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There’s a subreddit dedicated to “pirate kitties” and we’re totally obsessed

Here at PawTracks, we believe all cats are adorable and deserving of a loving forever home. Every year, roughly 3.2 million cats enter animal shelters in the United States. Tragically, 860,000 of those cats will be euthanized to make space for new arrivals.

But there’s some good news too. Around 2.1 million cats are adopted from shelters each year. However, some cats are less likely to be adopted than others. Solid white cats, solid black cats, and “imperfect” cats—those that are missing eyes or limbs—are all more likely to be left behind in shelters. But a viral post about pirate kitties on the appropriately named subreddit /r/piratekitties could soon change that. 

A one-eyed cat dressed as a pirate.
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Meet the pirate kitties of Reddit

Reddit user u/yaystripeysocks recently uploaded a photo of their precious kitty, Zacky, a Creamsicle-colored cat who is missing one eye. Dressed as the Dread Pirate Roberts (well, the Dread Pirate Zacky), this feisty feline wore a costume clearly inspired by the cult classic film The Princess Bride. (You can see Zacky in the photo above.)  Zacky’s hat features fish skeletons in the shape of the classic skull and crossbones that have become synonymous with pirates. With 100% upvotes—Reddit’s version of an Instagram like—it’s clear that Dread Pirate Zacky is a hit. We hope Zacky (and Zacky’s pet parents) had the happiest of Halloweens. 

Proving that matching Halloween costumes are the way to go next year, another user, u/MrMeow8, shared a photo of his one-eyed orange tabby, Captain Jack (pictured below), dressed as his namesake. As you can see, Mr. Meow is also dressed as Captain Jack Sparrow. While Mr. Meow certainly does the costume justice, the feline Captain Jack is the one who really caught our eye. We wish them both the very best. 

A man and his cat both dressed as Captain Jack Sparrow.
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It wouldn’t be Halloween without a special appearance from everyone’s favorite vampire: Dracula. According to u/Worried_Fig00, this solid-black kitty celebrated his very first “gotcha day” on Halloween. Dracula (seen below) may not be dressed as a pirate, but this charming, one-eyed fellow doesn’t need a fancy hat to look adorably rakish. (The fact that he’s sticking his tongue out at the camera only adds to his devious appeal.) Happy “gotcha day,” pirate Dracula. Thank your human for sharing you with the world. 

Why you should consider adopting a pirate cat

If you’ve fallen in love with these one-eyed pirate cats as much as we have, you may want to consider adopting one the next time you visit a shelter. Contrary to what many people think, one-eyed cats don’t need that much special attention, just a few simple accommodations. While cats ordinarily have better depth perception than their pet parents, one-eyed cats tend to lack that depth perception. To help your one-eyed kitty, keep her indoors and make sure you leave her food, water bowl, and toys on the floor where she can easily access them.

Similarly, three-legged cats are able to adapt to the loss of a limb after a brief adjustment period. Although they may walk, run, and climb more slowly than most cats, they adapt to life on three legs exceptionally well.

A one-eyed black cat sticks out his tongue.
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All kitties deserve love

Pirate cats are just like other cats: they have their own distinct personalities, and they quickly become beloved members of the family. Don’t let one of these sweet fur babies walk the plank just because they’re a little different.

Mary Johnson
Mary Johnson is a writer and photographer from New Orleans, Louisiana. Her work has been published in PawTracks and…
These are the best boy cat names we’ve ever heard
Top boy cat names for your furry bundle of joy
Orange cat on a chair

What's in a name? So much, at least when naming a cat. Sure, a cat may not come when you call like a dog does (but they might). However, your cat's name can reflect their personalities (and yours).

Picking out the best name for your cat can feel like a tall task, albeit more fun than choosing a litter box. There are many options to choose from, but none feel quite right. If you're expecting a boy, we've got you covered. These are the best boy cat names, from famous cats and people to regal-sounding monikers.
Most popular and trending boy cat names

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60 creative black and white cat names for your new pet
Classic, fun, and adorable names for your black and white kitty
A black and white cat's face

Bringing home a new cat can be so exciting, but there's a lot to think about while your new friend is getting comfortable. You'll want to start buying furnishings, like a cat bed and scratching post, and you'll need to decide what food to feed them. And where will you put their litter box?
However, one decision looms above all the rest in importance: your cat's name. After all, you'll say their name at least a thousand times over the next several years you'll share together, so it has to be something that both you and your cat can enjoy. It can't be too long, or else your cat may not learn it, but it can't be so close to other words that it starts to become meaningless. What is a new cat owner to do?
You can start by checking out these classic, vintage, and adorable black and white cat names. It may take a while to figure out which name fits your cat the best, but you can't go wrong with any of these.

Classic names for black and white cats
If you find yourself charmed by your monochromatic buddy's beautiful coat, you're certainly not alone. Many cat owners name their cats based on the colors of their fur, which is why we compiled these classic names for black and white cats.

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These are the most expensive cat breeds in the world
Wondering what cats will empty your wallet to bring them home? We crunched the numbers
Close-up of a Persian cat

Generally, we don't consider a friend someone we need to pay for. However, if you're purchasing an animal from a breeder, you will need to fork over some cash. The reasons are sound: You're paying for the time and care that went into breeding and helping to raise the newborn kitten. If that animal is a feline friend, costs can vary, with some of the most expensive cat breeds coming with a four-figure price tag.

Researching the personalities of different breeds is an excellent idea to get a feel for what type of cat might be best for your lifestyle. However, knowing the potential prices can also help you narrow your choices. Prepare to pay top dollar if your heart is set on one of these most expensive cat breeds.
The most expensive cat breeds

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