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These 4 submersible aquarium pumps are quiet and effective

We know one of the most challenging parts of owning fish is cleaning the aquarium frequently. No one wants to set aside an afternoon to remove each fish, bag him, and then scrub out his poop from a tank. We recommend investing in a submersible aquarium pump that will take care of all this for you. These days, you can find a quiet but effective pump to filter your water without keeping you up at night.

Dmitri Ma/Shutterstock

Tetra Whisper IQ Filter

One of the most important things to think about when choosing your filter will be the noise factor. Lots of aquarium pumps keep both your family and your pets wide awake and disturbed. But many fish are also sensitive to the flow level of the water in their tanks. The benefit of the Tetra Whisper is that you can control the output. If you have a betta or other delicate fish, you can turn the pump down so as not to disrupt their natural current. Replacing the cartridges is easy, which allows you to keep the pump running longer without a full cleaning.

Aqueon Freshwater & Saltwater Circulation Aquarium Pump

As every fish owner knows, once you get your first swimmer, you want to buy 100. The Aqueon pump can filter very large and dirty tanks that host multiple fish species. Because of the high filtration rate, it does require maintenance, but the continuous water flow helps keep your tank squeaky clean. Many fish will prefer this type, and its energy-saving features will ensure you aren’t utilizing too much electricity to maintain your habitat.

Vivosun Submersible Pump

This pump delivers convenience because you can place it almost anywhere in the tank. Attach this filter on the side or bottom of your tank using the suction cups, and it’ll stay in position. The Vivosun is perfect for ponds or aquatic environments where you’re trying to keep everything natural since you can easily disguise it among your plants and other decorations — it’s made to blend in with the surroundings.

Hygger Quiet Submersible and External Water Pump

While this fancy filter is a little higher end than the others on this list, it’s ideal for those who want full control of their aquatic system. This unit can be completely regulated with the external controller, but it can be used only in an indoor environment as the controller is not waterproof. It can also function in low-water habitats, so you can install this pump in a partially filled tank. When the water gets too low, the machine will automatically shut off.

The best aquarium water pump for you will depend on your specific setup and needs, but we bet you’ll find one of these useful. Whether you’re buying a filter for your plants, fish, turtle, or pond, there’s a submersible filter out there that will stay quiet and also get the job done, keeping your pet’s home clean and your pet thriving.

Rebekkah Adams
Rebekkah’s been a writer and editor for more than 10 years, both in print and digital. In addition to writing about pets…
Are bubbles in a fish tank a problem? They just might be
5 reasons bubbles in a fish tank might be there (and what to do)
Fish tank with healthy bubbles coming out of filter

Where there's water, there are bubbles. It's unavoidable and you'll be chasing an impossible dream if you try to eliminate them from your aquarium entirely. For starters, the filter produces a continuous stream, and that's a good thing! It means the system works. But some bubbles may reveal underlying problems with your water or with your inhabitants. So, why are there bubbles in your fish tank, and how do you know if those little oxygen sacks indicate an issue or a healthy ecosystem? Here's how to tell where they're coming from and figure out what to do about it.
Why are there bubbles on plants?
Like we said, bubbles are often totally normal — no action required. This will especially hold true if you have live plants, which produce oxygen naturally and sometimes hold on to it in the form of bubbles. Of course, those eventually dissipate, at which point the gas inside seeps into the water. That's good! Fish need to breathe just like the rest of us and do so through their gills by pulling oxygen from the water in the tank. These types of bubbles go on the good to neutral list.

Why are there bubbles covering the surface?
So, what happens when there's not enough oxygen for your fish to function happily? When they can't get it from the water, they'll make their way to the surface and breathe the air. Some fish do this frequently, as do aquatic frogs and other non-fish aquarium dwellers, so don't take that act alone as an immediate cause for concern.

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Add rainbowfish to your tank – these beauties will brighten up any aquarium
There are a few things you need to know before you get a rainbowfish
A colorful rainbowfish swims in front of plants in an aquarium

You might know of rainbowfish from the beloved children's book, but these are real animals that you can keep in your own home. As the name suggests, this group of swimmers is well regarded for being beautiful to behold. Many also get along nicely with other fish and can be handled by beginners. This is what you need to know before bringing home a rainbowfish.
What are rainbow fish?
It's a bit of a catch-all term because there are at least 50 species that all fall under the rainbowfish umbrella. Some work better as pets than others, and you'll probably be looking at boesemani rainbowfish, turquoise rainbowfish, featherfin rainbowfish, or red neon rainbowfish. If you're adding to an existing tank, research carefully to ensure you only get ones that will make friends with your current animals.
What conditions do they need to live in?
These are all freshwater fish, but their exact temperature and pH balance needs vary depending on which species you bring home. You can use your existing tank specs to narrow it down or do the opposite — pick the prettiest fish and then build your ecosystem around it. One thing to note right away is that you shouldn't keep males together and no rainbowfish wants to live on its own because they like to school. Consider keeping a group of six females if you want to prevent expansion.

Why should you add them to your tank?
Here are four excellent reasons to keep rainbowfish as pets.
They look beautiful
You can find just about any gradient you want in a rainbowfish. Some incorporate many colors, more like a traditional rainbow, while others skew toward blue, such as the turquoise rainbowfish, or red, such as the aptly named red rainbowfish.
They get along with other fish
While you want them to have friends of their own species, they'll also do great with others. Female rainbowfish can sometimes live with female bettas if you want to create a color explosion. Otherwise consider catfish, gouramis, and loaches as tank mates.
They're good beginner fish
The care level of most rainbowfish sits at about the same as a neon tetra (in fact, they can live together). Make sure your tank stays clean and that you change and test the water frequently, but they don't have any specialty needs.
They live a long time
Many tank dwellers have short life spans, and rainbowfish won't be any different if not properly cared for. However, boesemani rainbowfish, in the right environment, regularly make it to 5 years and sometimes even t10 years!

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Looking to add corydoras to your aquarium? Here’s what you need to know first
Read this before bringing home a cory catfish to add to your tank
Two cory catfish hang out on the bottom of the tank

One thing you might not know about aquariums until you get one: Every tank needs a janitor, which may wind up just being you. When you first dive into this hobby, it can take a while to realize how much maintenance is really involved — don't think that the filter will do all the work. But if you want a little a help in that department, you can add a catfish to the fray. If you don't have a ton of experience with these bottom feeders, we recommend one of the corydoras since they're generally best for beginners.

What are corydoras?
This is a type of catfish, but there are actually more than 170 species to choose from. These are a well-known group of swimmers who get their name from their barbels, which look a bit like whiskers. While you'll find dozens of options in the pet store, you will likely narrow it down quickly based on the size of your tank, temperature, habitat you've chosen, and the other fish that they'll live with eventually.
Are corydoras friendly?
Yes, corydoras are sweet and gentle fish. They particularly like spending time together, but get along with many others as well. In some cases, you should not buy just one as they'll get lonely. Instead grab a pair of the same type and watch them become best friends. You'll often see them as bottom feeders, well, at the base of the tank, but cory cats also come up to the surface for air or food from time to time.

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