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Watch this clever cat try to teach their pet parent how cat toys work

She wants to teach her human how to play with the dangly toy

We love playing with our pets, and they seem to love it back. While dogs might enjoy endlessly chasing a ball or tugging at a rope, cats typically gravitate toward more obvious hunting games. That’s why plenty of cat toys involve a small mouse, sometimes stuffed with catnip or another intriguing smell. You can also find cat toys that dangle on a string, something like a fishing pole, for the feline to bat and bite. Well, this particularly clever cat has decided it’s her human who needs to practice and is determined to play a little game with him.

We can’t exactly tell if this kitty was absentmindedly playing with her toy or if she’s a diabolical genius who has set out to teach human owners a lesson; commenters seemed to lean toward the first (and we do too). In the video, the little mouser sits atop a sofa and playfully waves her toy in front of her owner, clearly trying to get him to swing at it. This clip is entitled “Derp has turned the tables playing with derp daddy” and was posted to the Animals Being Derps subreddit, a place for some particularly funny pics and videos of pets.

The top comment perfectly summed up what the cat was thinking “Here catch it……. NOT,” says u/Earthling2112. It’s true this little guy seems to be egging on her person. u/Roland1232 took it a step further and responded,”‘Demeaning, isn’t it?'” while u/PM_ME_NEW_VEGAS_MODS declared the man’s attempts “Pawthetic.”

Others leaned into the existential nature of the video a bit with u/AKWire_Princess saying, “I like the cat’s grey eyebrows and mustache… definitely a when the student becomes a teacher moment.”

u/_stoneslayer_ agreed with the instructor vibes and put out there, “His look of disappointment at his human’s failed attempt is hilarious.”

Kitten plays with a yarn ball on a string
Katrin Baidimirova / Shutterstock

Why do cats play with toys?

While it might look silly when a person gives the string toy a go, it’s important for your pet’s overall health to give him mental stimulation. When you first bring your beastie home, try a few different types of playthings and see what sticks. Every animal has unique tastes. Some prefer the squeaky mouse version, and others will immediately gravitate toward ones that dangle from a pole or even their cat tree. No matter which accessory your cat picks, he’ll want to have a little fun with it, and you.

Next time your cat decides that it’s playtime, see if he’s interested in having you give the feather toy a go. You might wind up with a very confused feline, or you could discover a new game. Maybe showing him this video will give him a few ideas!

Rebekkah Adams
Rebekkah’s been a writer and editor for more than 10 years, both in print and digital. In addition to writing about pets…
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