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Cute and unique names to call your new grey kitten

Bringing home a new kitten means you’re getting a new furry family member. Just like other members of your family, that kitten needs a name all his own. But naming a kitten can be a challenge, especially when you’re still getting to know the kitten’s personality. That’s where turning to some popular name options can help. If your kitten is grey, a name that honors or has fun with his color is a great way to go. We’ve pulled together a list of grey kitten names that just might help you land on the perfect option. Whether you’re looking for a name for a female or a male grey kitten, these suggestions can help you to get started.

Grey cat lying on the floor with a string toy
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Grey kitten names

  • Angel
  • Ash
  • Azure
  • Christian (Grey)
  • Cinder
  • Cinderella
  • Cosmo
  • Diamond
  • Earl (Grey)
  • Freya
  • Gandalf
  • Goose
  • Greycie
  • Grady
  • Greyson
  • Heather
  • Hurricane
  • Lady Grey
  • Lavender
  • London
  • Mercury
  • Meredith (Grey)
  • Merlin
  • Misty
  • Nimbus
  • Otter
  • Pearl
  • Pebbles
  • Pigeon
  • Rain
  • River
  • Rocky
  • Sergeant Pepper
  • Shadow
  • Smokey
  • Storm
  • Stormy
  • Thunder
  • Winter
  • Wolf
  • Zephyr

Tips for naming your grey kitten

As you come up with names for your kitten, make a long list of potential options. Have your friends and family come up with names, too, and add those to the list.

If you’re looking for more inspiration, think about your favorite movies, artists, and writers. You might name your cat after a character in a TV show you like, or you might love a particular word or phrase from a song. Cities and towns also can make great name material.

After you’ve created a list of potential names, start narrowing the list down until you’re left with just a few favorites. Think about how well each name suits your cat, and consider potential nicknames, too.

It’s important to pick a name that doesn’t sound too similar to the names of other pets or people in your home. This can help to avoid confusion and will make it easier for your kitten to learn to recognize his name.

You’ll also want to think about the complexity of the name. Two-syllable names tend to be easy to say, but longer names can become a mouthful. If you do give your cat a name with more than two syllables, decide on a nickname you’ll mainly use.

Once you’ve chosen a name, start to use it frequently around your kitten. The more you use the name, the sooner your kitten will learn to respond to it. Avoid using different nicknames during this time, and instead focus on the one you want your kitten to learn is his.

You’ll also need to share the name with people who need to know it. Call your vet and update your kitten’s medical records to reflect his new name. It’s also important to update the name in your kitten’s microchip records, which you can do by calling the microchip company.

Grey kitten sitting outside on a stump
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Additional tips to help your kitten settle in

While you’re working on naming your kitten, it’s important to help him settle into his new home. Give your kitten a space all his own, like a room in your house, and try to avoid the temptation to frequently check in on and pet him, unless he’s comfortable with that. Many kittens can be a little shy and nervous at first, so you’ll want to be patient and let your kitten get used to his new surroundings and his new family. Once your kitten is more confident, you can start letting him out to explore the house and meet the people and pets in it.

Naming a new kitten can take a while. You may need a week or two to find the name that’s just right for your kitten. With time, you’ll get to know your kitten better and you’ll be able to choose a name that truly fits his personality. Have fun with the naming process and know that sooner or later, you’ll find the perfect name for your new family member. In the meantime, spend some quality time with your kitten and let him know he’s now an important member of your family.

Paige Cerulli
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Paige's work has appeared in American Veterinarian, Business Insider, Healthline, and more. When she's not writing, Paige…
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