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Why do birds fly into windows? The truth is kind of sad

There's a lot you can do to keep neighborhood birds from flying into windows

Watching birds from the windows is one of the many perks of living near wildlife: we can stay warm and gaze out on the flocks that frequent our feeders. But sadly, these windows that allow us to view the outdoors can harm the creatures in it. Animals experience the world differently from us, and they see differently, too. Therefore, it’s important to take steps to make your windows visible to birds (and other fauna) in order to help spare them from unnecessary death or injury. But why do birds fly into windows? We’ll explain what the problem is and also give you some advice on how to prevent it. With a few simple tricks, you’ll still get to enjoy the bird show and keep them from getting hurt. 

Bird takes flight off a branch in slow motion
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Why do birds fly into windows?

Turn off the lights inside and go out during the early morning to look at your windows. You’ll likely see a dim version of your own yard reflected back to you. While it only gives you a moment’s pause, birds don’t understand that a plant can show up in a piece of glass but not really be there. Unfortunately, this means when they fly into your windows, they’re actually trying to get into the trees. That’s because there’s a wide-open sky in the panes of your home welcoming the avians of your area.

Bird perches on a window feeder
Image used with permission by copyright holder

How do windows harm birds?

Luckily, many, even most, birds who fly into windows wind up being just fine. A glancing blow might just give them the dizzies for a minute. If you hear that telltale crunch, go ahead and check it out. You should stay a few feet back while assessing since some birds want to get up and hop away to recover in a safe spot on their own. If they make a break for it, let them be. However, if you find a stunned bird or one with a broken wing, you can step in and help, provided you follow all laws.

Birds flock around feeder in yard
Image used with permission by copyright holder

What do I do if a bird hits my window and dies?

While many birds do survive a brush with glass, about a billion die each year from running into windows, mostly because there are a lot of windows in the world. If it’s clear the bird is dead, you can decide just to leave it and let nature take its course. However, you can also choose to bury the bird but check your local zoning laws as some prohibit this. Many choose to remove the bird from inside a fenced-in area to discourage predators from coming too close to the home, or the bird getting picked up by a pet. You can place the bird in a nearby open field or wooded area to allow it to decompose naturally. 

Decal on window to help prevent birds from running into it
Image used with permission by copyright holder

What can I do to protect the birds from my windows?

First, identify the windows that are most likely to cause problems. Many parts of your house stay in a shadow or aren’t on a flight path, so they will never tempt a bird. By taking care of the worst offenders, you can prevent dozens of collisions and save countless birdies. The easiest way to fix the problem is by putting screens and decals on the outside of the window. Remember that putting them on the inside doesn’t do the trick – birds will still see the reflection of vegetation in the glass and get into trouble. Make sure to put up enough and to space them close together. Check out the American Bird Conservancy list to find a safe and effective product. 

On top of fixing existing windows, keep birds in mind any time you decide to do new construction. Even a garage, greenhouse, or shed can be a hazard if it’s placed in a particularly popular location. Some really cool designs work toward preventing windows from ever appealing to birds in the first place. Take a look through this handy guide for more details. 

Bird sings from a perch in a pine tree

How can I keep the birds of my neighborhood safe?

Once you’ve covered your house, feel free to pass along extra decals to the neighbors and encourage other bird-safe practices. Remember that pets account for an even higher death toll for wild birds than windows. But these animals can exist in harmony. Keep your dogs and cats indoors or contained and monitored outside and avoid nesting areas on walks, especially during the spring. You can also train many dogs to leave wildlife alone. 

Don’t despair over all the birds who might hit your windows. Instead, use this inspiration to make a world occupied by humans safer for these natural creatures. Often, a few simple steps will change everything for flyers but won’t have any negative impact on your life and allow you to enjoy birdwatching even more. Go a step further and champion legislation that keeps birds top of mind and protects and preserves them at all times.

Rebekkah Adams
Rebekkah’s been a writer and editor for more than 10 years, both in print and digital. In addition to writing about pets…
Certain colors may scare your bird – these are the ones to avoid
Here are the right and wrong colors for your pet bird's mood
Scared parrot squawks

Have you noticed that your bird responds differently to different colors and might even be startled by certain shades? Birds across the globe come in all colors — it’s one of the delights of birdwatching. In the home, parakeets, parrots, and canaries are well known for their beautiful plumage, another appealing aspect of owning these pets. But nature has given our feathered friends an instinct to perceive particular bright colors as a threat and thus avoid them. With careful observation and a little planning, you can avoid upsetting your bird with specific hues.

Why are birds attracted to certain colors?
There are probably a few reasons birds seem attracted to certain colors. Many birds eat fruit and the nectar of flowers and are therefore inclined to the colors associated with them. That’s why hummingbirds and others go for the bright, beautiful flowers in our yards (or the feeders designed to mimic them). In addition, pretty feathers aren’t just attractive to you but are also intended to help birds procure mates. On the other hand, birds in the wild might display color patches as a warning, which may lead fellow birds to fear some colors.
What colors are birds afraid of?
Many bird owners swear that their bird is afraid of red, and there’s probably some truth to that. Just as we take red to mean caution, so too, do some birds, who may view it with trepidation. If your bird finds red scary, try to minimize its presence around your birdcage or play area. 

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Determined to raise backyard chickens? 6 essential things to do before you set up your coop
Three chickens eat while outside in their backyard

Urban chicken coops are trendy and rightfully so. With a group of hens you get fun pets plus eggs — how often does the family dog contribute after all? But you can't dive in on every Instagram trend, and this one, in particular, requires a pretty big upfront commitment mixed with a reasonable amount of upkeep, especially for beginners who have never owned so much as a parakeet. Just because it seems like a lot to handle, that doesn't mean you aren't cut out for poultry farming; many find it fun and rewarding. Before jumping into backyard chickens, think through these six things and determine if a flock of birds is really the right fit for you.

Look up local laws
Even if you see chickens roaming nearby, you'll want to thoroughly check up on the laws of your area, as well as any HOA regulations. You'd be surprised how many very specific rules might apply to setting up your little farm. Think about the coop itself, the rules for owning fowl, and the noise ordinances. Specifically, if you intend to have a rooster heading up your group as they can crow at decibels you wouldn't imagine and at hours you don't usually see.
Find your perfect spot
Next, scope out your yard and start planning. You need a large space for the coop itself (more on that in a minute) but that's not the whole picture. Since you started with a relatively small space to begin with (remember chickens often roam over many acres in a more rural habitat), you want both an indoor structure and an outdoor run. Altogether, you might need a sizable portion of the yard to accommodate them. If you plan to add other birds like ducks, you must calculate too where the pool will go and how they will access it.
Design your urban chicken coop
There are probably a few laws governing how big this can be, and you might need to apply for a permit, so you'll spend a decent amount of time in the design phase. Decide if you want to buy something pre-made or build a structure that perfectly fits into your yard. Either way, you should allocate about three square feet per chicken, so your building will get big quick, even if you want to start small. And that's just indoors. They need to be able to come out sometimes but still stay safely nearby.
Research breeds
Think all chickens are the same? Think again. Get ready to narrow it down from the 500 chicken breeds out there. The local climate will slim that as well as the available space, but you still have a bit of your own studying to do. And it's not just breed, you can impact what types of eggs you get based on what chicks you get (along with the food and environment).

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Try out these 6 different kinds of best bird feeders to attract your feathered friends
House finch eats at nyger feeder

Bird feeders come in multiple shapes and sizes because birds do, too. Each feeder accommodates a different feeding style, and many are enticing to a particular species. Before setting up your feeders, think first about what kinds of flyers you want to attract — and which ones are likely to oblige. Then, once you have a good bird-watching list, scout out the right locations and the best feeders to attract them. You can put out all these for the widest array of visitors or focus on a few types and get the best setup for just those eaters. Here are the six best bird feeders and what feathered friends you'll probably see feeding at them.

What are the different types of bird feeders?
You probably have a bunch of different dishes in your home — plates, bowls, maybe a gravy boat. Our avian guests have the same needs. After all, some birds eat seeds, some animal fat, some flowers, and some nectar. Take a look through these top types and figure out which one — or ones — belong in your yard.
Hummingbird feeders
Putting up a hummingbird feeder all but ensures you'll add a splash of color to your life. This one will bring in gorgeous birds and look nice in the window. Of course, the drawback is that you need to clean it often by hand. Don't worry: A little soap and water will do the trick, and its glass construction means it will last a long time. Feeding hummingbirds saves your wallet, too, since you can make all the food yourself. Boil 1 part sugar and 4 parts water to create this concoction and refrigerate any left over right away. It'll take your neighborhood birds a minute to find their new restaurant, but once they've discovered it (and given a rave review to their friends), you'll never run out of visitors, provided you keep the food flowing. 
Hopper feeders
This is a classic bird feeder that adorns nearly every yard at one time or another. You'll get large birds — and probably large squirrels — as regulars at this one. Try hanging it from a strategic spot or mounting it on a pole to avoid squirrels, but that might be a losing battle. Instead, focus on attracting the birds you do like with the proper seed for them (don't forget to keep it full). We suspect you'll spot a menagerie here, especially jays and cardinals since it's welcoming to bigger animals. Unlike the hummingbird feeder, you won't bring this one indoors often, and should make sure it's reachable by hose or bucket for proper cleaning. 
Tube feeders
The smaller birds of the community will thank you for this tube feeder, as the little perches and openings go well with tiny feet and beaks. Watch for a mix of sparrows, chickadees, and titmice who enjoy having a spot of their own, and look at purchasing a blend that encourages them. However, a small feeder means you have to fill it regularly. It might take a few weeks, but you should get an idea of how often the birds start begging for a refill. Finding a spot can prove tricky because you never know when the guests of honor will alight on the other side. Place it between windows to best see every angle. 

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