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6 fun holiday activities you can do with your dog to create lasting memories

The holiday season is a little more magical with a dog. Everyday occurrences, like car rides or your arrival home at the end of the workday, cause your pup’s face to light up brighter than the tree at Rockefeller Center. The holidays, though, offer a chance to introduce your pet to new experiences.

Starting new traditions or organizing a cool outing with your dog can make your pup even happier and serve as a bonding experience. The opportunities are endless, and there’s a fun fit for any type of pet, from animals who crave adventure to those who love snuggles.

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If you’re looking to make a memory this year, consider one or more of these fun holiday activities for dogs.

dog waiting for treat by tree
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Prepare homemade dog treats

Though Christmas cookies have a bit too much sugar and spice (and potentially chocolate) to be good for dogs, pet parents can still whip up something extra-special for their fur baby. Amateur dog-treat chefs can get inspiration from cookbooks under $20. There are also tons of pet-safe recipes on the Internet, from easy gingerbread cookies to six-ingredient pumpkin and peanut butter biscuits. Avoid recipes with added sugar, xylitol (found in sugar-free items), and chocolate, as these can be health hazards for dogs. You might want to first clear any recipe with your vet.

Get Santa photos taken

Those Santa mall photos aren’t just for little kids. Dogs may want to ask Kris Kringle for a new toy or treat for Christmas, too, and the snap can leave you with a memory and fodder for your holiday cards. Some malls host pet nights, and your local Petco, PetSmart, or animal shelter may also offer them. Often a portion of the proceeds goes to a worthy cause. Remember, you know your dog better than anyone. If a pup has stranger anxiety, this activity may not be fun. It may be the perfect day trip for social butterflies, though.

woman petting dog by tree
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Stage a photo shoot with matching PJs

If Santa photos are no-gos, you can still get photos you’ll treasure forever. Many stores, like Kohl’s, and vendors on Etsy make matching PJ sets for humans and dogs. Purchase a design you like, and hire a local photographer or ask a talented friend to snap photos of you and your best friend. You also can set a timer on your smart phone and place the phone a stand to take some snaps.

Watch holiday movies together

Some pets are more low-key and crave snuggles more than anything. These pets are the perfect companions for a relaxing night of self-care. Pick out a few of your favorite holiday movies, grab a homemade treat you whipped up for your dog and a bowl of popcorn for you, and chill on the couch together. Cuddling underneath a warm, holiday-themed blanket can up the festive factor without much fuss, especially if the weather outside is frightful.

Shop together

Shopping for your pet’s holiday gifts can be more fun if she’s around to offer opinions. Many pet stores allow dogs to walk the aisles on a leash. Take your pup with you and see what toys she loves most. You may even be able to let her taste test some treats. The best part? She’ll still be surprised and superexcited if you choose to wait until Christmas to give the gifts.

Go on a holiday light tour

Dogs who love car rides or long walks and are mesmerized by lights will love an evening of exploring your hometown. Many neighborhoods get all dressed up for Christmas with colorful light displays, sometimes set to music. Such decorations and displays can be fascinating for dogs. Touring them is a great way to beat back winter-induced cabin fever. Plus, if you’re walking, that can help both of you enjoy some physical activity.

Happy holidays!

Dogs make every day a little brighter, so paying it forward by making the holiday season extra magical for them offers them a well-deserved treat. The best holiday activities for active dogs may include going on a long winter walk together or hitting pet-friendly shops so that they can pick their own stocking-stuffers. Pups who prefer more low-key bonding will probably love snuggling with you on the couch for a holiday movie marathon. Most dogs will relish homemade taste treats. Consider making Christmas cards cuter by getting Santa photos taken with your pet or organizing a fun photoshoot with matching PJs.

BethAnn Mayer
Beth Ann's work has appeared on and In her spare time, you can find her running (either marathons…
Why does your dog like stare at you?
There are a few reasons why your dog might not take their eyes off you
A dog lies on the floor making sad eyes up at the camera

Have you ever had an indescribable feeling of tiny, beady eyes on you? You look up from work or chores and see your dogs staring at you intently, only to wonder what they're thinking. It's impossible to know for sure the minds of our pooches, but we do have some ideas. So if you're wondering, "Why does my dog stare at me?" - never fret — it's both normal and explainable. The exact cause depends a bit on the circumstances, so read on to figure out exactly what's going on.
Why does my dog always stare at me?

It's hard to guess precisely what goes on in your beastie's noggin, especially when they look up at you, seemingly asking a question. We can't promise that we're dog psychics, but we do have some idea what they might be getting at.
Your dog wants something
If Fido looks you dead in the eyes around dinner time every day, we think you already know the answer here. Of course, your little buddy will stare right through you when looking for a meal or a snack. Alternatively, sometimes pups learn to gaze at you when they need to potty — a great way of saying that it's outside time.
It's true love
You may occasionally look down at your fur baby with pure love in your eyes, and they do the same right back. Watching you can be a part of showing affection and devotion. Make sure that this habit hasn't turned into anything too clingy, since sometimes an intense stare means your animal suffers from separation anxiety.
They're feeling aggressive
In most households, you'll never encounter this reason, but sometimes dogs glare at people because they feel threatened. This could happen when a new person comes over or a stranger walks too close to them on the sidewalk. It also can be a symptom of resource guarding, which is when your pup pup decides that they don't want anyone coming near their treat.
Your dog wants to know what you're doing
Ever do something ridiculous and realize your furry friend was watching you the whole time? Because our canine companions are so in tune with us, they seem to know when we have done something out of step. This particular stare may also accompany a head tilt and upright ears, indicating that they want to suss out your actions.
They need to tell you something
Maybe not literally, but the idea is there. We already covered that a fuzz ball might look intently when they need a bathroom break, but they could ask for other things, too. When your pet looks up at you and then picks up a toy, you should instantly get the message: They need playtime.
How do you know why your dog is staring?

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