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White cats are at risk for these 3 conditions – find out what they are

Don't be caught off guard if your white kitty develops a skin condition

White cat with two different color eyes

If you just brought home your first white cat, you could be in for a few surprises. These fair-haired felines have the rarest coat of all, but that also comes with unique needs. Sadly, while white cats look beautiful, they sometimes have health conditions not seen as commonly in other types of kitties. It’s important to know about these in advance, but also remember that your cat can live a long and happy life even if they have to use lotion sometimes.

What health problems do white cats have?

There isn’t any one thing guaranteed to pop up in your tiny snow leopard, but they might be at risk for some of these issues.


Up to 80% of truly white cats with blue eyes go deaf as kittens, meaning they never learn the sounds or vocalizations that lots of hearing cats do. There isn’t anything you can do about it medically, but remember, a domesticated cat can live an amazing life without being able to hear. Lots of them even learn signs instead of spoken commands. We do recommend you keep them indoors though, since they won’t be able to navigate cars well without the use of their ears.

Sunburns (and skin cancer)

Burns are horrible, and that’s doubly true if you’re a four-legged animal. It’s a lot more difficult for your beastie to take care of their skin with a little after-burn than it is for you. In addition to the discomfort, repeated sunburns can cause cancer, just as they do in humans. Luckily, a little  goes a long way to preventing this type of skin irritation.

Skin Conditions

All cats can have skin issues, but white cats often wind up getting them more frequently because of their sensitive skin. This can include basic things like allergies and more advanced issues, such as ringworm. Usually, the solution is to treat the conditions themselves as they appear, but always discuss a care plan with your vet.

A blue-eyed white cat sprawls out on top of a rug with a forlorn expression

What can you do for your white cat?

Depending on which problems affect your little guy, you might need a few extra trips to the cat doctor. They could advise you to bathe them more often, use dry shampoo, or incorporate cat lotion into your routine. Additionally, you must remember to put sunscreen on your pet every time they may catch some rays. If you have an indoor cat, that could be when they sun themselves through a window or use their catio.

White cats are wonderful pets, often considered lucky because they are gorgeous and unique. But these fuzzballs present a few special challenges, too, and you need to be prepared. Some experts say you should not take one in as a beginner and instead make sure you’re a cat pro before bringing one of these stunning creatures home. However, with enough diligence and a great care team, you can give your pearly white princess a long and exciting life no matter what health conditions they wind up having.

Rebekkah Adams
Rebekkah’s been a writer and editor for more than 10 years, both in print and digital. In addition to writing about pets…
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Don't panic — this is a standard part of the reproduction ritual
A white cat walks on a series of logs outside

You might get a bit traumatized when you first encounter two cats mating — be prepared for it to turn you off breeding kittens entirely. In fact, we generally recommend that you spay or neuter your animal when you don't want any babies in the immediate future. Otherwise, your pet will go into heat multiple times per year and may exhibit other unusual behaviors during this time. At the top of this list is the screaming that occurs before, during, and after feline copulation. But why do cats scream when mating? We break the whole process down for you.
What does the reproductive cycle look like in kitties?

There are four major pieces of this that start with heat and end up with a pregnancy, we hope, and this cycle is a bit different from in humans. Unlike us, kitty cats have a mating season, which can vary for a house pet, but it usually coincides with spring and summer where you live. If left to her own devices, your female cat, called a queen, will go through this full cycle many times until she gets pregnant during the season.
Going into heat
It all starts when your fur baby goes into heat. Even with no man or tomcat around, she'll likely start exhibiting certain behaviors like restlessness, calling, rolling, and something called lordosis (when she sticks her butt in the air). Even if she looks unhappy, she's really just feeling the urge.
Finding a mate
It's time for your pet to find a suitable partner, which she does with a loud scream intended to attract fertile males (boy cats often do the same to get a female's attention). Oftentimes, man cats fight for their woman's affection, though they don't really need to, as she's happy to have a go with lots of different partners.
Getting it on
Cats mate quickly and functionally. The male first grabs the female by the scruff to keep her in place and then inserts his penis, which is covered in small barbs (we'll come back to this). Both might scream during the act, and it likely feels pretty uncomfortable, at least for the girl on the receiving end. Sometimes, this ends with the queen getting her comeuppance and attacking the tomcat. Afterward, she rests for a while and then starts again.
Stimulating an ovulation
You read that right: Cats don't ovulate unless they have sex, and rarely does one shot get the job done. That's why lady cats will often begin to repeat this process soon after they finish with one tom. It also means your sweet girl can get pregnant from multiple cats at once and have a litter with mixed parentage.
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A black and white cat's face

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