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10 cute ID collars your cat will tolerate

Cats are lovable jerks who are unable to tolerate much — that’s why we couldn’t get enough of them. Cats are determined, independent (until they need something), finicky, and like things their own way. So, when choosing a collar and ID tag for them, it’s important to keep their personality and comfort top of mind.

Collars come in so many different brands and styles. Through a little experimentation and a lot of patience, you’ll be able to find one that suits even the pickiest feline friend. It’s important, even if your cat is strictly indoors, to have some sort of ID on the collar or tag so that if he finds himself lost outdoors, someone can get him safely back home. This is especially important considering 25% of cats who go missing from their homes are never found, according to a study about lost pets conducted by ASPCA researchers.

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If your cat isn’t a fan of things hanging off his neck, one of the lightest, least intrusive tags that can be embroidered  is Chewy’s GoTags Nylon Reflective Breakaway Cat Collar. It comes in several colors, and while it does come with a bell, you can take it off fairly easily if the jingling bugs your cat. For under $16, it’s durable, soft, and made of nonsnagging nylon webbing.

cat wearing collar

If you cat is a bit fancier, check out this Necoichi Zen Cotton Breakaway Cat Collar. It’s got an adorable bow, a gold fish-bone charm, and you can add an ID charm to it so wherever your cat goes, your information goes with it. If your cat looks at you like, “That’s all you got?” consider this tag from Go Tags with Swarovski crystals on it for just $8.45.

If your cat is already purr-fectly happy with his collar but you want a bit of added protection if he goes outdoors, you can buy this slip-on ID tag that fits your kitty’s existing collar. The best part is that if your fur baby doesn’t like the noise a tag or bell makes, this one is 100% silent. If you want your silent tag to have a bit more flair, these Love Your Pets silent tags from Amazon are colorfully stylized, and you can find one sure to match your cat’s mood.

If you want to make a big impression on anyone who comes across your cat, these Big Jerk Custom products on Amazon should do the trick. This product comes with up to four lines of personalized text on the back with a max of 20 characters on each line, so the front can say something eye-catching like, “I’m lost call mom before she starts ugly crying.” One I had done for my cat said, “Have your people call my people,” with my name and number on the back.

cat wearing ID tag

Another collar-plus-ID-tag combo that all but guarantees your cat gets seen if he runs away is this TagME Breakaway Cat Collar. These come in a two-pack from Amazon for under $14, and the reflective neon fabric will ensure your cat gets a lot of eyes on him and is returned safe and sound.

If your cat is quite a pickle, you must consider this Pickle Cat Collar from Etsy owner Pugs2Persians. It comes in small and large, and you can add on a bell or pickle charm and pair it with one of the tags above for identification purposes. Your cat will definitely stand out from the crowd with this on.

Finally, if you really want to make a statement, check out this Cat Collar with Bow Tie – “Sushi” collar from Etsy. The light-blue bow tie screams sophistication and the sushi decoration says, “I know what I want and I’m not afraid to ask for it.” The collar comes with a safety buckle in case Kitty gets caught on something, and the collar is thin enough to slip an ID tag over it. The collar has an address tube you can add for an additional cost. If you want the bow tie on only for special occasions, it comes detached.

You really can’t go wrong with any of these collars and can add or take off a lot of literal bells and whistles if your feline prefers. The good news is, if your fur baby ever goes missing, she has identification on and will be returned safe and sound, which is the most important thing.

Julie Scagell
Former Digital Trends Contributor
I am a freelance writer based in Minneapolis, MN. My passions include my dogs, talking about my dogs, and taking pictures of…
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