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The best terrarium plants for decorating your pet’s enclosure

Your frog’s terrarium is in dire need of some color, but you don’t want to add any new substrates or wooden structures. A simple terrarium plant transforms your tank from dull to lush and adds some new textures your pet can explore. We’ve revealed our favorite plants here to help you find the most fitting species.

A pet terrarium is healthier with the addition of plants, whether live or artificial. Many synthetic plants for closed terrariums mimic the look of live vines and leaves, giving your pet as close to an authentic wild experience as possible. Leaves and vines allow your pet to hide and explore confidently like they would outdoors. On the other hand, live plants keep your terrarium humid, which is beneficial for many pets. Air plants are a popular choice for their easy upkeep and durability. These hanging plant terrariums are also a good alternative to pet terrariums if you’re limited on space and time. Here are some of our best finds.

Fluker's Repta Vines

Best for Reptiles & Amphibians

Fluker’s terrarium plant is a 6-foot-long vine, punctuated by suction cups on either side that stick onto glass. The pet-safe polyethylene fibers are easy to wipe off and disinfect when needed. Minute details like leaf midribs, varying colors, and sizes make this vine an extremely lifelike substitute to live plants.

Plants for Pets Air Plant Variety Pack

Best Variety

The Plants for Pets Air Plant Variety Plant, including six plants, is your best choice if you’re looking for variety. Each plant measures 2 to 5 inches tall and hails from the Tillandsia air plant family. Though these plants are popular as standalone potted plants, they’re safe to use in pet terrariums. Water these plants just once a week and expose them to moderate light daily.

Exo Terra Plastic Terrarium Plant

Best Hanging Plant

Exo Terra’s plant is a lifelike synthetic mandarin branch with ample leaves for your pet to hide behind. This hanging plant is ideal for inhospitable areas in your terrarium, such as off the glass or hanging from the tank lid. Spray the leaves with water to let your pet quench their thirst like they would in the wild.

Pet terrariums aren’t complete without a hanging plant or two. Consider a live air plant if you want something different from the synthetic variety. If you want the lowest maintenance plant, however, we recommend synthetic branches or vines, which are easy to wipe off. The best plants for closed terrariums ultimately depend on your tank size and pet species, but luckily any of the plants on our list will work with any setup.

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This is how long you can expect your new pet rabbit to live
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How long do rabbits live?
Here’s a fun fact: The oldest rabbit that ever lived was 18 years old! By contrast, wild rabbits only live up to about three years, since many die very young. But there's good news. In the absence of predators, pet rabbits have a life expectancy of eight to 12 years. Like dogs, larger breeds tend to have a shorter lifespan while smaller rabbits often live at least 10 years.

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Betta fish are known for being territorial, feisty, rather combative, and therefore not great tank mates in general. This reputation, however, only holds true in particular situations and with certain fish friends. Male betta fish are aggressive, but only with other male bettas, so it is important to never put two males in the same tank. It will lead to tail-nipping behavior and other aggressive actions. So, what fish can live with bettas?

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