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Can dogs drink milk? What you need to know

If you’ve ever shared an ice cream cone or yogurt cup with your favorite canine, you’re not alone. Our dogs love us unconditionally, but the act of sharing food between a human and a canine companion adds a lot to the bonding process.

Of course, just because your dog likes eating the same thing you do doesn’t mean he should. Obesity, a common problem among domesticated dogs, can lead to serious health problems like diabetes, heart disease, and orthopedic issues. And some food is downright toxic. Chocolate, avocado, and grapes are on a list of foods that can cause everything from gastrointestinal problems to death.

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So, what about milk and dairy products, like yogurt and ice cream? Are they safe for dogs to eat? That depends.

terrier licking ice cream cone
Christian Bowen/Splash

Dogs and dairy

Puppies produce a special enzyme called lactase when they are nursing, which is necessary for them to digest the lactose sugar they receive from their mother’s milk. They stop producing as much of this enzyme once they are weaned, making it more difficult for them to digest lactose in the cow or goat milk that we buy at the grocery store.

Plus, milk has high concentrations of fat, as well as carbohydrates that break down into sugar. In addition to obesity, consuming too much of these components can lead to pancreatitis — swelling and inflammation of the pancreas — which interferes with your dog’s ability to digest food and regulate blood sugar. Although milk is also full of protein, calcium, and vitamins A, D, and B12, it’s much healthier for your dog to get these nutrients from nondairy sources.

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Is it harmful for my dog to drink milk?

Possibly. Once your puppy is weaned and is no longer producing as much lactase, he may actually become lactose intolerant, meaning his body can’t digest the sugar in lactose. Symptoms of lactose intolerance include:

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Bloating
  • Gas

Another common problem with dogs is dairy allergies. Dogs with this condition are sensitive to the proteins found in dairy. Symptoms include those experienced by lactose-intolerant dogs as well as potentially more serious issues like itchiness, redness of the skin, hives, swelling of the face, and difficulty breathing.

In either case, the best way to tell if your dog has these sensitivities is to introduce dairy to him in small quantities first and watch him carefully. If he exhibits any symptoms of lactose intolerance or a dairy allergy, find an alternate snack for him to enjoy.

How much milk is appropriate?

Does all this mean you can’t treat your dog to milk or other dairy products from time to time? Not at all. As long as your dog isn’t lactose intolerant or doesn’t have a dairy allergy, allowing him to lick the remaining contents of your yogurt container once you’ve finished or take the last bite of your ice cream cone isn’t completely out of the question.

Of course, moderation is key. Snacks should only compose no more than 10% of your dog’s total daily caloric intake, so be mindful of the calories. A ½-cup serving of vanilla ice cream can contain 137 calories, and one slice of cheddar cheese is 113 calories. Check with your veterinarian to see how many calories are appropriate for your dog’s size, age, and weight before you allow him to indulge.

chocolate lab licking lips
James Barker/Unsplash

Healthy snack alternatives

If your goal is to feed your dog nutritious snacks, consider these healthy alternatives to dairy:

  • Peanut butter is high in protein, healthy fats, niacin, and vitamins B and E. When possible, choose unsalted varieties without added sugar. Also, make sure the brand doesn’t use xylitol.
  • Carrots are a sweet treat with a tasty crunch. They are also packed with vitamins and minerals, such as beta-carotene, vitamin K, and potassium.
  • Apple slices are a good source of fiber along with vitamins A and C. As an added bonus, they make your dog’s breath smell better. Remember to remove the seeds and core before sharing.

As a reminder, always check with your veterinarian before changing your dog’s diet. Her advice will be based on your dog’s age, weight, and size, along with any health concerns related to your dog’s breed and the climate you live in. Together, the two of you can determine which food is the healthiest for your pet, regardless of whether it contains dairy.

Debbie Clason
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Debbie Clason's work has appeared in Family Life Magazine, Sports Illustrated, The Lutheran Witness, Massage Magazine…
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Why does your dog like stare at you?
There are a few reasons why your dog might not take their eyes off you
A dog lies on the floor making sad eyes up at the camera

Have you ever had an indescribable feeling of tiny, beady eyes on you? You look up from work or chores and see your dogs staring at you intently, only to wonder what they're thinking. It's impossible to know for sure the minds of our pooches, but we do have some ideas. So if you're wondering, "Why does my dog stare at me?" - never fret — it's both normal and explainable. The exact cause depends a bit on the circumstances, so read on to figure out exactly what's going on.
Why does my dog always stare at me?

It's hard to guess precisely what goes on in your beastie's noggin, especially when they look up at you, seemingly asking a question. We can't promise that we're dog psychics, but we do have some idea what they might be getting at.
Your dog wants something
If Fido looks you dead in the eyes around dinner time every day, we think you already know the answer here. Of course, your little buddy will stare right through you when looking for a meal or a snack. Alternatively, sometimes pups learn to gaze at you when they need to potty — a great way of saying that it's outside time.
It's true love
You may occasionally look down at your fur baby with pure love in your eyes, and they do the same right back. Watching you can be a part of showing affection and devotion. Make sure that this habit hasn't turned into anything too clingy, since sometimes an intense stare means your animal suffers from separation anxiety.
They're feeling aggressive
In most households, you'll never encounter this reason, but sometimes dogs glare at people because they feel threatened. This could happen when a new person comes over or a stranger walks too close to them on the sidewalk. It also can be a symptom of resource guarding, which is when your pup pup decides that they don't want anyone coming near their treat.
Your dog wants to know what you're doing
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They need to tell you something
Maybe not literally, but the idea is there. We already covered that a fuzz ball might look intently when they need a bathroom break, but they could ask for other things, too. When your pet looks up at you and then picks up a toy, you should instantly get the message: They need playtime.
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