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Video: Dog meets Santa for the first time (and it’s super heartwarming)

Huey the blue staffy gets to meet Santa for the first time and you get to enjoy his precious reaction

For so many, the highlight of Christmas was meeting Santa and asking for presents. That early memory of sitting on “the big man’s” knee or watching your children see him for the first time is something we carry around. It’s not just the kids who love the jolly fellow, though — some pets also jump for joy upon seeing that red suit. We love a good cheerful dog video this time of year, and the pup in this one will surely make your heart melt.


Episode 1 | When Huey the blue staffy met Santa for the first time | Can’t wait to see his reaction this year! #bluestaffypuppy #staffordshirebullterrier #staffylovers #staffysoftiktok

♬ Elf – Main Theme – Geek Music

Huey the Blue Staffy, who himself lives in Staffordshire England, has amassed quite a following on Tik Tok, including many darling Christmas videos. But none are better than his first intro to Santa Claus set to the iconic Theme from Elf (the Will Ferrell movie, that is). Huey frequently dons a festive sweater, and this adventure is no exception. Entitled “When Huey the blue staffy met Santa for the first time | Can’t wait to see his reaction this year!” it doesn’t disappoint.

In it, he sports a “Merry Christmas” jumper complete with red and green. You won’t believe how hyped up this sweet doggo gets when he lays eyes on his new best friend, Santa. After excitedly pulling on the leash, he finally gets to meet Kris Kringle and even gets a few pets and hugs. Santa ends the encounter by giving the precious pup a belly rub as well.

However, this is actually a repost from last year and we get to see Huey revisit his favorite time of year with a cute photo of him and Santa. Don’t worry, his dog mom posted this year’s encounter, including Huey’s intro to one of the famous elves as well.


Episode 1 | Huey the blue staffy meets Santa 2023 #staffy #bluestaffy #crazydog

♬ original sound – ??

Commenter Freddy Gomez proved to us that the soundtrack was particularly apt by saying, “This needs the Will Ferrell sound from Elf ‘Santa.'”  Anne added about this little pooch, “I think someone loves Santa Paws.” Many excited viewers indicated that they were looking into Staffordshire Bull Terriers, with some indicating that this particular video convinced them to go out and rescue one of these sweet beasties.

Chihuahua dresses in a reindeer hat ready to meet Santa
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Should my dog meet Santa?

While this particular buddy had the time of his life, experts advise you to think carefully before bringing your pup for his own outing. Some dogs might be spooked by the loud noises, bright lights, or even the intricate costumes. Remember that not every animal is suited to this type of adventure, and you can always fall back on a staged photo shoot at home with a blow-up or doll. If you do decide to make it out to the mall (or wherever your local Santa might be), make sure to plan ahead with plenty of treats, water, a cute outfit, and a dog brush in case his hair falls out of place. You probably can’t beat Huey, but your little guy will still have a blast.

Rebekkah Adams
Rebekkah’s been a writer and editor for more than 10 years, both in print and digital. In addition to writing about pets…
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