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Get unusual aquatic life for your tank for the coolest conversation starter

We all know it: Once you get your first tank, you get hooked. One minute, you bring home a betta, and the next you have multiple aquariums (both fresh and salt) and subscribe to every aquarist forum you can find. While you might blow through the basics in the first few months, there are so many ways to expand your underwater empire. In particular, lots of fish and even other aquatic life will take your ecosystems to the next level. Which unusual aquatic life should you choose? Of course, it depends greatly on what you already have and where your interests lie, but we have a couple of recommendations that go well with nearly any marine museum.

Aquarium full of brightly colored fish
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What are some unusual aquarium animals?

It’s normal to want to expand to exotic tank-dwellers, especially once you have a really good handle on the usual suspects. One option is to look at a few good non-fish species, such as snails, crabs, and shrimp. Seahorses, while technically fish, can also add a ton of pizzaz to aquatic housing though they have a few very particular needs that you’ll want to take into account before bringing any into your system. Most importantly, ensure you have the correct parameters in place for the additions because you certainly don’t want to put an unhappy animal into the mix. 

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How do I know if my next aquarium find will thrive?

If you have a bunch of aquariums, it’s easy to separate each one into its own habitat. By this, we mean that you can adjust the chemical composition and temperature one way or the other to create an ideal environment specifically for the creatures in that tank. So when you want to add something new, you select the correct conditions and you know right away that it should work out. However, you do need to make sure that you always quarantine any new inhabitants and that you only put in one at a time (or a school if necessary). Lastly, you need to take into account the various personalities of the occupants. You certainly don’t want to include a fish that will wind up becoming a predator or prey. You’ll have to keep all of this in mind when you pick your next pet.

What species can I add to my aquarium next?

It’ll depend on what you already have and what you’re looking for, but we have a couple of recommendations for the adventurous aquarist looking to bring a new guy to their school.

Zebra pleco bottomfeeds in his aquarium
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Zebra pleco

The zebra pleco isn’t your everyday catfish. You’ll love his incredible appearance that looks something like a zebra with stripes going in both directions. The minuses here are that only a pro can take on this shy friend and they’ll set you back a few hundred dollars. But under the right circumstances, you should jump at the opportunity to own such a striking creature.

American flagfish

This gorgeous fish will stop you in your tracks once you add him to your tank. The males in particular exhibit the coloration of a flag, hence the name. They’re a bit curious and want places to hide, so you’ll need a setup that allows for some alone time. They work well with little fish like guppies and tetras.

Red Bulu point

While these guys have taken the underwater-lovers world by storm, you don’t really want to jump on the trend just for the sake of it. Though much more mellow than some species of cichlid, they still require specialized care and come with a hefty price tag. Unlike many of the fish on this list, you will likely set up a species-only tank for this crew, keeping a group of about 10 total, heavy on the females. 

Peacock gudgeon swims around his aquarium
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Peacock gudgeon

Another brightly colored fish, you want to pair these with other chill breeds such as gouramis or rasboras. And you can’t really keep just one. Instead, you need a couple of females and a male to reduce fighting. Like the flagfish, this species also needs some hidey spots and loves places with live plants.

Any time you add another animal to your household, you want to be certain that you’re ready for it. When it comes to aquariums, that means making sure you never overfill a tank and that the fish all get along. Also, check carefully to confirm that your newest swimmers come from reputable breeders who have cared for them well. You don’t want to bring someone in who’s unhealthy and might have contagious diseases. When done right though, exotic aquarium dwellers will spice up your home and your life.

Rebekkah Adams
Rebekkah’s been a writer and editor for more than 10 years, both in print and digital. In addition to writing about pets…
Looking to add corydoras to your aquarium? Here’s what you need to know first
Read this before bringing home a cory catfish to add to your tank
Two cory catfish hang out on the bottom of the tank

One thing you might not know about aquariums until you get one: Every tank needs a janitor, which may wind up just being you. When you first dive into this hobby, it can take a while to realize how much maintenance is really involved — don't think that the filter will do all the work. But if you want a little a help in that department, you can add a catfish to the fray. If you don't have a ton of experience with these bottom feeders, we recommend one of the corydoras since they're generally best for beginners.

What are corydoras?
This is a type of catfish, but there are actually more than 170 species to choose from. These are a well-known group of swimmers who get their name from their barbels, which look a bit like whiskers. While you'll find dozens of options in the pet store, you will likely narrow it down quickly based on the size of your tank, temperature, habitat you've chosen, and the other fish that they'll live with eventually.
Are corydoras friendly?
Yes, corydoras are sweet and gentle fish. They particularly like spending time together, but get along with many others as well. In some cases, you should not buy just one as they'll get lonely. Instead grab a pair of the same type and watch them become best friends. You'll often see them as bottom feeders, well, at the base of the tank, but cory cats also come up to the surface for air or food from time to time.

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Is your fish tank for bettas too small? Here’s are the do’s and don’ts of betta care
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A betta swims with plants in its tank

While the betta craze may have died down a little, you still see many of these beautiful blue fish in homes and in stores. It's true that they make great pets, even for a novice aquarist, since they don't require an overly extensive tank setup and often prefer to be alone. But just because they work well for a newbie doesn't mean you can dive in without any research. We're here with what you need to know about betta fish care and fish tanks for bettas. Here are the do's and don'ts for bettas.

What do I need to know about taking care of my betta fish?
Do research fish breeders
It all starts with the betta egg, and even the mom and dad. Just like with a puppy, you want to ensure your fishy has had a good life from hatching. There are tons of ethical breeders out there, but you can find some shady ones, too. In general, you want to avoid stores that have them crammed into tiny containers and cycled in and out every day. Do your research about local pet fish stores in your area or check out some of the more reputable ones online.

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Turtle walking on a table

Did you know the difference between turtles and tortoises is that turtles live at least partially in the water, while tortoises live exclusively on land? Both types make great pets, but caring for them can be a time-intensive task. If you’re considering buying an aquatic turtle, you should first know how to best take care of one. You certainly don't want to bring a new turtle home and realize you're in way over your head. Read on to learn the fundamentals of aquatic turtle care.

What is the water vs. land ratio?
Most turtles spend some time on land; even sea turtles venture to dry ground to lay their eggs. Turtles do not need and should not have enclosures full of water. Small floating platforms that turtles can climb onto should suffice for turtles that spend most of their time underwater. However, some aquatic turtles enjoy exploring the land and need more of a dry area. Research the particular species of aquatic turtle you’re interested in to find out how much time they spend in the water compared to on land.

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