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9 telltale signs you’re probably a cat person

While there are those of us who genuinely love cats and dogs equally, the vast majority of the population can be split into two categories: dog people and cat people. Dogs are fun-loving and outgoing, whereas cats tend to be a little more laid-back. Whether you already have a feline companion, or you’re just now thinking about adopting one, there’s something almost magical about sharing your life with a cat. From their adorable toe beans to their soothing purr, cats have a calming presence in our lives. Are you a cat person who doesn’t know they’re a cat person yet? Let’s find out.

A woman working on the sofa while holding a calico cat.
Sam Lion from Pexels

How to tell if you’re a cat person

Here are nine signs you’re a cat person in the making.

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1. You aren’t a fan of loud noises

Even the most well-trained dogs bark sometimes. If you can’t stand the sound of barking, but you don’t mind the occasional meow — not to mention the funny “ekekekekeke” sound cats make when they’re calling birds — chances are good that you’re a cat person at heart. Fun fact: The vibrations caused by purring cats can help heal infections, improve joint mobility, boost bone healing, and provide pain relief. Cat parents are also 40% less likely to suffer from a heart attack than people who don’t have cats. 

2. Daily walks are not your style

Whether time constraints, horrible weather, or a physical condition make frequent trips outside a pain, not all of us are built for the daily walks dogs require to remain healthy and happy. Cats are much more low maintenance in terms of their exercise needs. Give your feline friend a cat tree to climb, indulge them in the occasional game of laser tag, and they’re as happy as can be. Dogs, though, require at least an hour of exercise per day. Let’s face it: We don’t all have the time, ability, or inclination to spend that long outside. 

3. You live in a small space without a yard

We’re not saying apartment dwellers can’t have dogs. Some apartment complexes have strict rules about where your dog can be off-leash. With cats, you won’t have the same problem. Cats require much less space than dogs, so they’re better suited to high-rise apartments, condos, and small homes without yards. (We recommend keeping your cat exclusively indoors for safety reasons.)

4. You hate doing poop patrol

A dog will inevitably embarrass you in public at some point. Whether it’s pooping in the neighbor’s yard, on the sidewalk, or right when your in-laws are pulling up for a surprise visit, it will happen eventually. With cats, they have their own dedicated toilet, and they’re fanatical about covering up their business when they’re finished. You’ll be able to clean the litter box in the privacy of your own home without having to apologize to your neighbor — or carry around a poop bag. 

A woman sitting on a windowsill holding a calico cat.
Sam Lion from Pexels

5. You’ve always been drawn to cats

Simultaneously elegant and playful, cats are one of the most fascinating creatures on the planet. Whether they’re perched sphinx-like on the arm of your sofa or butt-wiggling as they prepare to attack a toy, cats have a unique way of bringing life and happiness to any home. If you always wind up with your friend’s pet on your lap when you pay a visit, you may want to think about getting one of your own.

6. The occasional scratch doesn’t bother you

Even the most seasoned cat parent will tell you that cat scratches happen to the best of us. If you don’t take it personally when a cat swats at your hand, you’re probably a cat person. It doesn’t mean they hate you. It just means you’ve interrupted playtime, dinnertime, or naptime. (Cats have their priorities in order, after all.)

7. A large portion of your Instagram feed consists of cats

Whether you’re a fan of Grumpy Cat, Lil Bub, or Doubles, if you follow more than one cat account on Instagram, you’re definitely a cat person. Adopting a cat not only saves a life, but it also gives you the opportunity to start a fan page for your own furry housemate. Maybe that sounds excessive to people who don’t love cats, but it sounds perfectly normal to us.

8. You’re a homebody

Does curling up on the sofa with a cup of tea and a good book sound much more your speed than a night on the town? Think of how much better it would be if you added a soft, purring snuggle buddy to the mix. While you can usually find dog people romping through the park with a Frisbee in hand, homebodies are the perfect cat parents. 

9. Cat hair is an acceptable accessory or condiment

When you share your home with cats, you’ll inevitably find cat hair on your clothes, shoes, towels, and possibly even your plates. If the idea of double-checking your dishes before you use them and keeping a lint roller in your car doesn’t bother you, congratulations: You’ll make a wonderful cat parent. 

A smiling kitten with their eyes closed.
Amir Ghoorchiani from Pexels

Nothing is more relaxing than having a purring cat nod off on your lap. According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, an estimated 3.4 million cats are currently housed in shelters. Roughly 1.4 million cats are euthanized each year. If that statistic makes your heart sink, you’re definitely a cat person. The perfect cat is waiting for you to welcome them home.

Mary Johnson
Mary Johnson is a writer and photographer from New Orleans, Louisiana. Her work has been published in PawTracks and…
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