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Orange and white cat looking up and chirping

Wondering why cats chirp? Fascinating reasons why your cat chirps at birds (and you)

Why do cats? As with many cat behaviors, we're still trying to understand precisely why cats chirp. Learn the fascinating reasons behind this curious behavior.
A dog licks a person's finger with yogurt on their nose

Are ‘dog years’ really 7 human years? How to calculate your dog’s age

Calculating dog years to human years isn't as simple as you think. Here's what you need to know about your dog's age, per research and experts.
A brown puppy lies in their crate on a blanket with their head resting on their crossed paws

How to stop a dog from peeing in their crate for good in 5 easy-to-follow steps

Learn how to stop dog from peeing in their crate — it's not as difficult as you may think. Just follow these 5 easy steps.
Man working on aquarium

What causes high pH in an aquarium? We’ll walk you through getting your tank levels in check

The cause of your high pH levels might be hard to figure out right away, but with a few countermeasures, you'll be at optimum levels in no time.
A man clips a leash on a beagle's collar.

Taking your dog’s collar off at night: Safe move or safety risk?

Some pet owners take off their dog's collar at night, but is that a smart move?
Cavalier King Charles spaniel lies on a pillow and looks into the camera with big eyes

7 affectionate and cute dog breeds for owners who love to cuddle

If you're looking for an affectionate dog breed that loves to be close to their owener, you can start with the cute and cuddly dog breeds on this list.
A hand and sponge wiping the side of a dirty green aquarium

Why is your aquarium water green? Follow these steps to get your water clear again

Is your aquarium water turning green? Here's the reason why, and the steps you can take to treat it and keep it from coming back.
Two brown dogs lying on a wood laminate floor; the focus is on their tails.

Why does my dog have a bald patch on their tail? Here are the answers you need

If your dog had a bald patch on their tail, it could be a sign of a minor problem or a major health issue. This is what you need to know before you panic
An old Great Dane with a white face leaning against a man's side.

How to tell if your older dog’s health decline means the end is near

There are signs to look out for to determine if your dog is nearing the end.
Beagle scratching body

Looking for signs your dog has ticks? These telltale symptoms mean you have a flea or tick problem

How do you know if your dog has ticks or fleas? These are the signs your dog has a tick or flea infestation and what to do about it.
Cat hiding in engine compartment of car.

How to help cats inside car engines … before it’s too late

Have you heard of cats climbing into parked car engines then hitching a ride? This does happen. Here's how to prevent it.
A dog sits outside and watches a baby

Video: This family dog is the world’s best babysitter

Can the family dog stand in for a babysitter? This video proves that pup's make the best child minders and companions.
why dogs shake tiny chihuahua on beige rug

My dog is shaking and acting weird – should I worry?

You should be concerned if your dog shakes and acts weird, but we're here to help. Here's what might be going on and what to do about it.
Cat sitting on a sunny balcony railing

How to cat-proof your balcony before the unthinkable happens

Learn how to cat-proof your balcony before injury or worse occurs.
Closeup of a Maine Coon's face

How to tell if your cat is a Maine Coon mix (and why you should care)

Maine Coon Cats are beautiful and beloved creatures. Look for these characteristics to determine if you have a Maine Coon mix on your hands.
Xylitol with a wooden spoon and chemical structure

Xylitol is dangerous for dogs: 10 surprising products that contain it as a hidden ingredient

Xylitol (AKA birch sugar) is bad for dogs, and it's hiding in many foods. These are the items you need to keep away from your pets.
Dog barks outside in a lawn

Funny dog video: Pup has an adorable reaction to a superhero pet on TV

This dog can't get enough of his favorite show because he gets to see a superhero pup on TV and it's the cutest thing.
Calico cat lying on its back in a grassy yard

There’s a totally normal reason cats throw up after eating grass – here’s why

This is why your cat throws up after eating grass.
Fish tank with aquatic plants

Wondering what sharks are ideal for your home aquarium? These sharks fit right in

Adding a shark to your aquarium creates a bit of mystery and intrigue. We’ve found some species that are small enough for you to enjoy.
Dog barking at night

Is your dog barking nonstop? Here’s how to get your noisy pup under control

Sometimes our pups bark for seemingly no reason and won't stop. Here are ways to get your noisy dog under control (and the reasons behind it).
a white kitten with blue eyes in a cat tree

When do kittens start eating food? Know the facts for your fur baby’s health

When do kittens start eating food? Introducing solids is a process. You'll want to follow this guide for introducing your kitten to solid food
a boston terrier wearing booties lies on a blue plaid blanket

How hot does concrete get in the sun? The answer might shock you

You need to protect your dog's paws from the heat this summer. This is how.
Closeup, of black and white dog's nose

Why is my dog panting? 7 solutions to try when your dog won’t stop panting

Some panting is normal, especially during play or exercise, but you'll want to be prepared in case your dog starts panting excessively.
Cute Chihuahua standing in grass.

4 effective ways to house-train your stubborn little Chihuahua

Chihuahuas can be a stubborn and sensitive breed, so helping them learn where to potty can be a challenge. Here's how to house-train Chihuahua puppies.
Mixbook Bailey's Story example of hardcover photo book

Preserve Fido’s memories: Build a personalized hardcover photo book today

With Mixbook, you can build a fully customized hardcover photo book to commemorate and preserve cherished memories with your loved ones, including your pets.
A man hugs a golden retriever, facing away from the camera

Science says dogs cry tears of happiness when reunited with their humans

The image of a crying dog might sound sad, but researchers found that dogs actually well up with tears when around someone they love.
A mama cat snuggling her three kittens.

When can kittens leave their mom? Don’t separate them too early

Kittens need to stay with their moms, so don't separate them too early.
A sweet golden retriever puppy lies on the grass

Video: Dog befriends bike thief (or why golden retrievers shouldn’t be guard dogs)

Why do golden retrievers make bad guard dogs? We look into this phenomenon with the help of a video showing a bad watch dog in action.
Child looking at baby turtle on counter

The do’s and don’ts of baby turtle care

Surprisingly, a new baby turtle can mean a big commitment. Take the best care of your new turtle with this baby turtle care guide.
Husky dog mix licks paw

Here’s how to treat a dog with itchy paws, starting with finding the cause of paw discomfort

If you notice your dog scratching, biting, or licking at their paws, you may want to keep an eye out for certain causes and find a treatment.
Senior golden retriever and Chihuahua sitting in front of food bowls

What is the best food for older dogs? These 6 vet-approved kibbles and canned foods won’t steer you wrong

The best food for older dogs will vary depending on their specific needs, but there are guidelines you can follow to help you find the perfect pick.
Ants crawling across wild mushroom caps.

Pet-safe pest control: This genius technique will get rid of pesky ants

These home remedies will get rid of pesty ants in your home while keeping your pets safe from harm.
White cat with blue eyes on a couch

When do kittens’ eyes change colors? The answer is so cool – here’s what to know

Kittens' eyes don't stay blue for long. When do kittens' eyes change colors? Here's everything you need to know about whether a cat's eyes can change color.
Blue litter box with scoop

How to get rid of fleas from the litter box: Step-by-step instructions

Did you know that fleas can live in a litter box? Here's how to tell if they're in your home, and how to get rid of fleas for good.
Labrador puppy drinking from a bowl

How much water should your puppy drink in a day? Here are the factors to consider

Make sure your puppy is drinking enough water by establishing a schedule. Here's how that will work as they grow up.
Beautiful couple watching television at home with their dog on sofa

Video: Adorable dog thinks the TV wants to play fetch

Why do dogs love fetch so much? Learn more about their breeding history and see a cute dog go after a virtual ball.
Small child looks into a jar of tadpoles

A simple guide to what to feed tadpoles in your aquarium

What to feed tadpoles? It depends on what stage of the metamorphosis they're in. Your tadpoles will be healthy and happy with this feeding routine.
Woman feeds a puppy as the pup gives her his paw

This is the ultimate week-by-week puppy training schedule every new pet parent needs

Bringing home a new puppy? Here's the week-by-week puppy training schedule you need to follow if you want to find success.
Crouching cat with tongue out

How to keep stray cats out of your yard respectfully and humanely

By the time you finish reading this article, you will have plenty of ideas for respectfully and humanely urging unwanted cats to stay away.
A husky jumps happily through the snow

Understanding husky language: Posture, tail wagging, ears, and other body clues

Do you ever wonder what your husky is thinking? You can find the answer in their body language, not in their operatic howls!
A pug stands in front of a pink background and licks whipped cream off of his nose

Are Starbucks Puppuccinos bad for dogs? Here’s what veterinarians have to say

Before you order your dog a Starbucks Puppuccino when you go to the drive-through, read our experts' advice. Whipped cream can be a great occasional treat!
Vet checks out small hamster

7 telltale signs of a dying hamster (and what you should do)

Hamsters typically live for two to three years. This is how to tell if your hamster is dying and what you can do to make the final days easier.
Terrier digging a hole in the backyard

Learn how to stop a dog from digging in the yard once and for all

Dogs dig for a variety of reasons. These tips will help you figure out why your dog is digging, and how you can prevent your pup from digging in the future.
A dog sits on a couch under a fan

Video: Genius dog figures out a way to beat the summer heat

How should you cool down a dog in summer? We give some of the best ways to help Fido stay chill, including a fan like the one in the video.
Dog looking through black dog crate

Where to put a dog crate in your house depends on these important factors

A dog crate can keep your fur baby safe while offering them a place to rest and feel at peace. Here's where to put a dog crate in your home.
Alert cat looking into the camera with wide eyes

Your cat trilling is actually a good thing – here’s why

Understanding how to recognize a cat's trilling and why your cat makes this noise can help you better recognize what they're trying to tell you.
Kitten in a crate

What you need to know about crating a cat at night

There are many reasons a cat may need to be crated at night. If you need to crate your cat, read this handy guide first.
Baby rabbit being held by owner

Is my rabbit pregnant? 5 telltale signs you should know

Are you wondering, "Is my rabbit pregnant?" These are the signs to look for before a rabbit gives birth and what to do when she delivers.
A gray-faced, old cocker spaniel smiles at the camera

Is your dog’s breathing problems old age or something else? What to know

As dogs get older, sometimes they develop new health conditions. Here's when to be concerned about your dog's breathing problems in old age.
A tiny gray kitten drinks from a ceramic plate

This video of a confused kitty discovering a cat water fountain is adorable

Cats often prefer running water, but this little kitten doesn't yet know it. This video shows how a kitty tries to figure out her cat water fountain.