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The best aquarium sand for decorating your tank

The material that you choose for the base of your tank is important. The flooring holds down plants and decorations and nourishes live plants. One of the best options for the base of your aquarium is sand. Aquarium sand is designed to provide a realistic-looking feel and can simulate the ocean floor or the base of a river. No matter what water oasis you’re trying to achieve, you can accomplish it with sand. Look for sand that has minerals for live plants or choose sand that is bright in color to create a clean, vibrant feel. There are so many great sand options for your aquarium, you will have no problem finding the one that best suits your aquascape.

Aquarium sand is a great way to line your tank’s floor. It is soft, clean, and simulates the ocean floor. Many fish like to sleep on the floor of the tank, so it is important that they are comfortable. Sharp rocks or gravel can cause difficulty for sleeping fish or ground-dwelling crustaceans. Sand provides a softer feel that will make your aquatic creatures feel right at home. Some sand features natural minerals that promote the growth of live aquatic plants. If you don’t have live plants, then it is important to choose a high-quality sand that won’t affect the water chemistry of your aquarium. Regardless, you will love the look of sand in your aquarium.

CaribSea Super Naturals Substrate

Cleans Easily

This is one of the best options for your aquarium. It allows you to create an extremely natural appearance because of its tone, texture, and color. The grain sizes are designed to reduce the buildup of harmful toxins, making it safe and efficient in your tank. There are no paints or dyes utilized so it is perfectly safe for your fish. This sand has a neutral pH, so it won’t affect the water chemistry of your tank. Made in the USA, this sand is safe for all aquarium systems and comes in three natural color choices. This product comes in a 20-pound bag.

Fluval Plant And Shrimp Stratum

Best for Stimulating Plant Growth

This soil contains minerals and nutrients designed specifically for promoting the health of shrimp and plants in your freshwater tank. If you’re looking for a dramatic effect, pair this dark, rich color with the bright colors of the natural plants and fish in your tank. The acidity in this soil is perfectly balanced to achieve the right levels for your water’s chemistry. This product is available in a 4.4-pound bag.

Royal Ram Marble Decorative Sand

Best Natural Sand

This 100% natural sand is white and adds a delicate feel to your tank. Made from crushed marble, this product is not dyed and has a medium-sized grain that is perfect for any aquarium. This natural sand comes in a 2-pound bag and can provide a soft, comfortable surface for your fish and other aquatic critters to enjoy. This product is available in California sand, natural green, marble white, and natural.

Aquarium sand is one of the best ways to make your fish feel comfortable and at home in your tank. It mimics the feeling of their natural habitat and will be a comfortable surface for them to sleep on. Sand comes in many colors and has unique ingredients depending on its material. No matter what type of sand you choose, you will love the natural, soft look it brings to your aquascape.

PawTracks Contributor
PawTracks Contributor
Why do birds bob their heads? These are the reasons parrots and other birds do it
This behavior is a natural response
Parrot bobbing his head

Parrots are hilarious and clever birds that make for a wonderful pet. They will fill your home with well-timed squaws and maybe some funny catchphrases. They also have one of the most incredible body languages in the animal kingdom and are often recognized for their peculiar head bobbing.

Bird owners spend hours observing the many messages these guys send with their movements. So, why do birds bob their heads? We'll explain why parrots head bob and also why other types of birds do it as well.

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Best hamster bedding: The safest options for your furry friend
Try out these hamster bedding options in the cage
Hamster in wood shavings in cage

To be healthy and happy, your hamster needs bedding that he can burrow into. Bedding absorbs urine and gives your hamster a soft, safe surface. But finding the best hamster bedding can take time, especially if you're new to owning a hamster.

Best hamster bedding
While it's sensible to look for cheap hamster bedding options, it's just as important to ensure that you're buying a product that's also safe for your little guy. The following bedding types are not only affordable but also pet-friendly and available at stores and online retailers.
Aspen shavings
Wood shavings are probably the most widely used type of small-animal bedding available. Shavings are a great, cheap hamster substrate, and when you buy a larger package, you can get even better value.

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Can guinea pigs eat apples? Yes, but there are risks involved
These are the fruits your guinea pig can eat (and the ones to avoid)
Guinea pig eats an apple

Sharing a meal brings us closer to other humans and to our pets. It's fun to break out the snacks and cut a carrot in half — half for you and half for your small creature. Many of the little guys, such as guinea pigs, rely on these foods as part of a balanced diet.

Guinea pigs are herbivores that love to munch on a variety of plants, including fruits. Too much of one thing, though, will throw off their diet, and you need to be careful not to give your rodent anything they can't digest. These guys have naturally delicate systems, so be careful before you reach for just anything in your kitchen. Can guinea pigs eat apples? Certainly, if they're prepared properly. 

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