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10 reasons dogs make the perfect Valentine’s Day dates

Ah, Valentine’s Day. It’s a time to receive sweet cards, eat semi-sweet chocolates, and post completely nauseating but obligatory odes to your partner on social media — unless you’re single and in no mood to mingle (or, worse, celebrating Valentine’s Day on Zoom for the second-straight year). The lack of a date for V-Day can leave you with feelings that are anything but sugar and spice and everything nice.

However, dog parents don’t need to look far for the best date in town. Our pups actually make way better dates than anyone on Tinder. Here’s why we’re swiping right on dogs for Valentine’s Day.

shih tzu on a white table with valentine's day collar
Image used with permission by copyright holder

They don’t care what you’re wearing on the date

If yoga pants and hoodies have become your new wardrobe staples, rest assured, your dog is totally cool with it. There’s no need to dress to impress around your pup. They love you just the way you are. Besides, it’s far easier to play with them in stretchy pants than in a stuffy suit or dress.

They’ll stare into your eyes all night with looks of affection

You love looking into your pup’s big, brown eyes, and the feeling is mutual. When your dog stares at you, they’re often telling you how much they love you. They think you’re way more exciting than anything they’d find on that fifth limb known as your iPhone. You won’t have to worry about them doom scrolling (or Tinder trolling) mid-date.

You’re guaranteed to be showered in kisses

Your dog is so pumped you decided to stay in with them, and they’re going to say thanks by showing you extra love and affection. For many of our furry friends, this means tons of wet kisses. Sure, it’s a little gross, but they mean so well. It’s also better than a bad date’s feeble attempt at romance.

You know they won’t stand you up

Your pup is loyal and reliable. They’re there for you in good times and in bad, and they wouldn’t have it any other way. You won’t have to worry about a last-minute cancelation. They’re so ready for this date and wouldn’t miss it for the world.

You won’t be disappointed at the end of the night

You and your dog go together like peanut butter and jelly. That’s why you two matched up in the first place. You know what to expect from a night with your dog, so you’re bound to go to bed with a smile on your face (and a warm puppy at your feet).

a woman napping on the couch with her Yorkie
Image used with permission by copyright holder

They’re warmer for cuddles

Our furry friends are cozier than a luxe blanket, which is great because February is freezing in many parts of the country. They’re also more natural snugglers than most humans we know. There’s no need to worry about them pretending to yawn just so that they can wrap their arm around your shoulder.

They’ll have what you’re having

When you’re hangry and on a date, the last thing you want to deal with is someone who spends an hour poring over the entire menu. Your dog will have what you’re having. (Just make sure it doesn’t have anything toxic or interfere with your pup’s actual kibble.)

They won’t judge your movie choice

Want to sob through Titanic for the third time this week? Your dog will be there to lick away your tears. They also won’t fight you for the remote.

They already love you unconditionally

You are your dog’s world. They’ve seen you at your best and at your worst and love you no matter what. You can be yourself and know you’re more than enough when you’re with them.

Nightcap? Why, yes

Your pet doesn’t have work the next day, a game to watch, or another date go on. If you want to extend the evening a little longer, they’d be much obliged. They’re also fine to turn in early.

Valentine’s Day can leave you feeling a bit bitter if you don’t have plans. However, sometimes it’s better that way, especially if you have a pup. Spending time with your dog on Valentine’s Day is actually much more enjoyable than hanging out with another human. Your dog knows you and loves you just the way you are. They’re simply happy to be with you and that you’re home with them, so they won’t complain about the movie you choose or the outfit you wear. They’re cool to go to bed at 7:30 p.m. or extend the date as long as they’re with you.

BethAnn Mayer
Beth Ann's work has appeared on and In her spare time, you can find her running (either marathons…
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