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8 bird feeder cleaning tips that will make your life so much easier

Believe it or not, putting up your bird feeder is only half the undertaking — you have to keep it clean, too. Harmful microbes build quickly in, on, and under your feeder, so it’s a little more than brushing off the top every time you fill it. Instead, you’ll want to put together a simple but essential checklist for regular cleaning — skipping too many weeks could cause too much damage to be worth fixing. We’ll walk you through this process with a few bird feeder cleaning tips that will maintain a good setup for you and your feathered friends. 

Birds at multiple feeders in a yard
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Use a 10% bleach solution

By nature of being left outside all the time, your bird feeders are getting a gentle bath every so often, but that doesn’t entirely do the trick. Water will wash off some of the grunge but not all the germs and can actually encourage growths, like certain types of fungus. When you need a bit more, make a spray for cleaning the surfaces. Animals and chemicals don’t mix, but if you water down bleach enough, it’ll kill off the bacteria without harming your dinner guests. 

Run feeder parts through your dishwasher

Check the box first — this won’t work with any wooden parts or feeders too difficult to disassemble and take inside. But lots of parts will go right in the dishwasher, and this will save you tons of time that might otherwise be spent trying to get into every little corner (more on this later). A good hand wash works just as well, naturally. Choose only extra-mild soaps and dry completely before refilling.

Two hummingbirds eat from a red feeder
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Rotate out hummingbird feeders

Think about getting a backup feeder if you have hummingbirds and putting the new one out while the old one is getting a thorough cleaning. That way, your birds will never show up and get turned away by an empty branch (they often won’t return). This will work with other types that require a full disassembly, like tube feeders, and can ease the whole affair. 

Sweep the ground

As the local avians come and go, you’ll see piles of seed litter the ground under their feeder. Some birds, like jays, even do this deliberately, throwing out the things they don’t like while swallowing what they want to eat. Unfortunately, rats and squirrels love the leave behinds, and as the leftovers sit there, more animals notice. Taking a broom to the stack won’t get rid of every seed but will whisk away the temptation. You can also vacuum up seeds and shells with a leaf collector to completely remove all extras. 

Man hangs a yellow bird feeder on a tree
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Try a bottle brush

Many feeders include difficult-to-reach areas that defy all attempts at cleaning. That doesn’t mean you should just let them be. A bottle brush will go down tubes or into corners that otherwise might go unscrubbed. Combine this with your cleaning solution, and you’ll have this chore done in no time.

Get an easy-to-reach window feeder

Just a heads-up: The second you attach your window feeder, it will look dirty (we’re pretty sure this is a law of the universe). Sadly, birders specifically put these in easy-to-see areas so as to admire the visitors, which means the grime piles up right at eye level. Don’t let that deter you from getting one but do have a plan in place. If you have an easy-access window that will allow for more frequent cleaning, choose that spot. It makes hosting a feeder much more enjoyable, especially when errant dung inevitably winds up stuck in plain view. 

Bird perches on a window feeder
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Hose it off

We already covered water a bit, but you can take more intentional action here as well. If you have an extra-sturdy wooden or metal feeder, crank that hose up to full blast and get all the gunk off that way. In addition to removing waste, you’ll get rid of some of the excess seeds or shells and can use this method to help avoid ground accumulation. 

Keep washing in winter

We don’t see as much of the unpleasantness in winter; even the leftover seeds oftentimes disappear into the snow. That doesn’t means all the bad microorganisms have died off, though. It’s important to keep up with the cleaning throughout the year, even during the cold months and bad weather. Be extra mindful if the temperatures drop below freezing since plastic will crack if it gets wet. Make sure your feeders have dried and cooled completely (they don’t do well with drastic changes in temp, either) before refilling. 

Once you get into a backyard bird routine, you’ll have this all down to an exact science. Whenever you go to top off the feeder, you can bring the necessary accouterment and give the feeder a good wipe down in the process. You should get a pretty good idea how often it needs a refresh just by looking, but don’t go more than a week without giving any feeder a once-over. Plan your spots carefully when setting up your feeders, too — they all need to be in reachable areas, even if you have a brush or bottle in hand. If the birds could say thank you for your work, they would. 

Rebekkah Adams
Rebekkah’s been a writer and editor for more than 10 years, both in print and digital. In addition to writing about pets…
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Bird sings from a perch in a pine tree

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Certain colors may scare your bird – these are the ones to avoid
Here are the right and wrong colors for your pet bird's mood
Scared parrot squawks

Have you noticed that your bird responds differently to different colors and might even be startled by certain shades? Birds across the globe come in all colors — it’s one of the delights of birdwatching. In the home, parakeets, parrots, and canaries are well known for their beautiful plumage, another appealing aspect of owning these pets. But nature has given our feathered friends an instinct to perceive particular bright colors as a threat and thus avoid them. With careful observation and a little planning, you can avoid upsetting your bird with specific hues.

Why are birds attracted to certain colors?
There are probably a few reasons birds seem attracted to certain colors. Many birds eat fruit and the nectar of flowers and are therefore inclined to the colors associated with them. That’s why hummingbirds and others go for the bright, beautiful flowers in our yards (or the feeders designed to mimic them). In addition, pretty feathers aren’t just attractive to you but are also intended to help birds procure mates. On the other hand, birds in the wild might display color patches as a warning, which may lead fellow birds to fear some colors.
What colors are birds afraid of?
Many bird owners swear that their bird is afraid of red, and there’s probably some truth to that. Just as we take red to mean caution, so too, do some birds, who may view it with trepidation. If your bird finds red scary, try to minimize its presence around your birdcage or play area. 

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Can you take your bearded dragon on a walk? We tried so you don’t have to
Bearded dragon on a leash with a harness

Everyone understands that Fido needs to be walked, typically multiple times per day. But many other animals enjoy an excursion to the great outdoors too — we've all seen cute pics of cats, bunnies, and even ferrets rocking a leash. Want to give it a try with your lizard? It is possible to walk a bearded dragon, and both of you can enjoy the experience, provided you don't have dog-level expectations. It might take a little extra preparation, but with the right equipment, you can take a trip out to explore the wide world together. 

Do beardies like to go on walks?
Well, define walks. You won't be able to take your reptile out and do laps with him around the neighborhood. Make sure you only intend to go for a tiny outing and that you start really small. Truth be told, he'll probably just look around a little bit and then decide to go back inside where it's temperature and humidity-controlled and there's unlimited free food. But you may find that he looks forward to these short jaunts into his natural habitat. If that winds up being the case, you should continue them even though it's not the same as a "real" romp.
What type of harness does my bearded dragon need?
Especially at first, you'll need some way to secure your animal, and that's where the harness comes in. Just as you'd put your dog or cat on a leash attached to a collar, so too you need something to maintain control and keep track of your reptile. Don't go outside without something to keep him close by since it only takes seconds to lose track of your pet, who can get away quickly and go under or over things you can't. Some of these contraptions come in different sizes, and you can try a few out and see what works best for the both of you. Choose one specifically for this species, though — do not repurpose a mammal harness or try to make your own if he hasn't tried it out yet. You need him to stay secure for the entirety of your expedition.
How do I know if my beardie is comfortable?
You certainly want to ensure that the harness fits and that you aren't dragging him around, much as you would with any other pet. On top of that, though, check the temp outside before scheduling your journey. It needs to be extremely warm for him to do well outdoors. As in, well into the 80s preferably with a gentle sun beating down. Don't go out in the rain or cold as that does not match his natural habitat, which is often the desert and other warm climates. However, he also needs the opportunity for a cooldown at a moment's notice. Stay within reach of some shade as that will allow him to escape there as needed. Along these lines, keep the walks short to start, maybe five or 10 minutes until you adjust to his preference. 

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