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These are the 5 dogs with the least health problems, so your furry friend sticks around for a long time

Bring home one of these breeds for a dog with the least health issues

A woman holds a white Poodle mix dog while sitting on the back of a pickup
Cindy Parks / Pixabay

Picking out the perfect pooch involves a lot more heart than science — you know the right one the second you see her. But when you choose a dog breed, you should consider a number of factors, including the animal’s health and life expectancy, along with other factors, such as size and temperament. After all, you need a pup that fits into your lifestyle and that sticks around with you for a long time. Here’s a list of the top five dog breeds with the least health issues.

A black Chihuahua against a yellow backdrop
Liam Ortiz / Pexels

What breed of dogs has the least health problems


We’re coming with this one out of the gate, because it’s the longest-living breed on average. They routinely make it to 20 and nearly always hit the teenage years if properly cared for. Chihuahuas generally have few health issues, though they can be prone to bad teeth, loose knees, and trachea problems like other small dogs. And don’t make the mistake that your tiny fluffer doesn’t need exercise: She will quickly become obese if not given enough walks and playtime.

Someone reaches down to pet the face of an Australian cattle dog
APION / iStock

Australian cattle dog

Sticking with the Guinness Book, the longest dog ever recorded was an Australian cattle dog named Bluey, who made it to 29! While the average age for the breed is much lower, this type comes from hardy stock. DNA testing is recommended, but you mostly need to keep track of your pet’s eyes and ears throughout her life.

Tan poodle lying on a bed
NAIMA_22 / Shutterstock


Problems with allergies? You’re in luck. In addition to being better for your health, the poodle comes with relatively few conditions of her own. Be particularly attentive to her joints and watch for hip dysplasia, plus keep your eye on optical issues. Because they’re so well bred, you could have your poodle for well over a decade.

A Belgian Malinois dog sits next to their owner during training
Grigory Bruev / Adobe Stock

Belgian Malinois

These beasties also make healthy animals because they’re bred so carefully. When selecting your Malinois, do your research as a dishonest breeder might not take the proper precautions and you could end up with an ill pup. Keep up with teeth brushing and ear cleaning to head off any problems in those areas.

A gray Italian greyhound photographed in front of a white background
Scika911 / Pixabay


We’re rounding out our list with the greyhound. You’ll want to keep an eye out for bloat, but otherwise, you should have a happy and long-lasting Fido. Before you bring her home, ensure her parents were tested for Greyhound Polyneuropathy — a good breeder will have already taken care of this.

A close-up shot of a red and white English bulldog puppy.
Meily Art / Shutterstock

What dog breed has the most health conditions?

We’re getting this out of the way up front: There are a few dog breeds known for having particularly bad health issues. Large dogs frequently suffer from hip problems, especially hip dysplasia. They also generally live much shorter life spans than their smaller counterparts, with the French mastiff often living the shortest amount of time (and clocking in at over 100 pounds).

On the flip side, some smaller breeds, such as the dachshund, can develop back problems and shouldn’t use stairs in their later years. Lastly, bulldogs are regarded by some as the dogs with the greatest health challenges — only get one if you’re prepared to take extra special care of them.

Remember that finding a healthy animal doesn’t end with picking the right breed. Research your future companion, making sure that breeding is being done ethically and both parents and babies are well cared for. Then look for any obvious signs of distress when you meet your potential puppy: limping, coughing, droopy or runny eyes, and weight issues. Lastly, it’s up to you to take good care of your furry friend by providing a balanced diet, going for regular checkups, and giving her proper exercise. In following those best practices and choosing a dog with the least health problems, you’re all but guaranteed to have a best friend for years to come.

Rebekkah Adams
Rebekkah’s been a writer and editor for more than 10 years, both in print and digital. In addition to writing about pets…
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Why do dogs like sticks? (Plus, tips for playing with this toy safely)
You shouldn't let them chew on sticks, but they might be able to carry them around anyway
A German shepherd fetching a stick in the snow

It's something of a running joke among humans across cultures and time: Dogs love to carry sticks in their mouths, even ones that are way too large. It seems that despite offering infinite treats and toys, they prefer the more natural playthings. You may have seen your buddy pick up a branch or two and proudly prance around with their prize. But why do dogs like sticks? Interestingly, there are a few motivations behind this inclination. Here's what you need to know about your pup's love of twigs.
Why do dogs like sticks?

Whether at the dog park, out for a walk, or in the backyard, your pooch will find sticks everywhere, as if they are drawn in like magic. And they might be! Truthfully, it really all comes down to their instincts that trace back to their wolfish ancestors. Here are a few reasons that dogs like sticks.
While we think of some dogs as elite hunters, they also have a strong drive to gather food, bedding, and other necessities. Your pet could fulfill this need by bringing home sticks or playing with them so they feel that they have checked this activity off of their list.
We know that chewing on Greenies is good for our dog's teeth, but what do they do when you're not around to provide dental treats? In the past, dogs had to rely on natural remedies to keep the pearly whites intact. Now you will especially find your puppies going for the sticks when teething. Adults also chew to strengthen their jaw muscles.
Dogs explore the world with their noses first and foremost. They enjoy interesting scents — you may notice your dog sniffing leaves, grass, and trees on walks. Sometimes, your animal might decide to bring a bit of the outdoors in and carry a stick into the house for the musky perfume it offers.
Some have suggested that dogs carry sticks because their predecessors frequently dragged around bones. There's some debate about this, but researchers point out that our beasties are actually omnivorous and have eaten plants for thousands of years as part of a varied diet.
Is it safe for dogs to chew on sticks?

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