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50 spring-inspired names for dogs, from Forrest to Petunia

Springtime names for dogs influenced by the season, from Cosmo to April

As the snow begins to melt beneath the longer hours of daylight, so many new things are taking form. Flowers are budding, animals are welcoming their young, and everything begins to feel renewed. Springtime is near! It’s also an ideal time to welcome a new furry friend into your household. After all, longer days and warmer temperatures will make outdoor activities with your pup much more fun.

If you’re planning on adopting a new dog come spring, you’ll need to have some good dog names on hand. Of course, you can always opt for one of the classics, but these names for dogs are inspired by one of the most magical times of the year: springtime. These are 50 of our favorites, and we hope you’ll love them as much as we do!

A Jack Russell terrier stands in a flowering bush, looking happy

Names inspired by flowers and plants can be a perfect fit for any pup

If you’re a gardener at heart (or just someone who appreciates flowers), one of these botanical names might catch your eye. And don’t feel limited by the names on this list, either — you can name your new best friend after any flower or plant that makes you smile. The options are truly endless!

Plant-inspired female names for dogs:

  • Petunia
  • Posie
  • Violet
  • Blossom
  • Ivy
  • Petal
  • Tulip

Plant-inspired male names for dogs:

  • Aster
  • Cosmo
  • Sage
  • Reed (or Reid)
  • Ash

A poodle mix dog dressed in a bee costume sits in a grassy field in the sunshine

Animal-inspired names for dogs

The beginning of spring also means that a lot of new animals are about to make their grand entrance. Whether it’s baby birds hatching from their eggs or bears crawling out of hibernation — the world truly comes to life when the weather gets warm. Here are some of our favorite animal names… for your new animal friend!

Animal-inspired female dog names:

  • Sparrow
  • Birdie
  • Bunny
  • Wren
  • Dove
  • Bee
  • Robin

Animal-inspired male dog names:

  • Bear
  • Colt
  • Buck
  • Drake
  • Fox
  • Jay
  • Wolf

A black and white dog sits with their mouth open and eyes closed while dandelion fuzz flies around

Springtime names from deities and nature

In many ancient traditions, deities were thanked for the return of spring. The Celtic pagans made offerings of milk and bread to the goddess Brigid, while the Norse people worshipped Freya. You get the idea! Every household has its own ways of welcoming the warmer months, though naming a pet after a springtime favorite could always be a new tradition!

Good names for female dogs that are inspired by spring:

  • Brigid
  • Persephone
  • Flora
  • April
  • Freya

Good names for male dogs that are inspired by spring:

  • Forrest
  • River
  • Aries
  • Neo (means “new”)
  • Aspen
  • Huckleberry (or Huck)
  • Glen

A dog sitting outside wears round sunglasses and opens their mouth

Weather-inspired names for dogs

The spring months also tend to be some of the wildest months for weather. From sunshine to rain showers and even the occasional tornado, there’s no shortage of weather events to take inspiration from. You can even give your pup a moniker inspired by their favorite type of weather.

Weather-themed names for female dogs:

  • Rain
  • Bloom
  • Misty
  • Luna
  • Sunny
  • Gale

Weather-themed names for male dogs:

  • Stormy
  • Dusty
  • Thunder
  • Sol
  • Frosty
  • Gray

What do you think? Do any of these festive names strike your fancy? We made sure to collect names that ranged from masculine to feminine — though a lot of these monikers can be gender-neutral names, too! Still, there are so many more spring-inspired names for dogs out there. You just have to get creative!

Gabrielle LaFrank
Gabrielle LaFrank has written for sites such as Psych2Go, Elite Daily, and, currently, PawTracks. When she's not writing, you…
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