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Can dogs eat mango? Read this first

Find out if this tropical fruit is safe for your pup

australian shepherd in a field of flowers
Pexels User / Pexels

As humans, we love to share with our dogs. Perhaps your pet snuggles up to you in bed, sharing — or stealing — your blankets. Sharing experiences, like holiday activities, can also be a fun way to bond.

Food can get dicier, though. Some human-favorite items, like chocolate, are toxic for dogs. Others make fine (and even healthy) treats. If mango is your favorite fruit, you might want to slip your pet some. Also, your dog might always be around the fruit and sneak some off your plate. Can dogs eat mango safely? Generally, the answer to this question is yes, but there are some caveats. Also, correctly serving a mango is critical. Before throwing your dog a piece of this sweet fruit, here’s what to know.

a dog in the kitchen looking up at woman drinking coffee
Samson Katt / Pexels

Can dogs eat mango?

Generally, dogs can safely consume mango fruit. This answer may be a relief if your pup ate some mango or if you simply couldn’t resist those adorable puppy-dog eyes and forked over a slice. Mango contains some vitamins and nutrients that are good for people and pups alike, such as:

  • Fiber for digestion (too much can trigger discomfort and bloating, though)
  • Vitamin A for bones, vision, and immune health
  • Vitamin B6 for glucose levels, immune response, and red blood cell count
  • Vitamin C for immune response
  • Vitamin E for coat and skin health

Now, we should note: Your dog gets all the nutrients they need from a high-quality food appropriate for their weight and age. Your dog’s vet can point you in the right direction if you’re struggling to find one.

About 90% of a pet’s daily caloric intake should come from their regular food. The remaining 10% can be treats, including healthier options like mango.

a dog begging for food at the table
Zen Chung / Pexels

How to serve mango to your dog

Before serving mango to your dog, talk to your vet. While most pups can safely consume mango, others should steer clear. For instance, pets that are overweight may do best with standard food or fewer treats. Dogs with diabetes may not do well with the natural sugar in mango. If your dog doctor green lights serving your sweet pup this sweet fruit, follow these tips:

  1. Remove skin and pits. The skin and pit of the mango are choking hazards. If your dog swallows these mango parts, they can also get lodged in your pet’s digestive tract.
  2. Cut the mango into small pieces. This step also reduces choking risks and helps with portion control. Naturally, a Great Dane can have more mango daily than a Chihuahua.
  3. Watch your dog. If your dog experiences vomiting or changes in bowel movements, mango might not be the best treat for them. Also, you want to ensure your dog is still eating their standard diet and should reduce or stop giving them mango if this treat prompts appetite changes.
Ivan Babydov / Pexels

Final thoughts

If you love mango and want to let your dog take a taste, we have some good news: Mango is usually safe for dogs to consume in small portions. The sweet fruit also contains nutrients like fiber and vitamins that support everything from digestive health to the immune system. Still, everything a dog needs is in their food, which should comprise most of their diet. Consider mango a treat. It’s a good idea to ask your vet before feeding your dog human food and stop treating your pet with anything that triggers GI upset.

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