periods with bountiful food or a lack of mates might redirect energy and nutrition to further growth instead.

A green pagoda lizard's side profile while it climbs up a wooden ladder
Image used with permission by copyright holder

How long do reptiles live? What determines a reptile’s average life expectancy?

Once they reach adulthood, most reptiles have a much higher chance of survival in the wild. In fact, reptiles are known for being some of the longest-living species in the animal kingdom! Some species of Testudines have especially long lives; Guinness World Records awarded Jonathan the tortoise with the title of Oldest Living Land Animal (187 years!) in February 2019.

In general, Britannica claims, the larger the reptile the longer the life span. Compared with Jonathan the tortoise, box turtles don’t seem especially hardy, clocking in at around 30 years at their oldest. Large lizards, snakes, and crocodiles can live for over 20 years. Although these numbers have been recorded in captivity, these animals are larger than most people are willing to keep as a pet. The corn snake, a popular pet for a beginner reptile keeper, tends to live for an average of 10 years, for example. Here are the expected life spans for a few common pet reptiles, compliments of Merck Veterinary Manual:

  • Ball python: 15 to 20 years
  • Bearded dragon: 5 to 10 years
  • Eastern box turtle: 25 to 50 years
  • Green iguana: 5 to 15 years
  • King snake: 10 to 15 years
  • Leopard gecko: 20+ years
  • Leopard tortoise: 50+ years
  • Old World chameleons: 3 to 8 years

Whether you’re on the verge of choosing reptiles as pets or you’d rather learn about them from a distance, they are fascinating creatures to research and observe. They’ll interact with you in ways other animals cannot, and, with some TLC throughout their lives, they’re sure to be around for a long time.

Gabrielle LaFrank
Gabrielle LaFrank has written for sites such as Psych2Go, Elite Daily, and, currently, PawTracks. When she's not writing, you…
Is buying a baby turtle illegal? Here is how to bring home this reptile legally and ethically
Follow a few rules to ensure you bring home a turtle the right way
A very small turtle sits in the palm of someone's hand outside

Turtles have exploded in popularity, becoming one of the most coveted pets. They can be great additions to the family — while Testudines require some specialized care you don't need to take them on daily walks. But along with the rise in turtle ownership, some other problems have emerged, like disease outbreaks and illegal trading. Because of these issues (namely salmonella), the sale of small turtles, set as those with shells of less than 4 inches, is banned in America.
So does that mean you can't own a turtle unless you meet someone in a trench coat for the exchange? There's a right way to go about this and we'll tell you how.

What are the problems with owning a turtle?
Before you jump into any reptile ownership, you should carefully research their needs and behaviors. Because they're an entirely different class of animals from us, they don't necessarily act the way you might think. In addition to all the usual worries, like preventing animals from being kept in inhumane conditions, there are three main problems that can occur with irresponsible turtle ownership.
We noted at the top that turtles have been linked to salmonella outbreaks. You need to get your animal from a reputable pet store, preferably in your neighborhood and not online (where shady deals can be harder to spot). On top of that, the CDC recommends that no one keep turtles in a house with any humans under 5 or over 65 or who have a compromised immune system.
Illegal trading
As mentioned, more and more people are bringing home these beasties and as a result, some unethical importers have turned to wild-caught creatures. In many places, this is illegal, but that doesn't stop people from capturing and then selling them to families. These actions have contributed to dwindling populations and low birth rates among some turtle species around the globe.
When you bring home any animal, you commit to them for life. In the case of a turtle, that could be decades. These pets are occasionally included in wills because they live so long! Because of that, they are often taken to a creek and let loose, sometimes with devastating results.

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Can you take your bearded dragon on a walk? We tried so you don’t have to
Bearded dragon on a leash with a harness

Everyone understands that Fido needs to be walked, typically multiple times per day. But many other animals enjoy an excursion to the great outdoors too — we've all seen cute pics of cats, bunnies, and even ferrets rocking a leash. Want to give it a try with your lizard? It is possible to walk a bearded dragon, and both of you can enjoy the experience, provided you don't have dog-level expectations. It might take a little extra preparation, but with the right equipment, you can take a trip out to explore the wide world together. 

Do beardies like to go on walks?
Well, define walks. You won't be able to take your reptile out and do laps with him around the neighborhood. Make sure you only intend to go for a tiny outing and that you start really small. Truth be told, he'll probably just look around a little bit and then decide to go back inside where it's temperature and humidity-controlled and there's unlimited free food. But you may find that he looks forward to these short jaunts into his natural habitat. If that winds up being the case, you should continue them even though it's not the same as a "real" romp.
What type of harness does my bearded dragon need?
Especially at first, you'll need some way to secure your animal, and that's where the harness comes in. Just as you'd put your dog or cat on a leash attached to a collar, so too you need something to maintain control and keep track of your reptile. Don't go outside without something to keep him close by since it only takes seconds to lose track of your pet, who can get away quickly and go under or over things you can't. Some of these contraptions come in different sizes, and you can try a few out and see what works best for the both of you. Choose one specifically for this species, though — do not repurpose a mammal harness or try to make your own if he hasn't tried it out yet. You need him to stay secure for the entirety of your expedition.
How do I know if my beardie is comfortable?
You certainly want to ensure that the harness fits and that you aren't dragging him around, much as you would with any other pet. On top of that, though, check the temp outside before scheduling your journey. It needs to be extremely warm for him to do well outdoors. As in, well into the 80s preferably with a gentle sun beating down. Don't go out in the rain or cold as that does not match his natural habitat, which is often the desert and other warm climates. However, he also needs the opportunity for a cooldown at a moment's notice. Stay within reach of some shade as that will allow him to escape there as needed. Along these lines, keep the walks short to start, maybe five or 10 minutes until you adjust to his preference. 

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