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The best cat litter under $25 that doesn’t stick to paws

You’ve carefully placed your cat’s litter box in an area that’s quiet and out of the way, and you’ve made sure that it’s on a floor that’s easy to clean, like tile or linoleum. You may have even purchased a litter-catching mat to help keep your cat from tracking the litter through your home, but you can still see trails of litter that follow your cat from room to room. Litter tracking is a common issue, and some litters are worse than others when it comes to sticking to your cat’s paws. We’ve highlighted three top-reviewed cat litters that are all under $25. These litters are designed to minimize tracking and to not stick to your cat’s paws, so they get left behind in the box instead of finding their way into your home.

Dr. Elsey’s Ultra Premium Clumping Cat Litter

Dr. Elsey’s Ultra Premium Clumping Cat Litter is a premium litter full of qualities that make it a top choice. It’s 99.9% dust-free and is unscented, so it won’t irritate sensitive respiratory systems. This low-tracking formula won’t stick to paws, so more of the litter stays in the box instead of on your floor. It’s hypoallergenic and made with natural ingredients like bentonite clay, plus it clumps for easy scooping and sifting. This multi-cat formula effectively controls odors to keep the box more appealing to cats.


  • Hypoallergenic and 99.9% dust-free.
  • Low-tracking formula.
  • Made with natural ingredients.


  • On the more expensive side.
  • Quite heavy.

Yesterday’s News Unscented Non-Clumping Paper Cat Litter

Yesterday’s News Unscented Non-Clumping Paper Cat Litter puts recycled newspaper to work for a more eco-friendly approach to traditional litter. These pellets of recycled paper are low tracking, so your cat is less likely to spread them throughout your home. The formula is three times more absorbent than clay, making it ideal for multi-cat homes. It’s also 99.7% dust-free, perfect for cats and humans with sensitive respiratory systems.


  • Uses recycled newspaper for eco-friendly benefits.
  • Pellets are low tracking.
  • Highly absorbent.


  • Requires frequent cleaning.
  • More expensive than clay litters.

Arm & Hammer Feline Pine Non-Clumping Cat Litter

Arm & Hammer Feline Pine Non-Clumping Cat Litter puts the power of baking soda to use to keep your cat’s litter box pleasant and inviting. The pine pellets are highly absorbent, creating a box that’s dry and more appealing to your cat. The formula is low dust and is designed to stay in the box rather than sticking to your cat’s paws. There are no added fragrances, so you don’t have to worry about artificial, irritating smells. Best of all, this litter is less than half the weight of clay litter, meaning it’s easier to move, store, and pour. All the pine used in this litter is sustainably sourced, and no new trees are cut down to create this litter. Instead, the litter is made with reclaimed lumber shavings, so you can feel good about choosing this product.


  • Made from sustainably sourced pine shavings.
  • Baking soda helps control odors.
  • Less than half of clay litter’s weight


  • More expensive than clay litters.

Choosing the right cat litter can help minimize tracking through your home, making it easier to clean up after your cat. If you decide to change your cat’s litter to one of the products above, then make that change gradually. Cats can be very particular, and your cat might not love suddenly having a new litter in his box. To avoid this, gradually add new litter to your old litter. Each time you change the box, add a little more new litter while using a little less of the previous type of litter. It’s also a good idea to change the litters in only one of your cat’s boxes at a time, so if he really protests the new litter, he still has another box to use.

Paige Cerulli
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Paige's work has appeared in American Veterinarian, Business Insider, Healthline, and more. When she's not writing, Paige…
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